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研究生: 吳欣怡
論文名稱: 中小企業的藍海策略-以K公司的創業故事為例
The Blue Ocean for SMEs-A Case Study of K Company for Starting Business
指導教授: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Shi-Woei Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 資源基礎理論創業家精神商業模式客戶關係管理
外文關鍵詞: Resource-based view, Entrepreneurship, Business model, Customer relationship management (CRM)
相關次數: 點閱:299下載:0
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  • 創業成功,是每一位創業者的目標,且沒有絶對的方程式可依循。一位創業家的養成,靠的是他在工作職場上所日積月累下來的經歷資源與淬鍊出來的人格特質,才能塑造出個人獨有的創業家精神,進而影響到他鎖定目標市場的眼光與經營事業的能力。本論文採用教學個案方式撰寫,內容敍述一位中小企業家,如何在一個純粹只做買賣物流的瑞士外商公司,藉由一份創新事業部門的規劃簡報,說服了瑞士大老闆,同意新設立了一個新創事業部門,之後遭遇到了視他為千里馬的台灣伯樂老闆意外退休,而新繼任的年輕老闆並不瞭解新創事業部門的營運型態,執意裁撤及解散部門,頓時,讓這位個案主角所一手建立的新創部門營運模式,又重新回到了原點。在面臨職業生涯上的這般嚴峻劣勢情況之下,個案主角不斷地運用了自己手中從年輕時代所累積下來的人脈資源及與生俱來對客戶的敏銳度,激發出隱藏在心中沉潛已久的創業家特質,跨越了部門被解散的職涯危機,並打造出屬於自己的一片藍海,而創業成功的過程。

    Entrepreneurship success is the goal of every entrepreneur, and there is no absolute formula to follow. The development of an entrepreneur relies on his/her accumulated experience resources and personality traits that he/she has accumulated over the years in the workplace to shape his/her unique entrepreneurial spirit, which in turn affects the vision for targeting the target market and the ability to run a business. This research is written using a teaching case method. The content describes how an SME in a Swiss foreign company that is purely engaged in trading and logistics, through a planning briefing of the innovative business department, persuaded the CEO of Swiss to agree the new establishment A new business department later encountered the unexpected retirement of the general manager in Taiwan who is good at selection and picking the right man for the right job. The new successor, a young boss, did not understand the operating mode of the new business department and insisted on abolishing and disbanding the department. The business model of the newly created department established by the protagonist has returned to the original point again. Faced with such a severe disadvantage in his career, the protagonist of the case continuously uses the personal network resources he has accumulated from his youth and his innate acumen to customers, which inspires a long time hidden in his heart. The entrepreneurial traits of the company have overcome the career crisis of the department being disbanded, and created a blue ocean of their own, and the process of entrepreneurial success.
    There two parts in this study which include case description and teaching manual. The content of the case can provide research theories divided into four theories: resource-based view theory, entrepreneurship, business model, and customer relationship management (CRM). For this case, it can provide the problems and choices that entrepreneurs will face when they are determined to start a business. In addition to the key resources and main customers they can master, they also need to have the business ability tailored to the customers. In a red sea of bargaining competition, people have to open up their own blue ocean business opportunities.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第1章 個案本文 1 1-1 序幕 1 1-2 個案公司的產業背景與描述 1 1-3 十年磨一劍 3 1-4 風起雲湧 6 1-5 水到渠成 9 1-6 嶄新的開始 10 1-7 時勢造英雄 10 1-8 未雨綢繆 12 第2章 教學指引 13 2-1 個案總覽 13 2-2 教學目標與適用課程 14 2-3 學員課前準備 15 2-4 學員問題討論 15 2-5 個案人物背景 15 2-6 個案分析 18 2-7 教學建議 34 2-8 板書規劃 34 參考文獻 38 中文參考文獻 38 英文參考文獻 40 網路資料 42

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