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研究生: 賴弘恩
Hung-En Lai
論文名稱: 儲氫合金鈦-釩-錳及鈦-鉻-錳之三元相圖
Ternary Phase Diagram of Hydrogen Storage Alloys:Ti-V-Mn and Ti-Cr-Mn
指導教授: 李嘉平
Chiapyng Lee
Yee-wen Yen
口試委員: 高振宏
C. Robert Kao
Meng-Kuang Huang
Albert T. Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 儲氫合金體心立方萊維氏相鈦系燃料電池平衡相圖
外文關鍵詞: hydrogen storage alloys, body center cubic, Ti-based
相關次數: 點閱:406下載:48
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Ti、V、Cr、Mn四種元素熔點皆高於1200℃,因此需要使用電弧熔煉爐(Arc melter)進行樣品製備。隨後將密封好樣品置放於900℃退火五週,使達相平衡。之後利用SEM和EPMA進行微結構觀測,及利用WDS進行成分分析。利用XRD測定樣品粉末分析相結構與晶格常數。
實驗中並無發現三元化合物的存在。所有 BCC結構固溶相,如(β-Ti)、(V)、(Cr)、(Mn)對第三金屬元素均有相當大的溶解度。甚至在Ti-V-Mn相圖中,(β-Ti)與(V)形成一範圍甚大的連續固溶相區域。具高速活化與高儲氫容的Laves相結構,在兩個三元相圖中均對第三金屬元素有相當大的溶解度。
尤其Ti-Cr-Mn三元中,TiMn2與β-TiCr2更是形成一連續單相。本研究的相圖中,以Laves與(β-Ti, V) 最易於與其它生成相形成三元相平衡。因此可發現相對其它相結構,Laves與(β-Ti, V)為相圖中最容易穩定存在、最為穩定的生成相。

In this study, the phase equilibrium of hydrogen storage alloys Ti-Cr-Mn and Ti-V-Mn, have been studied by experimental method. The relevant studies reported that the hydrogen storage alloys formed by Ti, V, Cr, and Mn metals have a very well hydrogen storage capacity. The phase diagrams of these metal systems were investigated in this study.
The metals, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn, have a melting point higher than 1200℃. Therefore, arc-melter was utilized to prepare these samples. Then the samples were annealed at 900℃ for 5 weeks to reach equilibrium. Afterward, the microstructures were observed by SEM and EPMA, and the composition was analyzed by WDS. Samples in powder were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer for studying the crystal structures and the lattice parameters.
In this study, we did not discover any ternary compounds. All of solid solutions, like (β-Ti), (V), (Cr), (Mn), with BCC structures have a large solubility. Furthermore, (β-Ti) and (V) formed a wide-range continuous solid solutions in Ti-V-Mn phase diagram. The Laves phase has rapid hydrogen absorption-desorption rate and high storage capacity with large solubility as well.
Furthermore, TiMn2 and β-TiCr2 formed a single continuous phase in the phase diagram of Ti-Cr-Mn. In our phase diagram, the Laves phase and (β-Ti, V) phase formed the largest number of ternary equilibrium with other phases. Therefore, these phases are the most easily exist and stable ones in Ti-Cr-Mn and Ti-V-Mn phase diagrams compared to the other phases.

摘要 I 英文摘要 II 致 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2-1 燃料電池簡介 7 2-2 儲氫合金簡介 8 2-2.1 P-C-T圖分析研究 8 2-2.2 儲氫合金種類 10 2-2.3 各種新型鈦系合金 15 2-3 相平衡圖 18 2-4 Ti、V、Cr、Mn相圖系統 22 2-4.1 Ti-V二元系統 22 2-4.2 Ti-Cr二元系統 22 2-4.3 Ti-Mn二元系統 22 2-4.4 Cr-Mn二元系統 23 2-4.5 V-Mn二元系統 23 2-4.6 Ti-Cr-Mn與Ti-V-Mn三元系統 23 第三章 實驗方法 27 3-1 鈦-鉻-錳及鈦-釩-錳三元相圖製作 27 3-1.1 三元相圖製作 27 3-1.2 合金製備及熱處理 27 3-1.3 金相與X光結構繞射分析 28 3-2 實驗藥品及儀器 31 3-2.1 實驗藥品 31 3-2.2 合金製備、觀測與分析儀器 31 第四章 結果與討論 34 4-1 鈦-鉻-錳三元平衡相圖 34 4-2 鈦-釩-錳三元平衡相圖 61 第五章 結論 80 5-1 鈦-鉻-錳三元平衡相圖 80 5-2 鈦-釩-錳三元平衡相圖 80 5-3 三元相圖研究之總結 80 參考文獻 82 附錄一 Narrow Scan Ti(Cr1-x, Mnx)2 of Ti-Cr-Mn 86 附錄二 相關儲氫合金研究組成 87

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