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研究生: 吳美葉
論文名稱: 組織變革抗拒之研究-以銀行業為例
A Study of Organization Resistance ─ An Example of Banking Industry
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-wei Cheng
口試委員: 林孟彥
Tom M. Y. Lin
Pin Luarn
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 組織變革人力資源管理心理契約組織溝通組織承諾組織信任銀行業
外文關鍵詞: Organization Change, Human Resource Management, Psychological Contract, Organization Communication, Organization Commitment, Organization Trust, Banking Industry
相關次數: 點閱:483下載:8
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The top managers of the bank in this case study ever encountered a non-stable banking management environment being very differently from that of it had been before. Instead this bank was facing a very severe competition environment with variety. The competition came not only from inter-banking one, but also from the additional service requirements expected from consumers. Banks in Taiwan, in order to survive, had been pushed to make a business model change to react the management environment changes. The key successful factors related to the banking business model change deeply rely on a correct organization reforming way & how to fast build up employees’ capability to react the banking environment change. The purpose of this thesis is to deal with how to do organization reengineering correctly. In this case study, when top management of the bank did the organization reengineering, it failed to get support from her employees. The anti-force being against organization changes from her employees in the 1st round organization reengineering came from employees not being able to trust top management’s actions taken being fair to them & those had almost made top management’s credit bankrupt. In this thesis, following situations are discussed. How to ease organization reengineering resistance & rebuild management credit? What is the effective communication way for top down management when doing organization reengineering? Is there any more effective ways to reduce employees’ resistance against organization reengineering & make employees commit to take it ? And is the bottom up communication way easier to form a consensus on psychological contract? Finally, this thesis illustrates that the organization planning & employees capability level would determine the success or failure of any business model changes. Based on the past history, the key factors of making change successfully deeply relied on if the organization planning was well done & employees had willingness to changes from mind or mind-set to follow through the guide from top management. If employees didn’t want to make a change or cheat to change, it was hard to attain the organization reengineering goal & reengineering work would fail. The employees from the case study bank ever failed to trust top management once in the 1st round organization reengineering process. Therefore to re-build mutual trust between top management & employees becomes a major issue. How to re-build trust, how to re-construct a right communication ways & how to do, when doing an organization reengineering, to make employees commit to take organization reengineering with little resistance & to form a positive psychological contract to organization are the major topics of this research.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1-1研究動機與背景 1 1-2研究問題與目的 1 1-3本文大綱 3 第二章 個案本文 4 2-1 開場白 4 2-1-1 台灣金融產業的演化 6 2-1-2 個案銀行的發展沿革歷史 13 2-1-3 金融改革對個案銀行帶來的衝擊與影響 15 2-2 挑戰與改變的契機 22 2-2-1問題與機會 24 2-2-2 重新佈局 27 2-3 信心的重建 27 2-3-1信任瓦解之後---溝通由上而下的改革對策 31 2-3-2組織承諾的成果—引導全員行銷 36 2-3-3心理契約—由下而上的改變 37 第三章 教師教學指引手冊(Teaching Note) 41 3-1個案總覽(Case Synopsis) 41 3-1-1教學目標(Teaching Objectives) 42 3-1-2課前準備(Assignment) 44 3-1-3適用課程與對象(Course and Levels for which the case is Intended) 45 3-2教學總覽(Pedagogical Overview) 45 3-3問題與參考答案(Discussion Questions and Answers) 47 3-4 教學時間建議 79 3-5 板書 81 參考文獻 87 附錄一、訪談紀錄 93

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