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Author: 林鉫浚
Chia-Chun Lin
Thesis Title: 一個適用於供應鏈網路的RFID反碰撞標籤辨識協定
A Tree-based Anti-collision Protocol for RFID Tag Identification in Supply Chain Network
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 簡宏宇
Hung-Yu Chien
Shi-Cho Cha
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2010
Graduation Academic Year: 98
Language: 英文
Pages: 42
Keywords (in Chinese): 供應鏈網路標籤識別反碰撞無線射頻技術
Keywords (in other languages): Supply Chain Network, tag identification, anti-collision, RFID
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  • 無線射頻技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID),是一種非接觸式的自動辨識技術於無線通道中進行讀取器與標籤之間的溝通識別。隨著這個能力,RFID技術已經應用於許多實際案例,如物流、庫存控制以及供應鏈管理。在供應鏈的流程中放在一起的物品,通常會有連續的標籤號碼,當讀取器打算取得所有標籤的身份時,號碼相近的標籤其回應訊號可能因互相碰撞而導致讀取器辨識失敗,此種情形稱為訊號碰撞。這種現象將會降低標籤識別的效率。
    本篇論文將採用k元樹的抽象概念,發展出一套高效能的標籤識別協定(稱為k-ary Tree-based Anti-collision Scheme, k-TAS),用以解決供應鏈上物品辨識時的訊號碰撞問題,並且提升辨識效率。另外,我們建構了一個供應鏈網路的模擬流程,用以評估我們所提出的協定與其他既有協定間的效率優劣。實驗結果顯示,無論在辨識延遲或是通訊成本方面,我們所提出的標籤識別協定皆優於其他既有的RFID反碰撞標籤辨識協定。

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a contactless automatic identification technology which communications between readers and tags via a shared wireless channel. With the ability of contactless identification, RFID has been adopted in several practical applications, such as logistics, inventory control, and supply chain management. In the supply chain process, the items which put together usually have continuous tag IDs. When a reader intends to gather all IDs from numerous existing tags, the tag-to-reader response may collide with each other and result in an identification failure called signal collision. This phenomenon will greatly degrade the tag recognition efficiency. To solve this problem, we design an efficient tag identification protocol for better tag recognition efficiency. A k-ary tree based abstract is adopted in our proposed protocol, called k-ary Tree-based Anti-collision Scheme (k-TAS), as an underlying architecture for collision resolution. In addition, we construct a supply chain network simulation process to evaluate the performance of our proposed RFID anti-collision protocol and other existing ones. The performance evaluation shows that our proposed tag identification protocol outperforms the existing RFID anti-collision schemes in terms of the identification delay and communication overhead.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III Contents IV List of Figures V List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Work 5 2.1 Electronic Product Code (EPC) 5 2.2 RFID Tree-based Anti-collision Algorithms 10 Chapter 3 Proposed Scheme 14 3.1 k-ary Tree-based Anti-collision Scheme (k-TAS) 15 3.2 An Example of k-TAS 21 Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation 26 4.1 Supply Chain Network Scenario 27 4.2 Impact of the system parameter i 29 4.3 Impact of the number of tags 32 4.3.1 Scenario I (Nc=1, Nt=1)–Inventory management 32 4.3.2 Scenario II (Nc=1, Nt=3)–Manufacturer delivery 35 4.3.3 Scenario III (Nc=3, Nt=10)–Distributor picking 37 Chapter 5 Conclusion 39 Reference 40

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