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研究生: 林嘉清
Daivalentineno Janitra Salim
論文名稱: 每個人都是鑑識畫家:草圖到照片的人臉轉換
Everyone Is a Forensic Artist: Sketch-to-Photo Transformation for Human Face
指導教授: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
口試委員: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Chuan-Kai Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: Forensic GAN圖像生成素描到照片的轉換照片處理多重屬性轉換犯罪鑑識犯罪調查
外文關鍵詞: Forensic GAN, sketch-to-photo transformation, StarGAN, image manipulation, forensic artist, criminal investigation
相關次數: 點閱:260下載:18
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近年有些研究已能夠將人臉的素描轉換為擬真的圖像,以及根據設定的臉部特徵來改變人臉的特徵樣式(例如頭髮的顏色或戴眼鏡)。但是,目前還沒有一種能夠直接將面部素描轉換為擬真照片並更改特徵的整合架構。為了解決此限制,我們提出了Forensic GAN,它結合了Cycle GAN和Star GAN,可以將人臉素描轉換成擬真照片,並能根據多重屬性更改人臉特徵。我們也提出了一種投票機制和一種對數效能度量,用來結合PSNR,SSIM,SCC和ERGAS等度量,以對生成圖像的品質做整體評估。我們分別考慮了六個影響學習的因素,包括數據集,損失函數,數據選擇,訓練策略,訓練圖像數量和epoch數,以優化圖像合成效能。實驗結果顯示, Forensic GAN可以將人臉素描轉換成品質不錯的擬真彩色照片,還可同時更改臉部多重屬性特徵,並獲得了與單用Star GAN相近的屬性偵測平均正確率。

There are a lot of crimes happening all over the world every day. The crimes are committed in form of homicide, robbery, rape, oppression, terrorist attack, and so on. Among the criminal acts, homicide is the type of crime with a large number of victims. There are occasionally eyewitnesses who see the incident and may recognize the criminal’s face, so the police often draw paintings to find out the suspects. Human face is the most significant and informative part of the human body, and can be recognized so as to identify a person with high certainty. This is why the recognition of the human face is widely used by law enforcement agencies to identify or arrest criminals. Since people have the capabilities of remembering human faces, it is in general possible to produce a sketch of the suspect. If the sketch could be further converted into photo-realistic images with modified facial attributes, it may help to find out the suspects and accelerate the investigation process.
Some researches have been shown to be able to transform the sketch of human face into a photo-realistic image, or to change the style of the human face according to desired facial features, such as the color of the hair or with glasses. However, there has not yet been an integrated architecture that is able to transform facial sketch to photo-realistic image directly based on multiple attributes. To address this limitation, we propose Forensic GAN, an architecture that integrates CycleGAN and Star GAN, to perform sketch-to-photo transformation and image manipulation according to multiple attributes. A voting mechanism and a metric of log-sum are proposed to combine four metrics, PSNR, SSIM, SCC and ERGAS, for overall evaluation of image quality. Six factors, including datasets, loss function, data selection, training strategy, number of training images, and number of epochs, are considered respectively for optimizing the synthesis performance. The proposed Forensic GAN may transform multiple attributes at a time to obtain the facial photo with modified attributes, and obtain the mean accuracy of attribute detection that is compatible with Star GAN.

摘要 iv Abstract v Acknowledgement vi Content of Table x Content of Figure xiii List of Algorithms xix Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Motivation 3 1.3. Contribution 5 1.4. Summary 6 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 8 2.1. Image to Image Translation 8 2.1.1. Face Photo – Sketch Synthesis 9 2.1.2. Face Image Manipulation 9 2.1.3. Facial Expression Synthesis 9 2.2. Generative Adversarial Networks 10 2.2.1. Generative Adversarial Networks 10 2.2.2. Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks 11 2.2.3. Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks 12 2.2.4. Star Generative Adversarial Networks 17 2.3. Improvement of Generative Adversarial Network 26 2.3.1. Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network 26 2.3.2. Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network with Gradient Penalty 27 2.3.3. Deep Regret Analytics Generative Adversarial Network 29 2.4. Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions 30 2.5. Validation Measurement 32 2.6. Summary 39 Chapter 3 - Pencil Sketch Synthesis 41 3.1. Architecture 41 3.2. Dataset 42 3.3. Implementation, Results, and Validation 43 3.4. Summary 53 Chapter 4 - Synthesis of Forensic Images from Sketch 54 4.1. Pencil-Sketch-Like Images to Photo Realistic 54 4.1.1. Determine the Best Dataset and Loss Function 58 4.1.2. Determine the Need for Additional Loss Function. 64 4.1.3. Determine the Number of Training Images. 64 4.2. Star GAN using Deep Regret Analytics 68 4.2.1. Architecture 68 4.2.2. Analysis of Loss Function 70 4.2.3. Implementation, Results, and Validation 73 4.2.4. Investigating the Use of Deep Regret Analytics in Star GAN 80 4.3. Forensic GAN 84 4.3.1. Architecture 84 4.3.2. Analysis of Loss Function 84 4.3.3. Implementation, Results, and Validation 87 4.4. Summary 101 Chapter 5 - Conclusion 104 Appendix 107 A. Transform CelebA RGB to Pencil Sketch Style using Open CV 107 B. Transform CelebA RGB to Pencil Sketch Style using Photoshop 109 References 120

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