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研究生: 劉知潔
Jhih-Jie Liou
論文名稱: 生物共同設計之設計創作
Design Creations through Co-design with Organisms
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
口試委員: 苑守慈
Soe-Tsyr Yuan
Jeng-Neng Fan
Rung-Huei Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 生物共同設計創造力層級
外文關鍵詞: Organisms, co-design, levels of creativity
相關次數: 點閱:255下載:51
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  • 大自然提供人類維持生命活力的各種物質,且滿足人們在生理和心理方面各種的需要。回顧近代設計史,本創作發現自然對歐美設計運動、著名建築師、日本建築運動和設計手法,皆有舉足輕重的影響。然而,過往大都是設計師的作品所應用的手法或概念較單純地模仿自然,惟如此作法對實際解決環境退化問題仍相當有限。作為唯一具有理解和表達能力的有意識生物,人類必須視生物界為共創者。要做到這一點,設計必須結合自然,形成人類及生物彼此的合作夥伴關係,並視生物為一共同創作夥伴,以提高作品的完整度與功能性。

    本研究目的旨在探討設計師與生物共同設計的可能性。首先,透過文獻探討,本研究探討生物的共同特質和種間交互作用;爾後,蒐集設計案例,進而以創造力層級探討設計師和生物共同設計的可能發展模式和思維;最後,發掘與生物共同設計之設計流程。本創作研究的設計實踐共含蓋兩大系列作品,其一是以大麥蟲的啃食行為應用於燈具設計—「蟲燈 Worm Lamp」,且分別發展出三款具有不同光影和形態的燈具設計;其二,以植物生長行為應用於字體設計—「草字 Plantypography」。以此兩系列作品來作為應用生物共同設計手法的初探,本研究冀望透過設計師的介入,讓處處充滿驚奇的生物行為能夠被轉換為可被運用的設計語言,且提供設計領域更多的詮釋手法與靈感來源。

    Nature provides people with a variety of substances maintaining vitality, and meets people’ needs in physiological and psychological aspects. According to history of design, nature has an influence on some of European and American design movements, the famous architects, Japanese architectural movement, and even design methods. However, in the past, most of designers just applied the idea of imitating nature in design creations. These designs are artifacts, which are not able to solve the problems of environmental degradation. As the creatures being able to understand and express feelings, people have to be the administrator in nature. For the reason, people could co-create with nature, and living organisms as essential components could be treated as partnerships with designers to enhance the function of the finished work.

    This study aims at exploring the possibilities of co-designing between designers and organisms. First, this study explored common traits and interspecific interactions of organisms. Then, this study further classified design cases and discovered possible developments and thinking through levels of creativity. Lastly, this study uncovered the new design process of co-creating with organisms. The study proposed two series of design creations: Worm Lamp and Plantypogrpahy. Worm Lamp contains three lamp designs in different forms which designer co-design with worms through the behavior of chewing, while Plantypography is a typeface which designer applies plants’ growing behavior in alphabet design. The above design creations presented initial explorations through applying co-design with organisms. Finally, the study has experimented and observed more iconic topics of organisms that have astounding transformations of diverse behaviors among living organisms evolving the design process.

    一、緒論 1.1 創作背景與動機 1.2 創作目的 1.3 創作流程 二、文獻回顧 2.1 自然 2.2 生物 2.2.1生物分類 2.2.2生物共同特質 2.2.3種間交互作用 2.3 共同設計 三、案例探討與解析 3.1 設計案例探討 3.1.1 AntWorks Habitats 3.1.2 Cattedrale Vegetale 3.1.3 Cocoon Plan (作繭計畫) 3.1.4 Contagion Advertisement 3.1.5 Contaminant 3.1.6 Growing Chair 3.1.7 Growth Pattern 3.1.8 Honeycomb Vase 3.1.9 Jellyfish Lamp 3.1.10 Lake Constance Footbridge 3.1.11 Latro 3.1.12 Local River 3.1.13 Moss Table 3.1.14 Multi-colored Ants 3.1.15 Mushrooms Ate My Furniture 3.1.16 Plantable 3.1.17 Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya 3.1.18 Symbiosis 3.1.19 Upside Down Chair 3.1.20正確的蘿蔔 3.2 小結 四、創作題材與初步概念構想 4.1 創作題材搜集 4.2 初步題材實驗 4.2.1 可能題材說明 4.2.2 可能題材實驗 4.2.3 小結 4.3 草圖 五、設計實作 5.1 蟲燈 Worm Lamp 5.1.1 蟲吊燈 Worm Hanging Lamp 5.1.2 蟲立燈 Worm Standing Lamp 5.1.3 蟲桌燈 Worm Desk Lamp 5.1.4 設計成果 5.2 草字 Plantypography 5.2.1 草字 Plantypography 5.2.2 草言集 Plantypography Poetry 5.2.3 設計成果 六、作品展示規劃與設計 七、結論與建議 7.1 結論 7.2 系列作品建議 7.2.1 蟲燈系列作品建議 7.2.2 草字系列作品建議 7.3 後續創作與建議 參考文獻 英文文獻 中文文獻 網路文獻


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