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研究生: 劉明駿
Ming-jim Liu
論文名稱: 研發中心人員工作壓力之研究-以外商公司為例
Work Pressure of Employees in R&D Center - Case Study on International Company
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Ruey Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 工作壓力壓力來源壓力反應研發人員
外文關鍵詞: Work pressure, Stress source, Stress response, R&D employees
相關次數: 點閱:293下載:4
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(1) 當一個人認為壓力源對他造成威脅時,才會產生壓力,並出現較多負面的壓力結果。所以,組織可透過一些方法及管理策略的改進,例如增加員工間互動溝通之管道、教導員工學習個人的時間管理、提升員工對工作的認同感、提供員工托嬰與顧老等福利措施、增加對員工之心理輔導等等,以改善員工的壓力感受與反應,以降低人員的工作壓力對其工作上的負面衝擊,並提升其工作滿意程度。其次,個人背景因素對於工作壓力來源的知覺與工作壓力反應表現程度亦有顯著之影響,所以可以透過相關的教育訓練與福利政策的推動,修正因不同個人背景因素而造成的壓力感受與表現程度,例如提供調適壓力的課程、提升員工的休閒生活品質、貫徹實行彈性上班時間以及加強新進員工之教育訓練等方式,藉此改善員工績效、提升員工工作生活品質以及研發團隊績效及整體組織專案品質和工作效率。
(2) 對後續研究者之建議,乃是希望後續研究者能擴大研究樣本範圍,亦或考慮比較本國公司研發中心工作人員與外商在台研發中心工作人員在各構面上是否有差異,甚或是對不同國籍外商在台研發中心工作人員進行個別的比較,讓更多相關的研究結果能夠相互印證;影響工作壓力來源知覺與工作壓力反應的因素有許多的類別因素,未來可搭配其他的因數對工作壓力來源知覺與工作壓力反應作更深入且充分之分析,讓研究的結果能夠更完備與更有意義。而且,為求對外商研發中心工作人員之壓力來源知覺及壓力反應程度之探討有更深入的瞭解,甚或可以在後續的研究上採用質化的研究方法,或是質化與量化並用的方式來進行,以對研究對象進行深入的訪談及觀察,藉此互為驗證,而使研究結果更加見樹又見林。

Among all kinds of stress, Solomon believes what influences human most deeply is the work pressure. The stress could be an individual adaptation issue to the work environment, and there is a high possibility that the issue may have negative impact to the firm and employees may become the victims of the impact. If we can identify the root cause and find out corresponding effective strategies to help the employees to properly deal with the work pressure, we may avoid the negative impact and turn it into a positive energy to the firm.
This study is intended to find out the sources of work pressure of employees in a R&D Center, and their response to the sources of the work pressure. This study will also explore the relationship between the sources of work pressure and the stress responses.from the employees. We use quantitative questionnaire targeted on the employees who work at the R&D Center of an international high tech company “M” in Taiwan. A total of 286 employeed participated in the survey, and 272 questionnaires are collected after deducting the numbers of incomplete questionnaire, which include 261 valid and 11 invalid questionnaires, accounting for a valid return rate of 91.26%. The result shows that, in the personal background dimension, the perception of the source of work pressure is significantly different in the factors of educational qualifications and marital status. As for the performance of the degree of stress response, there are significant differences in the factors of gender, educational qualifications, and job positions. In aspect of the relationship, this study finds that the five variables, "interpersonal relationship", "heavy workload", "meeting", "job category and system", and "career development", in the dimension of source of work pressure and "the overall sources of work pressure" dimension are significantly positive relation with "depression" in the dimension of work pressure responses. Four variables, "economic factors", "heavy workload", "meeting", and "job category and system", in the dimension of work pressure source and "the overall sources of work pressure" dimension are significantly positive relation with "anxiety" in the dimension of work pressure responses. Six variables, "interpersonal relationship", "heavy workload", "meeting", "job category and system", "economic factors", "work variability", in the dimension of source of work pressure and "the overall sources of work pressure" dimension are significantly positive relation with "fatigue" in the dimension of work pressure responses. Three variables , "interpersonal relationship", "job category and system", and "career development", in the dimension of source of work pressure and "the overall sources of work pressure" dimension are significantly positive relation with "low self esteem" in the dimension of work pressure responses. Six variables, "interpersonal relationship", "heavy workload", "meeting", "job category and system", "work variability", and "career development", in the dimension of source of work pressure and "the overall sources of work pressure" dimension are significantly positive relation with "the overall responses of work pressure" dimension.
Based on the above findings, the research result leads to some constructive recommendations that can be referred to the employees who work in a R&D organization by the company management for policy making and by the potential researchers for further exploration.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝辭 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 3 第三節 研究方法、對象、範圍與限制 5 第四節 研究流程與章節說明 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 M公司在台分公司與其研發中心簡介 10 第二節 壓力與工作壓力 15 第三節 工作壓力來源與反應 22 第四節 相關研究文獻探討 28 第三章 研究設計 35 第一節 研究架構 35 第二節 研究假說 36 第三節 變數之操作性定義 40 第四節 研究工具與資料分析方法 43 第五節 問卷建構與測試分析 47 第四章 問卷調查結果分析 62 第一節 問卷受測者基本資料分析 62 第二節 研究變項描述性統計分析 65 第三節 個人背景變項對工作壓力來源之差異性分析 66 第四節 個人背景變項對工作壓力反應之差異性分析 87 第五節 外商研發中心工作人員工作壓力來源與工作壓力反應之相關分析 104 第五章 結論 108 第一節 研究發現 108 第二節 建議 116 第三節 對後續研究者建議 123 參考文獻 125 一、中文部分 125 二、英文部分 127 附錄一--「M公司在台人員工作壓力之研究」前測調查問卷 129 附錄二--「M公司在台人員工作壓力之研究」實測調查問卷 133

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