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研究生: 方維鴻
Wei-hung Fang
論文名稱: 圖像文字設計的情緒認知
A Study on Event-Related Potential and Emotion Dimensions Evoked by Pictorial Character Design
指導教授: 王韋堯
Regina W. Y. Wang
口試委員: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 圖像文字圖字意義聯結性結構完整性事件相關電位情緒維度創造力
外文關鍵詞: pictorial character, word-picture linkage, structural integrity, event-related potential (ERP), emotion dimension, creativity
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:12
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This study focuses on “pictorial character design” and explores its relationship with “event-related potential (ERP)”, “emotion dimensions” and “creativity”. The purposes of this study are: (1) to find out the design features of “word-picture linkage” and “structural integrity” by collecting samples of pictorial characters; (2) to investigate the influence of the two design features on the viewer’s ERP amplitude through brainwave experiment; (3) to explore the influence of the two design features on the viewer’s “emotion dimensions” and “creativity” by questionnaire survey; (4) to investigate into the relations between “emotion dimensions” and “creativity”; (5) to investigate into the relations between the viewer’s “ERP” and “emotion dimensions”.

We have the following findings based on the research results:
1.According to the contents in literature review and analysis of design features, word-picture linkage can be divided into “high, medium, and low linkage”, and structural integrity into “stroke, outline, and stroke-pattern”. Among them, “high linkage” and “stroke” are both in the majority, and so is their combination. In contrast, “medium linkage” with “outline” is in the minority.
2.The result of brainwave experiment shows that for viewers in “emotion (P200, P300) and memory (SW)” component, the higher the word-picture linkage, the greater the evoked ERP amplitude will be. In terms of structural integrity, for viewers in “attention (N100)” component, stroke (low integrity) and stroke-pattern (high integrity) have greatest influence on structural integrity; in “emotion (P300)” component, the higher the integrity, the greater the evoked ERP amplitude will be. For viewers in “memory (SW)” component, word-picture linkage and structural integrity produce greater activation in central brain than in left and right brain — no lateralization effects occur when the brain is processing visual messages. For viewers in “emotion (P200, N200, P300) and memory (SW)” component, activation in the brain goes from frontal lobe to parietal lobe with the passage of time in cognition.
3.The result of cognition survey shows that for the two design features, medium word-picture linkage and structural integrity evoked more positive valence; the higher the word-picture linkage, the higher arousal in emotion will be evoked. Perceived creativity will become higher once word-picture linkage is medium and below, and structural integrity is medium and above. Emotion dimensions (valence and arousal) are positively correlated to creativity.
4.A comparison of “ERP experiment” and “emotion dimensions” shows that in terms of “word-picture linkage”, the greater the ERP amplitude, the more negative valence will occur in emotion dimension; in terms of “structural integrity”, the greater the ERP amplitude, the more negative valence will occur in emotion dimension. As for the relationship between viewers’ ERP amplitude and “emotion arousal”, in terms of “word-picture linkage”, the greater the ERP amplitude, the higher arousal will occur in emotion dimension; in terms of “structural integrity”, no significant difference will be made. “ERP amplitude” is negatively correlated to “emotional valence”; the relation of “ERP amplitude” with “emotion arousal” is partially valid, and they are “positively correlated” in terms of word-picture linkage.

中文摘要i ABSTRACTii 致謝iv 目次v 圖目次vii 表目次ix 第1章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究假設2 1.4 研究名詞定義3 1.5 研究限制與範圍5 1.6 研究流程6 第2章 文獻探討7 2.1 圖像文字7 2.1.1 圖像文字設計7 2.1.2 圖字意義聯結性8 2.1.3 結構完整性9 2.2 情緒11 2.2.1 情緒的定義11 2.2.2 事件相關電位(ERP)12 2.2.3 認知情緒維度15 2.2.4 情緒維度與ERP18 2.3 創造力22 第3章 研究方法25 3.1 樣本設計25 3.1.1 圖像文字設計特徵26 3.1.2 腦波實驗樣本設計29 3.2認知腦波實驗(ERP)31 3.2.1 腦波實驗架構31 3.2.2 腦波實驗樣本設計33 3.2.3 腦波實驗受測者33 3.2.4 腦波實驗環境、設備33 3.2.5 實驗步驟34 3.2.6 腦波資料處理與數據分析方法36 3.3 情緒維度問卷實驗38 3.3.1 問卷實驗架構38 3.3.2 問卷實驗樣本設計39 3.3.3 問卷設計39 3.3.4 問卷實驗對象、設備、環境40 3.3.5 問卷實驗步驟40 3.3.6 資料分析方法41 第4章 研究結果42 4.1 認知腦波實驗結果42 4.1.1 「圖字意義聯結性」對不同「大腦區域」電極之ERP振幅45 4.1.2 「結構完整性」對不同「大腦區域」電極之ERP振幅49 4.1.3 ERP實驗假設驗證53 4.2 認知問卷實驗結果55 4.2.1 圖像文字設計對「情緒維度」55 4.2.2 圖像文字設計對「創造力」59 4.2.3 圖像文字設計之「情緒維度」與「創造力」的關係62 4.2.4 情緒維度與創造力問卷假設驗證63 4.3 情緒ERP實驗與情緒維度結果比較66 4.4 驗證結果之綜合討論68 4.4.1 認知腦波實驗綜合討論69 4.4.2 情緒問卷實驗綜合討論70 4.4.3 情緒ERP實驗與情緒維度結果比較之綜合討論72 第5章 結論與建議73 5.1 結論73 5.2 後續研究建議74 參考文獻76 附錄A:收集之105個樣本81 附錄B:ERP實驗前測結果統整83 附錄C:ERP實驗84個樣本設計85 附錄D:情緒維度問卷格式92

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