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研究生: 宋岳儒
Yueh-Ju Sung
論文名稱: 基於共識的目的地搜尋法用於GPS導航系統
Destination Selection Based on Consensus-Selected Landmarks
指導教授: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
口試委員: 姚智原
Chih-Yuan Yao
Rung-Huei Liang
Chao-Hung Lin
Wen-Kai Tai
Ruen-Rone Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 電子地圖目的地搜尋共識最佳觀賞角度階層式搜尋街道目標滑動器
外文關鍵詞: Destination searching, Consensus-based publicity, Consensus-based optimal orientation, Hierarchical navigation, Street-sliding navigation
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:0
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Traditional destination searching methods in global positioning systems (GPS)require the user to either remember all or partial address, location, name, or phone number of a destination through the touch panel or voice control. The searching methods are not intuitive and safe when driving. This study aims at enhancing the destination look-up experience based on the fact that humans can easily recognize and remember images and icons of a location instead of texts. A user searches a destination by first navigating through a map with a set of sorted and oriented icons for the destined street block and selecting the destination from a street-level slider. To avoid being drowned with too many 3D models, the destination icons are arranged hierarchically according to its consensus and transportation importance and spacial relationship among each other. Consensus importance considers the times of being queried and captured as videos and pictures and posted on several public web sites and transportation importance takes the distance to the metro transportation into consideration. Additionally, an icon is oriented for easy recognition according to the public preference estimated by clustering the views of photos collected from public web sites. The street-level slider displays the destination characteristics along a street for fine choice of the destination. The concept has been applied to two cities: Taipei and London to illustrate its effectiveness and several surveys are conducted to verify our choices during the system design procedure and a user study with a driving simulator verifies that our system can be more easily used to search for a destination.

中文摘要 - i Abstract - ii 目錄 - iii 表目錄 - v 圖目錄 - vii 演算法目錄 - ix 1 序論 - 1 1.1 動機及目的 - 1 1.2 主要貢獻 - 2 1.3 論文架構 - 3 2 相關研究 - 5 2.1 地圖與導航 - 5 2.2 網路照片收集探索 - 6 3 系統介紹 - 8 4 資料蒐集及處理 - 11 4.1 目標物關注度計算 - 11 4.2 最佳觀賞角度計算 - 14 5 實時地點選取 - 17 5.1 階層式注視度目標物建置 - 17 5.2 街道目標滑動器 - 24 5.3 生成及互動 - 25 6 實驗結果與分析 - 31 6.1 顯示設計評測 - 32 6.1.1 目標物最佳觀賞角度評測 - 33 6.1.2 攝影機拉近距離評測 - 38 6.1.3 視角變動動畫速度評測 - 43 6.2 使用者研究 - 46 6.2.1 立體地圖定位難易度測試 - 46 6.2.2 尋找地點效率研究 - 50 7 結論與未來工作 - 58 參考文獻 - 59

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