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研究生: 蔡淳宇
Chun-Yu Tsai
論文名稱: 纖維素奈米晶體表面接枝烷基鏈對其疏水性與抗菌性能之影響
The Effect of Grafting Alkyl Chains onto Surface of Cellulose Nanocrystals on Its Hydrophobicity and Antimicrobial Ability
指導教授: 李振綱
Cheng-Kang Lee
口試委員: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
Wei-Wen Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 纖維素奈米晶體單寧酸多功能之表面修飾纖維素奈米晶體希夫氏鹼反應邁克爾加成反應
外文關鍵詞: Cellulose Nanocrystals, Tannic Acid, Multifunctional Surface-Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals, Schiff Base Reaction, Michael Addition Reaction
相關次數: 點閱:279下載:0
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  • 近年來,纖維素奈米晶體 (Cellulose nanocrystals, CNC) 因其表面具有豐富的羥基可供衍生修飾,且具有極高的比表面積,因此已被廣泛應用成為一種可持續之生物奈米材料,一般對CNC進行表面修飾的步驟十分繁瑣,因此本論文提出了一種簡便、低成本且環保之方式,製備出具有疏水與抗菌性能之CNC。首先利用單寧酸易於在物體表面形成塗覆之特性,將其塗覆於CNC表面形成CNC@TA,接著通過希夫氏鹼與邁克爾加成反應接枝上不同碳鏈數之長碳鏈胺基,分別為10個碳之 CNC@TA-DA、12個碳之CNC@TA-DDA與16個碳之CNC@TA-HDA,此外也利用水解與縮合反應將含18個碳鏈之季銨鹽類接枝於CNC@TA上,成為CNC@TA-DMOAP。以光散射分析(DLS)結果顯示CNC與CNC@TA皆可均勻分散於水中,CNC@TA-DA、CNC@TA-DDA與CNC@TA-HDA則較易分散於酒精中,而CNC-TA-DMOAP兩種溶劑皆可分散。以TEM觀察可確認當CNC經單寧酸表面塗覆與接枝長碳鏈後均能夠維持其針狀結構。將各個表面修飾後的樣品塗覆於纖維素濾紙上時,皆能產生非常緻密且均勻之塗層,在相同塗覆量下以水接觸角量測其親疏水性,發現CNC@TA-HDA為最疏水之樣品。CNC@TA、CNC@TA-DA與CNC@TA-DDA對大腸桿菌與金黃色葡萄球菌皆會產生抑菌環寬,再以接觸式與懸浮式殺菌分析,可確認CNC@TA-DA與CNC@TA-DDA具有最強之抗菌效果,抗菌能力並不隨著碳鏈增長而增加,碳鏈長度於10 ~ 12時可獲得最佳抗菌效果。而塗覆單寧酸並接枝長碳鏈後之樣品均具有抗氧化能力。利用L929細胞證實所有樣品均無細胞毒性。而最親油之CNC@TA-HDA則可應用於表面疏水修飾上,可成功應用於油水分離。利用簡單的單寧酸表面塗層步驟及一鍋式反應,我們成功製備出具有疏水特性、抗菌能力、抗氧化性與生物相容性之CNC,開拓纖維素奈米晶體更廣泛的用途。

    In recent years, cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) have been widely used as a sustainable nanomaterial due to its abundant hydroxyl groups available for derivatization and exceptionally high specific surface area. In general, the surface modification of CNC involves a complex process. In this work, we proposed a facile, low-cost, and environmentally friendly approach for transforming hydrophilic CNC into hydrophobic and antimicrobial CNC. By taking advantage of the propensity of tannic acid to form coating on various substrates surfaces, CNC was easily coated by tannic acid as CNC@TA. Subsequently, different carbon chain lengths of alkyl amine were grafted onto CNC@TA through Schiff's base and Michael addition reactions. CNC@TA-DA (with 10-carbon), CNC@TA-DDA (with 12-carbon), and CNC@TA-HDA (with 16-carbon) were obtained. In addition, a quaternary ammonium salt with 18-carbon chain length was also grafted onto CNC@TA to obtain CNC@TA-DMOAP. Both CNC and CNC@TA were well dispersed in aqueous solution based on dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurement. However, the CNC modified with alkyl chains such as CNC@TA-DA, CNC@TA-DDA, and CNC@TA-HDA are more prone to be dispersed in alcohol. CNC@TA-DMOAP demonstrates good dispersion in both water and alcohol. TEM observations confirmed that CNC@TA and after grafting long carbon chains could maintain their needle-like structure. All the samples could be well-coated onto cellulose filter paper to form a very dense and uniform layer. CNC@TA-HDA exhibits the highest hydrophobicity among all the samples. CNC@TA, CNC@TA-DA and CNC@TA-DDA all exhibit antimicrobial activity against E. coli and S. aureus, as evidenced by the formation of inhibition diffusion zones. The carbon chain length grafted onto CNC in the range of 10 to 12 showed the best antimicrobial activity. The CNC@TA samples grafted with long carbon chains all exhibited antioxidant ability and low cellular toxicity as confirmed by using L929 cells. The highly hydrophobic CNC@TA-HDA was successfully applied for surface hydrophobic modification, specifically, for oil-water separation applications.

    摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖索引 IX 表索引 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究目的與內容 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 纖維素奈米晶體 (Cellulose nanocrystals, CNC) 6 2.1.1 纖維素 6 2.1.2 纖維素奈米晶體 7 2.2 單寧酸 (Tannic acid, TA) 12 2.3 希夫氏鹼與邁克爾加成反應 15 2.3.1. 希夫氏鹼反應 15 2.3.2. 邁克爾加成反應 15 2.4 季銨鹽類 (Quaternary ammonium salts, QAS) 18 第三章 實驗方法、流程與材料 21 3.1 實驗流程 21 3.2 實驗材料與設備 23 3.2.1 菌種與細胞 23 3.2.2 實驗藥品 23 3.2.3 實驗儀器與設備 24 3.3 溶液配置 25 3.3.1 1 w/v % 樣品之酒精懸浮液 25 3.3.2 1,1-二苯-2-三硝苯肼 (DPPH) 甲醇溶液 25 3.3.3 LB培養基 (LB medium) 25 3.3.4 TSB培養基 (TSB medium) 26 3.3.5 PBS緩衝溶液 (pH=7.4) 26 3.4 表面修飾之纖維素奈米晶體樣品製備 27 3.4.1 纖維素奈米晶體@單寧酸 (CNC@TA) 27 3.4.2 纖維素奈米晶體@單寧酸 – 癸胺 (CNC@TA-DA) 27 3.4.3 纖維素奈米晶體@單寧酸 – 十二胺 (CNC@TA-DDA) 28 3.4.4 纖維素奈米晶體@單寧酸 – 十六胺 (CNC@TA-HDA) 28 3.4.5 纖維素奈米晶體@單寧酸 – 二甲基十八烷基[3-(三甲氧基矽基)丙基]氯化銨 (CNC@TA-DMOAP) 29 3.5 材料性質分析 30 3.5.1 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析儀 (FTIR) 30 3.5.2 X光繞射分析 (XRD) 30 3.5.3 動態光散射儀分析 (DLS) 31 3.5.4 界達電位分析 (Zeta potential) 31 3.5.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 31 3.5.6 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 31 3.5.7 接觸角測試 (Water contact angle) 32 3.6 抗菌測試及分析 33 3.6.1 抑菌環寬 (Zone of Inhibition) 33 3.6.2 接觸式殺菌測試 (CFU) 34 3.6.3 懸浮式殺菌測試 (CFU) 36 3.6.4 統計分析 (Statistical analysis) 37 3.6.5 細菌生長曲線 (Growth curve) 38 3.7 抗氧化能力測試 (DPPH) 39 3.8 生物相容性檢測方式與操作 (L929細胞) 39 第四章 結果與討論 40 4.1 表面修飾纖維素奈米晶體 40 4.1.1 修飾方式 40 4.1.2 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜 (FTIR) 分析 43 4.1.3 X光繞射 (XRD) 分析 45 4.2 表面修飾纖維素奈米晶體之分散性與表面性質 47 4.2.1 動態光散射 (DLS) 分析 47 4.2.2 水/油相之分散性 49 4.2.3 界達電位 (Zeta potential) 分析 52 4.3 纖維素奈米晶體表面修飾後之型態 53 4.4 表面修飾纖維素奈米晶體塗覆於濾紙之型態與特性 55 4.4.1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (FE-SEM) 觀察 55 4.4.2 水接觸角量測 (Water contact angle, WCA) 59 4.5 表面修飾纖維素奈米晶體之抗菌性能 61 4.5.1 抑菌環寬 (Zone of inhibition) 61 4.5.2 接觸式殺菌測試 63 4.5.3 懸浮式殺菌測試 67 4.5.4 以細菌生長曲線 (Growth curve) 測試抑菌能力 72 4.6 抗氧化能力測試 (DPPH) 74 4.7 生物相容性 (L929) 77 4.8 CNC@TA-HDA應用於疏水領域 79 4.8.1 油水分離領域 79 4.8.2 Janus紙 80 第五章 結論 81 第六章 補充資料 83 參考文獻 86

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