簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 范書銘
Shu-Min Fan
論文名稱: 銷蝕的白米木屐傳奇,危“屐”再轉機
The Legend of the Clogs is Losing Eclipse : Transformation of Clogs in Cultural and Creative Industries
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 情境分析資源基礎PEST商業模式文化產業
外文關鍵詞: Situation Analysis, Resource Base, PEST, Business Model, Cultural Industry
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:14
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  • 白米社區發展協會成立於1993年,此地因與石油公司、水泥廠和礦石廠為伍,居住品質甚差,但透過振興傳統木屐產業,將絕望的村落變成希望的社區,讓白米木屐村成為台灣社區產業營造的典範,且社區營造的故事仍持續進行中。當時的首任總幹事林瑞木,目標是凝聚居民共識改造環境,為重新打造木屐文化產業;1998年再成立了宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮白米社區合作社,為宜蘭第一家保證責任的社區合作社;是以社區人本為主且非營利為目標、以社會企業為定位的機構。
    2002年底林瑞木受聘擔任合作社經理, 2009年當時參與人數達88人,資產總額約3881萬元,全年營收達1,900萬元,歷史最高峰也算是最輝煌的時期,2002-2012年的平均年淨利是34萬元。但隨著全國各地文創主題觀光工廠雨後春筍的成立;逐漸支撐不住原本的社會企業定位與使命驅使下所招聘的大量弱勢居民,並於2013年起開始入不敷出;於2018年底社員大會通過提高社員入社股金500股/人(100元/股),陸續退出,2019年3月65人降到25人,理監事核心幹部降到8人,合作社銀行貸款與其他借貸,大約還有目前亟待一筆大約130萬的資金來紓困,是否能如林瑞木理事主席所願,順利獲取二支箭,第一支箭,穩固的大股東:運用國發會這個創生計劃來緊密連結蘇澳鎮各區域以及中央政府相關部會,希望能順利引入長期且穩定的補助計畫預算。第二支箭,口袋夠深份量足的外部金主來投資合作社,來減緩目前的還款壓力,解除當前合作社的財務困境。可是除了理事主席林瑞木之外,幾乎85%的合作社成員,並不抱持任何希望,幾乎沒有任何信心再繼續經營合作社,甚至再投注金錢。在這營運十字路口上,正在考驗合作社理事主席林瑞木以及他領導的團隊!

    The Baimi Community Development Association was established in 1993. Because it is associated with oil companies, cement plants and ore factories, the quality of living is very poor. However, by revitalizing the traditional wooden rafter industry, the hopeless village is turned into a community of hope, and the Baimi wooden rafter village becomes a Taiwanese community A model of industrial construction, and the story of community construction is still ongoing. Lin Ruimu, the first director-general at that time, aimed to consolidate the residents ’consensus to transform the environment and rebuild the wooden clog cultural industry; in 1998, the Baimi Community Cooperative in Su'ao Township, Yilan County was established, which was the first community cooperative in Yilan to ensure responsibility; Community-oriented organizations that target non-profit organizations and target social enterprises.
    At the end of 2002, Lin Ruimu was hired as the manager of the cooperative. In 2009, there were 88 participants, total assets of about 38.81 million yuan, and annual revenue of 19 million yuan. The annual net profit is 340,000 yuan. However, with the establishment of cultural and creative theme tourism factories around the country, bamboo shoots have sprung up; they have gradually failed to support the original positioning and mission of social enterprises, which has led to the recruitment of a large number of vulnerable residents, and began to make ends meet in 2013; at the end of 2018, the member conference passed the increase of members 500 shares / person (100 yuan / share) will be gradually withdrawn. The number of members decreased from 65 to 25 in March 2019. The core cadre of supervisors and supervisors decreased to 8. The bank loans and other loans of cooperatives are still in urgent need. About 1.3 million of funds were used to help the bailout. Can Chairman Ruiming Mu successfully obtain two arrows, the first arrow, and a solid large shareholder: Use the National Development Council's creation plan to closely connect the various towns in Su'ao and the town. The regional and central government ministries will hope to smoothly introduce a long-term and stable subsidy program budget. The second arrow, the foreign masters with sufficient pockets to invest in cooperatives, can alleviate the current pressure on repayment and relieve the financial difficulties of the current cooperatives. However, with the exception of Lin Ruimu, the chairman of the board of directors, almost 85% of the members of the cooperative do not hold any hope, and have little confidence to continue to run the cooperative, or even bet money. At the crossroads of this operation, Lin Ruimu, the chairman of the cooperative, and his team are being tested!

    目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 X 第一章 個案本文 1 第一節 序 場 1 第二節 命運翻轉契“屐” 2 第三節 社區營造,展新“屐” 3 第四節 文化木屐 錢財累積 6 第五節 不只賣木屐 更要賣文化 7 第六節 為自己改造社區 8 第七節 社造使命,財務危“屐” 9 第八節 改變造型,重新開“屐”? 14 第二章 教學指引 18 第一節 個案總覽 18 第二節 教學目標 21 第三節 課前準備 22 第四節 學員課前討論 23 第五節 適用課程與對象 23 第六節 教學總覽 24 第七節 問題與參考答案 25 第三章 板書教學應用 44 第一節 衍生議題研討 44 第二節 教學目標層次 47 第三節 適用課程 48 第四節 課程問題與討論 50 第五節 教學建議與時間分配 54 參考文獻 55 附錄一、宜蘭縣蘇澳白米合作社大事記 57 附錄二、蘇澳鎮白米社區合作社 60 附錄三、蘇澳鎮白米社區發展協會 60 附錄四、白米合作社營業收入走勢 61 附錄五、白米合作社負債總額 61 附錄六、社員人數變化 62 附錄七、綜合年度營運走勢 62

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