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研究生: 胡磊
Lei Hu
論文名稱: 以三氧化鉬修飾蜂窩狀奈米碳管陣列表面作為葡萄糖電化學生物感測器
Honeycomb-shaped carbon nanotubes decorated with MoO3 as an electrochemical sensor for glucose
指導教授: 李奎毅
Kuei-Yi Lee
口試委員: 李奎毅
Kuei-Yi Lee
Ching-Hwa Ho
Ruei-San Chen
Pao-hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 三氧化鉬奈米碳管葡萄糖生物感測器
外文關鍵詞: MoO3, carbon nanotubes, glucose, biosensors
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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  • 在本實驗中,製作以過渡金屬氧化物之三氧化鉬 (MoO3)為主之電極,將其應用於生物電化學感測當中。在製作電極的過程中使用矽基板作為基底,並在其上方沉積奈米碳管 (Carbon nanotubes, CNTs)陣列,而後以化學氣相沉積法披覆 MoO3 至奈米碳管陣列上,以製作 MoO3/CNTs/Si 結構之三維生物電化學感測電極。為了提升所製作感測器之檢測靈敏度,在製作電極過程中使用黃光微影技術以定義所成長奈米碳管之生長形貌,其中蜂巢狀之奈米碳管陣列可將原有電極之比表面積進一步提升,增加電解液與電極之接觸面積,從而提高所製作電極之量測靈敏度。相較於生物電化學酶感測器,非酶之生物電化學感測器有著高穩定性,高再現性,低成本及不易受環境影響等多項優勢,因此在本實驗中將所做電極應用於非酶葡萄糖電化學感測當中。在量測過程中,以 0.1 M 氫氧化鈉水溶液做為實驗之電解液,而氫氧化鈉之氫氧根及MoO3 在與葡萄糖接觸後進行化學反應,從而使量測之峰值電流提升。本實驗以 20 uM 至 7 mM 進行分段量測,其中在 20 uM 到 100 uM 濃度範圍內量測到本實驗最高之 11 uA/uM 的靈敏度,線性響應之相關係數 (R2)則為 0.9929,從而顯示 MoO3/CNTs/Si 為一優異之非酶葡萄糖電化學感測器。

    In this experiment, an electrode based on transition metal oxide molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) was fabricated and applied to electrochemical biosensing. In the process of making electrodes, a silicon substrate was used as a substrate, and an array of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was deposited on it, and then MoO3 was coated on the array of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition to produce MoO3/CNTs/Si structure three-dimensional electrochemical biosensing electrode. In order to improve the detection sensitivity of the manufactured sensor, photolithography was used in the process of manufacturing electrodes to define the growth morphology of the grown carbon nanotubes, in which the honeycomb-shaped carbon nanotube array can increase the specific surface area and the contact area between the electrolyte and the electrode, thereby improving the measurement sensitivity of the fabricated electrode. Compared with electrochemical enzyme biosensors, non-enzyme electrochemical biosensors have many advantages such as high stability, high reproducibility, low cost and less susceptible to environmental influences. In this experiment, the fabricated electrode was applied to non-enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensing. During the measurement process, 0.1 M sodium hydroxide aqueous solution was used as the electrolyte of the experiment, and the hydroxide ions of sodium hydroxide and MoO3 reacted chemically after contacting with glucose, thereby increasing the peak current of the measurement. In this experiment, the measurement was carried out in sections from 20 uM to 7 mM, and the highest sensitivity of 11 uA/uM was measured in the concentration range of 20 uM to 100 uM. The correlation coefficient of linear response (R2) was 0.9929, thus showing that MoO3/CNTs/Si is an excellent non enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensor.

    論文摘要 (中文) .........................................................................I Abstract .....................................................................................II 致謝 ...........................................................................................III 目錄 ...........................................................................................IV 圖目錄 ..................................................................................... VII 表目錄 .........................................................................................X Chapter 1 緒論.......................................................................... 1 1.1 奈米碳管 ......................................................................................................2 1.1.1 材料歷史 ...........................................................................................2 1.1.2 材料結構 ...........................................................................................3 1.1.3 材料特性 ...........................................................................................5 1.2 三氧化鉬 (MoO3)........................................................................................6 1.3 電化學電容 ..................................................................................................7 1.3.1 電雙層電容 (Electric double-layer capacitor, EDLC).....................7 1.3.2 偽電容 (Pseudo-capacitance)...........................................................8 1.4 生物感測器 ..................................................................................................9 1.5 葡萄糖生物感測器 ....................................................................................13 1.5.1 葡萄糖 (Glucose)............................................................................13 1.5.2 葡萄糖生物感測器 .........................................................................14 1.6 研究動機 ....................................................................................................16 Chapter 2 實驗方法與儀器介紹............................................ 18 2.1 實驗流程圖 ................................................................................................18 2.2 電極製作流程............................................................................................ 19 2.2.1 清洗基板......................................................................................... 19 2.2.2 黃光微影技術................................................................................. 20 2.2.3 電子束蒸鍍..................................................................................... 22 2.2.4 奈米碳管成長................................................................................. 23 2.2.5 披覆三氧化鉬................................................................................. 25 2.3 特性量測儀器介紹.................................................................................... 27 2.3.1 拉曼光譜分析儀............................................................................. 27 2.3.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡......................................................................... 29 2.3.3 X 射線能量色散分析儀.................................................................. 30 2.3.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡......................................................................... 31 2.3.5 X 射線繞射分析儀.......................................................................... 32 2.4 電化學檢測分析........................................................................................ 33 2.4.1 實驗設置......................................................................................... 33 2.4.2 循環伏安法..................................................................................... 35 2.4.3 充放電量測法................................................................................. 36 2.4.4 電化學阻抗分析............................................................................. 37 Chapter 3 結果與討論.............................................................38 3.1 電極材料分析............................................................................................ 38 3.1.1 CNTs 表面樣貌之 SEM 分析 ......................................................... 38 3.1.2 MoO3/CNTs 表面樣貌之 SEM 分析 .............................................. 41 3.1.3 MoO3/CNTs 之 TEM 樣貌晶格分析.............................................. 43 3.1.4 MoO3/CNTs 之 XRD 分析.............................................................. 47 3.1.5 MoO3/CNTs 之拉曼光譜分析......................................................... 48 3.1.6 MoO3/CNTs 之 EDS 分析............................................................... 50 3.2 電化學量測................................................................................................ 51 3.2.1 循環伏安法量測分析 .....................................................................51 3.2.2 充放電量測分析 .............................................................................52 3.2.3 電極之阻抗量測分析 .....................................................................53 3.3 葡萄糖量測分析 ........................................................................................54 3.3.1 不同掃描速率之比較分析 .............................................................54 3.3.2 循環伏安法量測分析 .....................................................................56 3.4 量測分析與討論 ........................................................................................59 Chapter 4 結論........................................................................ 61 參考文獻................................................................................... 62

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