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研究生: 馬明莉
Luz - Maria Martinez Rojas
論文名稱: 企業社會責任與聲望管理之間的關係:以墨西哥餐廳為例
A study of the relationship between Corporate social responsibility and Reputation management: A case study Analysis of a Mexican restaurant chain.
指導教授: 葉明義
Ming-Yih Yeh
口試委員: 欒斌
Luarn Pin
Chou Tzu-Chuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 企業社會責任信譽資產利益相關者溝通策略
外文關鍵詞: Corporate Social Responsibility, Reputational Assets, Stakeholders, Communication strategy
相關次數: 點閱:408下載:14
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  • 摘要

    最近,長期企業社會責任(CSR)已成為越來越受歡迎。隨著人民和社區具有增加獲得各種信息和通信技術,社會和全球市場,在全球層面的問題,氣候變化或錯誤的財富分配,不同的演員符合自己的言論和社會行為根據這種情況下,尋找新形式的工作,組織和結社自由。越來越多的公司不僅嘗試的功能在今天的市場,而且要解決的問題當今世界,甚至使他們有機會發展自己的業務。這兩家公司,面臨著需要保持競爭力在這種情況下,必須綜合考慮這些在他們的管理。通過 CSR公司的戰略和模式因此成為一個非常具有吸引力的選擇。




    Recently the term corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly popular. With people and communities that have a increasing access to various information and communication technologies, societies and global markets, and issues on a global level as climate change or the wrong distribution of wealth, different actors conform their speech and social behavior under this scenario, looking new forms of work, organization and association. Increasingly more companies not only try function in today's market, but also to address the problems of today's world, making even an opportunity to grow their own business. The companies, faced with the need to stay competitive in this scenario, must integrate these considerations in their management. The adoption of strategies and CSR models thus becomes a very attractive option.

    This study attempts to move towards a more comprehensive knowledge of corporate social responsibility as a companies’ resource of managing reputation. One of the key issues to justify the analysis of the concept of CSR, defined as long-term investment, are its potential effects on organizational performance. In the field of corporate reputational assets, corporate social responsibility is seen as one of its fundamental tools.

    This research describes and analyzes the case of a company considered socially responsible in order to contribute to the understanding of CSR effects on organization’s stakeholders as a fundamental element for building reputation. The analysis model designed for this research provides evidences that support the proposition that corporate reputation is built through identification of needs and commitments of the company towards its stakeholders in responding to these expectations by the implementation of CSR actions and an effective communication strategy.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACTI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTII TABLE OF CONTENTSIII LIST OF TABLESV LIST OF FIGURESVI Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Research background and motivation1 1.2 Research objectives3 1.3 Research contributions3 1.4 Research structure and framework4 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW6 2.1 History of corporate social responsibility6 2.2 Theoretical perspectives used in corporate social responsibility10 2.3 Corporate social responsibility as strategy12 2.4 Corporate reputation13 2.5 Corporate social responsibility as a determinant for developing reputational assets13 2.6 Reputation and stakeholders18 2.7 Types of company’s responsibilities21 2.8 Corporate social responsibility programs24 2.9 Communicating socially responsible actions26 2.10 Corporate social responsibility and the misinterpretations of the concept.27 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY29 3.1 Case study method29 3.2 Research structure30 Chapter 4 CASE STUDY BACKGROUND33 4.1 Corporate Social Responsibility in Mexico33 4.2 Company Background38 Chapter 5 CASE STUDY ANALYSIS42 5.1 Corporate social responsibility in TOKS41 5.2 TOKS’ Stakeholders and commitments43 5.3 TOKS’ CSR actions44 5.4 TOKS’ CSR impacts53 5.5 TOKS’ CSR communication strategy60 5.6 TOKS’ Reputation63 Chapter 6 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS67 6.1 Discussion67 6.2 Recommendations71 6.3 Conclusions and future studies72 REFERENCES74


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    1.Centro Mexicano de Filantropía (CEMEFI)

    2.TOKS Restaurante Chain

    3.Productive Projects