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研究生: 陳志忠
Jhih-Jhong Chen
論文名稱: 感應交流馬達旋轉設備振動特徵分析
Vibration Signature Analysis of Induction Motor Driven Machinery
指導教授: 劉孟昆
Meng-Kun Liu
口試委員: 藍振洋
Jhen-Yang Lan
Tien-Ruey Hsiang
Meng-Kun Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 旋轉機械失效模型軸承振幅調製快速傅立葉轉換共振頻率包絡譜放電破壞
外文關鍵詞: rotating machine, failure modes, bearing, amplitude modulation, Fast Fourier Transform(FFT), resonance frequency, envelope spectrum, degradation of electric discharging
相關次數: 點閱:773下載:0
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本研究先整理了旋轉機械振動相關之失效模型,討論其物理意義與訊號之頻率域上的表現。許多研究探討著利用不同訊號分析方式區別正常與損壞軸承之振動訊號,以提供旋轉機械初期損壞的判斷準則。旋轉設備中,常因軸電壓而形成軸承電流,造成電蝕現象,間接使電動機械損壞,藉此有研究於泵浦全新軸承上通以電流,並量測其運轉過程中的振動幅值變化,以此法制定軸承初期損壞的振動門檻。因此,我們也製造損壞軸承和其他旋轉機械失效模式,觀察其時間域、頻率域、包絡譜的訊號表現。由於軸承內外環與其缺陷頻率的振幅調製(Ampiltude Modulation,AM)現象,故透過軸承的內外環敲擊測試與掃頻實驗找尋其自然共振頻率,做為包絡譜分析中帶通濾波範圍的依據,接著執行軸承放電破壞實驗,並分析其每筆資料能否找到對應的失效模式訊號,以制定一個停機門檻。

Many rotating machines are driven by induction motors and the life of induction motors usually lasts for decades. However, during certain conditions such as load variation, the bearing would suffer fatigue failures. These failures begin from incipient faults and would cause catastrophic disasters if unattended. Therefore, previous literatures concluded several failure modes of the rotating machine and developed condition monitoring techniques to achieve fault diagnosis and replacing abnormal components in advance.
In order to understand the behavior of failure modes, several sensors were installed on the rotating machine in previous literatures to measure the vibration, current, and voltage of the bearing fault condition, and compared the measurement to the normal condition. The knowledge could be applied to the monitoring of the non-stop rotating machine in the industry.
The failure mode and effect analysis of the rotating machine failures were elaborated in this thesis. Both the physical definition and frequency spectrum of the failure were discussed. The criterion to determine the machine condition were proposed by applying signal analysis technique on the vibration signal of the normal and faulty bearing. The electrical discharge through the oil film between the shaft and bearing were generated by applying AC current to the shaft and housing, and the time-domain, frequency spectrum, and enveloping spectrum of the vibration signals were analyzed. Amplitude modulation could be observed when there are inner and outer ring faults. Through the impact test and the sweeping test, the resonant frequency of the bearing could be found and used to develop enveloping spectrum. The fatigue failure test was conducted and an amplitude threshold was set.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 符號表 XIV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 論文內容簡介 4 第二章 旋轉機械之失效模式與影響 7 2.1 旋轉機械失效模式種類 7 2.1.1 不平衡 7 2.1.2 機械鬆動 9 2.1.3 軸不對中 11 2.1.4 共振 14 2.2 滾珠軸承損壞類型 16 2.2.1 保持器旋轉頻率(fundamental cage frequency) 18 2.2.2 內環損壞(inner raceway defect) 19 2.2.3 外環損壞(outer raceway defect) 19 2.2.4 滾珠自旋頻率(ball rotational frequency) 20 2.2.5 調製(modulation) 21 2.2.6 電蝕現象(electrical pitting) 24 2.3 潤滑問題(lubrication problem) 25 第三章 訊號分析方法 27 3.1 訊號分析方法 27 3.1.1 掃頻 27 3.1.2 傅立葉分析 28 3.1.3 包絡譜分析 28 第四章 實驗架構與設計 32 4.1 實驗平台與儀器 32 4.2 前導實驗 37 4.2.1 掃頻實驗 37 4.2.2 敲擊測試 39 4.3 實驗設計方法與流程 42 4.3.1 應用田口法L9直交表之實驗設計 42 4.3.2 放電破壞實驗設計 44 第五章 旋轉機械失效模型頻譜訊號 46 5.1 掃頻三維瀑布圖實驗結果 46 5.2 L9之實驗結果 48 5.2.1 搭配L9之實驗結果(1~3組) 49 5.2.2 搭配L9之實驗結果(4~6組) 54 5.2.3 搭配L9之實驗結果(7~9組) 58 5.3 軸承放電破壞實驗結果 73 第六章 結果討論與未來展望 75 6.1 結果討論 75 6.2 研究貢獻 76 6.3 未來展望 77 參考文獻 78 附錄 A 第二輪L9實驗結果 80 附錄 B 第三輪L9實驗結果 89

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