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研究生: 汪逵賢
論文名稱: 價值創新與企業轉型之研究 -以A裝修機電工程公司為研究對象
The Study of Innovation Value and Enterprise Transformation Taking A MEP Engineering Company as Research Object
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 欒斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 價值創新企業轉型裝修機電
外文關鍵詞: Value innovation, enterprise transformation, decoration electromechanical
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:0
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  • 企業競爭不僅在價格上的評比,更在於企業價值是否與時俱進地創新、能否取得轉型的先機,以便在時代變動的巨輪下得以存續。價值創新者重新定義客戶問題,也得以創造新的契機;企業在牢固核心競爭力面對挑戰時,必須同時以轉型因應多變的市場需求。價值創新非一蹴可及,需要洞察出市場真正的需要,正如同企業轉型亦須謹慎而為,經營者不僅要從心態上改變,也需要從管理的模式調整。

    Enterprise competition is not only focusing on price comparison but on whether the company's value is innovative with times and catch up in the business transformation. Value innovators redefine customer desire and create new opportunities. When facing challenges with firm core competitiveness, companies must also respond to changing market demands with transformation. Value innovation is not easy to achieve, which requires insight into the real needs of the market. Just as companies need to be cautious in their transformation, entrepreneurs should not only change their mind about times but need to adjust from the management methods.
    Company A has been following the footsteps of Taiwan's economy and has a successful growth since 40 years ago. In the electromechanical engineering industry, company A has won with excellent design techniques, strict workers' abilities evaluation, and cost control, flexible communication professions. Therefore, company A won customers' trust in this industry. From participating in the formulation of national standardization of electromechanical systems to taking over the construction projects of six-star hotels, international boutique shopping centers, world-class mobile phone exhibition, as well as the sales centers, company A has done great jobs in every project. This research discusses how companies have undergone innovation and transformation through learning in project management systems, and upgrading projects service quality with a finesse organization and a strong engineering team to continuous innovation value. At the same time, the goal of company A is towards the vision of sustainable management.

    摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 IV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 1 第三節 研究流程 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 價值創新(VALUE INNOVATION) 4 第二節 企業轉型(ENTERPRISE TRANSFORMATION) 11 第三章 產業發展歷程 20 第一節 機電工程概論 20 第二節 裝修機電工程現況 25 第三節 時代的挑戰 29 第四章 個案公司發展探討 36 第一節 個案公司背景介紹 36 第二節 草創期 — 在設計中開創新局(1982~1990) 39 第三節 成長期 — 在企業轉型中創新價值(1991~2000) 42 第四節 成熟期 — 在品管中創新價值(2001~2010) 46 第五節 穩定與轉型期 — 在專業中學習再創新價值(2011~2019) 49 第六節 個案公司轉型與價值創新 53 第七節 管理模式及策略的調整 55 第五章 淬煉蛻變中開創新局 57 第一節 以企業轉型策略創造新價值 57 第二節 厚植幹部應變力、強化顧客忠誠度 59 第三節 創新管理模式靈活組織動能 61 第六章 結論與建議 66 第一節 研究結論 66 第二節 研究建議 67 參考文獻 69 中文文獻 69 英文文獻 70 網路資源 72 附錄 73

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