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研究生: 黃建祥
Jian-Siang Huang
論文名稱: 風險管理相關標準比較與BS 31100 標準條文初探研究
The Comparisons of Relevant Risk Management Standards and the Clause illustrations of BS 31100
指導教授: 林耀煌
Yong-Huang Lin
口試委員: 傅還然
Huan-Ran Fu
Da-Peng Jhang
Zong-Jheng Gao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 風險管理風險管理標準
外文關鍵詞: risk management, risk management standard
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:1
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  • 近年來風險管理觀念廣受重視,世界各國已陸續發行風險管理相關標準,而以國際標準組織ISO 31000標準與英國標準協會BS 31100標準等國際高位階之標準的出現之影響力最深。國內雖尚無風險管理標準俾以遵循,但行政院為積極推動各部會將風險管理納入日常作業與決策運作,函頒「行政院所屬各機關風險管理作業基準」進而編訂「風險管理及危機處理作業手冊」。相較於先進國家導入風險管理已行之有年,國內推動風險管理正待起步,風險管理能量之建立,亟需要再投入更多心力。
    有鑑於此,本研究參考各國風險管理相關標準與文獻,並加以整理與比較。另外針對英國標準協會BS 31100標準進行標準內容之初探,分析該標準之適用性。藉此以瞭解目前國際風險管理標準的發展趨勢,期望未來供國內各機關與組織於制訂風險管理相關制度之參考依據,以利於組織對風險之掌握,提升組織達成目標的可能性。

    In recent years, many people think highly of risk management. Therefore, all countries in the world have been issued the relevant risk management standards. The emergence of the ISO 31000 standard and the BS 31100 standard are two high-level international standards of the most influential standard. Although lacks of a comprehensive risk management standards to follow. The Exective Yuan of the Republic of China actively promote risk management into day-to-day operations and decision-making operation. The Exective Yuan issued letter "Executive Yuan Affiliated Agencies Risk Management Operating Benchmark" and prepared to "Risk Management and Crisis Management Operations Manual." Advanced countries has been implemented into risk management for many years, domestic risk management is beginning to promote, the establishment of risk management energy need to put in more effort.
    Due to the reason mentioned above, the study collects and compares relevant risk management standards and papers. In addition, the study focus on the clause illustrations of the BS 31100, and analysis the applicability of standards. Through the understanding of the current international risk management standards trends, we hope the study could be the formulation base of risk management related system of all authorities and organizations. Facilitate the organization to master the risk , and enhance the possibility of organizations achieve their goals.

    中文摘要 I 英文 II 誌謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究對象與範圍 2 1.4研究方法與流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 4 第三章 風險管理相關標準之探討 9 3.1風險管理相關標準之概述 9 3.2風險管理相關標準之分析與比較 48 3.2.1共同點 48 3.2.2相異點 49 3.3小結 51 第四章 英國BS 31100風險管理標準 55 4.1 BS 31100標準之制訂背景與宗旨 55 4.2 BS 31100標準之制訂的發展過程 57 4.2.1條文架構的發展過程 57 4.2.2風險管理原則的發展過程 59 4.2.3風險管理模式的發展過程 63 4.2.4風險管理架構的發展過程 66 4.2.5風險管理過程的發展過程 71 4.3 BS 31100標準的特徵 75 4.4 BS 31100標準的發展與推動 76 4.5小結 76 第五章 BS 31100標準之條文解析 77 5.1適用範圍 77 5.2風險管理原則 79 5.3風險管理架構 82 5.3.1治理 82 5.3.2風險管理策略 84 5.3.4風險管理文化 88 5.3.5開發能力與智能 90 5.3.6角色、責任與職權 92 5.3.7風險管理工具 95 5.3.8風險偏好與風險圖像 97 5.3.10風險準則 101 5.3.11風險溝通 102 5.3.12風險報告 103 5.4風險管理過程 104 5.4.1總論 104 5.4.2風險背景關係 106 5.4.3風險辨識 107 5.4.4風險評估 108 5.4.5對風險的因應 111 5.4.6風險管理過程報告 115 5.5發展風險管理活動 117 5.5.1總論 117 5.5.2風險管理發展規劃 118 5.5.3風險管理實施與維持 119 5.5.4風險管理監控、審查與持續改進 120 5.5.5風險管理發展報告 121 5.6小結 121 第六章 結論與建議 124 6.1結論 124 6.2建議 126 參考文獻 128

    1.AS/NZS4360, “ Risk Management”, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, 1995.
    2.ISO/DIS 31000, “ Risk management-Guidelines on principles and implementation of risk management” , International Organization for Standardization, 2008.
    3.BS 31100, “Risk management-Code of practice” , British Standards Institution, 2008.
    4.AS/NZS3931, “Risk analysis of technological systems-Application guide”, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand , 1998.
    5.CAN/CSA-Q850-97, “Risk Management: Guide for Decision Maker” ,Canadian Standards Association, 1997.
    6.BS 6079-3 , “ Project management Part3:Guide to the management of business related project risk”, British Standards Institution, 2000.
    7.JIS Q2001;2001 ,「リスクマネジメントシステム構築のための指針」,日本規格協会,2001。
    8.CEI/IEC 62198, “Project risk management-Application guidelines”, International Eletrotechnical Commission (IEC), 2001.
    9.ISO/IEC Guide 73 , “ Risk Management-Vocabulary-Guidelines for Use in Standards”, International Organization for Standardization,2002.
    10.ISO/CD 31000, “ Risk management-Guidelines on principles and implementation of risk management” , International Organization for Standardization, 2007.
    11.ISO/CD Guide 73 , “ Risk Management-Vocabulary”, International Organization for Standardization,2008.
    12.AS/NZS4360, “ Risk Management”, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, 1999.
    13.AS/NZS4360, “ Risk Management”, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, 2004.
    14.ISO/CD2 Guide 73 , “ Risk Management-Vocabulary”, International Organization for Standardization,2008.
    17.BS 31100DPC, “Draft Code of practice for risk management” , British Standards Institution, 2007.
    18.BS 31100DPC2, “Draft Code of practice for risk management” , British Standards Institution, 2008.
    19.李建民,「標準BS 31100協助企業從容管理風險」,質量經營中文期刊,P25-p27,2009。
    22.ISO 9001:2000 , “Quality management systems -- Requirements”, International Organization for Standardization, 2000.

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