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研究生: 劉佩昀
Pei-Yun Liou
論文名稱: 組織文化與居家辦公滿意度關係對員工敬業度的影響-數位轉型之中介效果
The relationship between organizational culture and satisfaction of work from home and the impacts on employee engagement: Digital transformation as a mediator
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
Chia-lin Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 數位轉型彈性⼯作安排居家辦公⼯作與⽣活的平衡⼯作滿意度員⼯敬業度組織⽂化
外文關鍵詞: digital transformation, flexible work arrangements, work from home, work-life balance, job satisfaction, employee engagement, organizational culture
相關次數: 點閱:416下載:0
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  • 疫情加速了企業的數位轉型,同時也改變了傅統的⼯作模式,惟於後疫時代,企業是否仍願意提供此新型態中的居家辦公政策則為值得探討之議題。本研究欲了解員⼯敬業度會受到何種因素的影響,並以彈性⼯作安排中之居家辦公政策為例,探討組織之數位轉型程度及組織⽂化是否會影響政策實施的成功與否,⽽最終改變員⼯敬業度。
    本研究採⽤量化⽅式,總計收回 484 份有效問卷。分析後結果顯⽰,數位轉型成熟度實會影響員⼯對於居家辦公政策的滿意度,並且藉由此政策,能夠提升員⼯⼯作與⽣活的平衡以及⼯作滿意度,從⽽能夠增強員⼯敬業度。除此外,本研究亦發現於創新型組織⽂化中,對數位轉型程度與員⼯使⽤此政策之滿意度皆呈正向影響,並且,確定了數位轉型於組織⽂化與居家辦公中之中介效果。

    The pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises, and also
    changed tradition work mode. However, in the post-COVID-19, whether enterprises are
    still willing to provide work from home policy is an issue worth discussing. This study aims to understand which factors affect employee engagement and takes the work from home policy in flexible work arrangements as an example to explore whether digital transformation and organization culture will affect the success of the policy
    implementation, and ultimately change the employee engagement.
    This study used quantitative method and totally collected 484 valid data. The results
    show that the maturity of digital transformation will affect employees' satisfaction with the work from home policy. Through this policy, employees' work-life balance and job satisfaction can be improved, thereby enhancing employee engagement. In addition, this study found that in adhocracy organizational culture, there is a positive impact on the degree of digital transformation and employee satisfaction with using this policy, and also found that there is mediation effect of digital transformation between organizational culture and work from home.

    中⽂摘要 ii Abstract iii 致謝 iv ⽬錄 v 圖⽬錄 vii 表⽬錄 viii 1. 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機與⽬的 3 1.3. 研究流程 4 2. ⽂獻探討 6 2.1. 數位轉型 6 2.2. 居家辦公 9 2.3. ⼯作與⽣活的平衡 11 2.4. ⼯作滿意度 . 13 2.5. 員⼯敬業度 14 2.6. 組織⽂化 16 3. 研究⽅法 20 3.1. 研究架構與假說 20 3.2. 問卷內容 21 3.3. 抽樣設計 21 3.4. 統計分析 22 3.4.1. 敘述性統計分析 22 3.4.2. 信度分析 22 3.4.3. 效度分析 23 3.4.4. 結構⽅程式模型分析 24 3.4.5. 中介效果分析 26 4. 研究分析結果 28. 4.1. 敘述性統計分析 28 4.2. 信度分析 29 4.3. 效度分析 31 4.4. 結構⽅程式模型分析 31 4.5. 中介效果檢定 34 5. 結論與建議 36 5.1. 研究結論 36 5.2. 學術貢獻 37 5.3. 管理意涵 38 5.4. 研究限制與未來建議 39 參考⽂獻 41 附件:問卷 49

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