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研究生: 王于萍
Yu-Ping Wang
論文名稱: 具虛功補償之併網型單相全橋換流器
Grid-Tied Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter with Reactive Power Compensation
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
口試委員: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Jing-Yuan Lin
Yu-Chen Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 單相全橋換流器混合調變虛功補償數位控制
外文關鍵詞: Single-phase full-bridge inverter, hybrid modulation, reactive power compensation, digital control
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:18
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  • 隨著科技高速發展,全球對於能源之需求日漸提高,然而可用之燃料資源有限且環保意識提升,因此各國隨之訂定能源政策,致力於發展再生能源。而隨著再生能源佔比提高,電網之穩定性成為重要課題,分散式能源及微電網則成為重點發展之方向。本論文旨在實現一併網型單相換流器,並具虛功補償功能,使其可應用於分散式能源及微電網中,透過控制輸出虛功率以維持電網之供電穩定性。本文所使用之架構為兩相交錯式切換之全橋換流器,透過交錯式切換可將電流分流至各相,減少開關元件上之損耗,並且可將電流漣波抵消,達到較低的總諧波失真量。而本文使用混合調變,其相較於雙極性與單極性調變,具有較佳的轉換效率。於控制方面,使用微控制器以數位控制之形式實現,系統應用鎖相迴路及PQ功率計算理論,透過提供系統功率命令,並藉由所設計之電流迴路控制器及電網電壓前饋,可達到輸出電流之控制。本文利用PSIM模擬軟體驗證控制策略及電路參數之可行性,並實作出一台功率為3750 VA,直流電壓為400 V,交流電壓為230 V之併網型單相全橋換流器。

    With the rapid development of technology, the global demand for energy is increasing. However, due to the limited available fuel resources, and enhanced awareness of environmental protection, many countries have formulated energy policies and are committed to developing renewable energy resources. As the penetration of renewable energy increases, the stability of the power grid becomes an important issue, and distributed generation and microgrids have become key areas of development. This thesis aims to realize a single-phase grid-tied inverter with reactive power compensation for applications in distributed generation systems and microgrids. By controlling the output reactive power, the inverter can maintain the stability of the power grid. The topology used in this thesis is a two-phase interleaved full-bridge inverter which allows the current to be distributed among each phases, reducing losses in the switching components and canceling out current ripples, resulting in lower total harmonic distortion. The paper uses hybrid modulation, which has better efficiency compared to bipolar and unipolar modulation. In terms of control system, a microcontroller is used for digital control. A phase-locked loop and PQ theory are applied in the system. By providing the system with power commands and with designed current loop controller and grid voltage feedforward, control of the output current can be achieved. The feasibility of the control strategy and circuit parameters is verified through PSIM simulation software. A 3750 VA grid-tied single-phase full-bridge inverter with a DC voltage of 400 V and an AC voltage of 230 V is implemented.

    摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖索引 表索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與目的 1.2 論文大綱 第二章 單相全橋換流器 2.1 全橋換流器調變法介紹 2.1.1 雙極性調變法 2.1.2 單極性調變法 2.1.3 混合調變法 2.2 電路動作原理分析 第三章 功率因數控制 3.1 功率因數定義 3.2 鎖相迴路 3.2.1 正交訊號產生器 3.2.2 二階廣義積分器鎖相迴路 3.3 電流命令計算 3.4 功率級小信號模型 3.5 電流迴路控制器設計 3.5.1 比例-積分控制器設計 3.5.2 電網電壓前饋 第四章 系統規格與韌體規劃 4.1 電路規格 4.2 韌體規劃 4.2.1 微控制器簡介 4.2.2 系統控制架構圖 4.2.3 系統初始化設定 4.2.4 中斷副程式流程規劃 第五章 電路模擬與實驗結果 5.1 模擬結果 5.1.1 模擬電路圖 5.1.2 功率因數控制模擬波形 5.2 實驗結果 5.2.1 功率因數控制實測波形 5.2.2 實驗數據 第六章 結論與未來展望 6.1 結論 6.2 未來展望 參考文獻

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