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研究生: 劉馨淳
Hsin-chun Liu
論文名稱: 企業資源規劃系統更替所面臨的問題-以IC設計公司為例
Problems Faced by Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replace Decision - A Case Study of IC Design House
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng Kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong Chen Wu
Pin Luarn
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: ERP資訊系統成功模式企業資源規劃風險管理變革管理
外文關鍵詞: ERP, Information Systems Success Model, Enterprise Resource Planning, Risk Management, Change Management
相關次數: 點閱:715下載:9
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  •   本個案描述A公司的資訊部中階管理人Iris,憑著自己的對工作的執著與未來的憧憬,期望資訊人員所開發出的應用程式或維護的系統,能夠真正貼近使用者的需求,並且能和企業目標站在同一陣線,讓企業內有限的資源,得以妥善的分配與利用,替企業創造出最大價值。故在經歷了一段ERP系統的評選過程後,發現到一些問題,期望藉由ERP系統提前更換準備的提案得以解決。

    This case describes the Department of Information System of the Company A mid-level manager Iris, by her own dedication to the work and vision of the future, expect the information developed application or system maintenance can be really close to the needs of the users. Moreover, business goals on the same side, so that the limited resources of the enterprise, to be the proper distribution and utilization, to create the greatest value for the enterprise. Therefore, the period of ERP system selection process and found some problems, proposal prepared in advance by the ERP system replacement solved.
    But the angle of the case company information department in the face of the ERP system must be explored the various problems faced by the ERP replacement. And try to find defects on the job practical experience in the implement and maintenance of other systems in the past, find out the pattern or structure of the checking mechanism, allowing the system to obtain maximum benefit from practice.
    Therefore, in teaching notes, starting with the successful model of the information system to analyze the effectiveness of the information system and by resource planning and project planning process simulation to solve the case company system implement. Looking further those risks, whether ERP implementation through the aforementioned scientific way, after careful planning and risk assessment, so that after the introduction of the ERP system is able to play the original due benefits. Finally, the update of the ERP system may be a significant change in the corporate opportunity, it may be out of control of the internal source of chaos, how in response to this change, the theory of change management to illustrate.

    推薦書 I 審定書 II 摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 致謝 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 企業資源規劃系統更替所面臨的問題-以IC設計公司為例 1 一、個案IC設計公司與國內半導體產業概述 2 二、舊ERP狀況與應用 3 三、ERP導入成功≠中長期效益 8 四、顧客關係管理系統的導入與應用 11 五、製造執行系統的導入與應用 13 六、企業內部入口網站的導入與應用 17 七、售前顧問所透露出的訊息 19 八、ERP系統更替所面臨的糾結問題 21 九、討論問題 23 教師手冊 24 一、個案總覽 24 (一)教學目標 25 (二)課前準備 26 (三)適用課程與對象 26 二、教學建議 27 三、問題與參考解答 28 四、後記 52 附錄 53 參考文獻 58

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