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研究生: 劉俊良
Chung-Liang Liu
論文名稱: 應用田口方法開發連續式奈米纖維紗線製程之研究
Developing Continuous Process of Electrospun Nanofibrous Yarn By Taguchi Method Analysis
指導教授: 蘇清淵
Ching-Iuan Su
口試委員: 楊銘乾
Ming-Chien Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 靜電紡絲奈米纖維紗田口方法變異數分析主成分分析法聚丙烯腈
外文關鍵詞: Electrospining, Nanofibrous yarn, Taguchi, ANOVA, PCA, PAN
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:0
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  •   近年來隨著靜電紡絲技術的發展,奈米纖維紗的開發已成為學者研究的焦點之一。本研究將架構高穩定、高生產效率之連續化奈米纖維紗線之新型成紗機構,藉由田口式直交表之實驗方法,以較小的實驗次數、較短的試驗週期,以及較低的實驗成本評估各因子所帶來之影響,得到各特性高於平均值之上之參數組合,並以變異數分析與主成分分析法尋求權衡各品質特性之奈米纖維紗線實驗參數組合。
    本研究以紡出11.4tex之紗支纖度為目標,固定電壓20kV,初始溫度與相對溼度分別設定30±2℃/30±3%RH,使用兩紡嘴之間距為20cm,捲取速度為100cm/min,撚係數為25,收集面尖端和捲取之間距為30cm,實驗中四個因子與三組參數設定為延伸倍率(1.0倍、1.5倍、2.0倍),紡嘴號數(20G、22G、24G),紡絲流速(3ml/hr、5ml/hr、7ml/hr)與延伸溫度(80 °C、100 °C、120 °C),以田口式直交表L9(34)進行實驗規劃。經由有系統的量化評估,利用因子之訊號雜訊比反應圖歸納奈米纖維紗中之平均纖維直徑、纖維直徑變異係數、纖維排列角度標準差三種品質特性各別之最佳參數組合,並進一步經由熱延伸之最適化設計提高纖維之順向性,提升聚丙烯腈奈米纖維紗強力,經由有系統之實驗設計,驗證此新型機構適用於連續化奈米纖維紗之生產,提供日後深入發展奈米纖維紗技術之參考。  
    經過最佳化參數分析後,可得到此機構中以纖維細度、纖維平均度與纖維順向度為品質特性之最佳參數組合,再以主成分分析法求得權衡此三種品質特性之最佳參數,其最佳參數組合為22G紡嘴、紡絲流速7mL/hr、延伸倍率2倍以及延伸溫度120 °C,奈米纖維紗之強力為2.72cN/tex。

    In recent years, with the development of electrospinning technology, the development of nanofiber yarn has become one of the focused research. The goal of this study is to design a continuous nanofiber yarn mechanism with high steady and high production efficient. Through Taguchi orthogonal array and analysis of variance (ANOVA), using smaller experimental frequency, shorter experimental period and lower experimental costs to evaluate the effect of each factors, the optimum parameters for different quality characteristics can be determined. Further, the multiple quality characteristics is analyzed by ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA).
    In this study, spinning 11.4tex as target, voltage is 20kV, temperature and humidity are set as 30±2℃/30±3%RH, the discussed control factors are draw ratio, nozzle size, flow rate, and elongation temperature. Draw ratio use 1.0times, 1.5times and 2.0times. Nozzle size use 20G(0.6mm), 22G(0.42mm) and 24G(0.31mm). Flow rate use 3ml/hr, 5ml/hr and 7ml/hr. Elongation temperature use 80 °C, 100 °C and 120 °C. The experiment is designed by Taguchi L9(34) orthogonal array. The considered quality characteristics are fiber diameter, fiber uniformity and fiber arrangement. Further, through the optimum design of hot drawing conditions, the strength of PAN nanofiber yarn can be improved. According to this experiment design, the feasibility of this novel mechanism for continuous nanofibrous yarn can be verified, and the result can provide the reference for technology of nanofiber yarn’s development in the future.
    According to experiments, three quality characteristics of fiber diameter, fiber uniformity and fiber agreement have optimum parameters. After principal component analysis, characteristics occurs as nozzle is 22G, flow rate is 7ml/hr, draw ratio is 2 and hot elongation temperature is 120 °C. In addition, the tensile of nanofibrous yarn is 2.72cN/tex
    This study use 7.4 degree of twist and 25 coefficient of twist get yarn fitness 11.4tex, set it as target, experiment of yarn fitness is about 7.4tex to 12tex. After physical characteristics test, the yarn fitness of 10.95tex is more uniform and has more stress. According to these experiments, the higher the draw ratio and elongation temperature, the higher the strain.

    摘要I AbstractIII 致謝V 目錄VI 圖目錄IX 表目錄XI 1 第一章、緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 文獻回顧1 1.3 國內外靜電紡絲法研究概況3 1.4 奈米纖維製備法4 1.4.1 拉拔法(Drawing)6 1.4.2 模板合成(Template Synthesis)7 1.4.3 相分離(Phase Separation)7 1.4.4 自組裝(Self-Assembly)8 1.4.5 靜電紡絲法(Electrospinning)8 1.5 實驗動機與目的9 2 第二章、理論11 2.1 靜電紡絲原理11 2.1.1 基本原理11 2.1.2 參數設定12 2.2 靜電紡絲機構16 2.2.1 奈米纖維膜成形機構17 2.2.2 奈米纖維紗線成形機構19 3 第三章、製程參數最佳化理論21 3.1 實驗方法概論21 3.1.1 試誤法21 3.1.2 一次一因子法21 3.1.3 全因子法22 3.1.4 田口式直交表實驗法22 3.2 田口方法(Taguchi Method)23 3.2.1 直交表24 3.2.2 訊號雜訊比27 3.3 變異數分析31 3.3.1 標準差32 3.3.2 變異平方和32 3.3.3 自由度33 3.3.4 均方33 3.3.5 淨平方和33 3.3.6 F值34 3.3.7 貢獻度34 3.3.8 合併誤差34 3.3.9 信賴區間35 3.4 主成分分析法36 3.4.1 原理概述36 3.4.2 方法應用37 4 第四章、實驗40 4.1 實驗材料40 4.2 實驗設備與儀器40 4.3 實驗流程41 4.4 實驗方法42 4.4.1 靜電紡絲溶液配製42 4.4.2 靜電紡絲工程42 4.4.3 奈米纖維紗線成形工程42 4.5 實驗分析44 4.5.1 品質特性分析45 4.5.2 奈米纖維紗線物性分析47 5 第五章、結果與討論48 5.1 奈米纖維紗線微細結構分析48 5.1.1 纖維平均直徑分析53 5.1.2 纖維直徑變異度分析57 5.1.3 纖維排列角度標準差分析60 5.2 品質特性確認實驗63 5.2.1 纖維平均直徑確認實驗63 5.2.2 纖維直徑變異度確認實驗64 5.2.3 纖維排列角度標準差確認實驗65 5.3 多重品質評估66 5.4 奈米纖維紗物性測試73 5.4.1 紗支均勻度測試73 5.4.2 機械強度測試76 6 第六章、結論78 參考文獻80 附錄89

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