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研究生: 張原誠
Yuan-Cheng Chang
論文名稱: 企業轉型策略個案研究
A Case Study of Enterprise Transformation Strategy
指導教授: 林孟彥
Tom M.Y. Lin
口試委員: 黃美慈
Mei-Tzu Huang
Jia-Jen Ni
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 塑膠產業企業轉型生物可分解塑膠精實生產競合策略組織靈巧性創業家精神
外文關鍵詞: Plastics Industry, Enterprise Transformation, Biodegradable Plastics, Lean Production, Co-opetition Strategy, Ambidexterity, Entrepreneurship
相關次數: 點閱:627下載:11
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The P company as a follower moved to Shanghai from Taiwan with the migration of industry supply chain under the unstoppable offshoring trend driven by globalization in the 1990s, and has to consider where will be the next location after China’s investing environment dramatically turning down. Leaving China has been an established proposal, however, the core team is still deeply surprised by the final selection, Taiwan. And, that is a transformation project instead of withdraw and migration.
It’s impossible for plastics manufacturers which rely on intensive labor supply to select Taiwan as migration destination and rebuild their manufacturing base, especially there are industrial hollowing-out and supply chain disruption. Moreover, molecular technology and information about Biodegradable Plastics is asymmetric in this field. Based on their original business model, the P company might meet severe challenges after returned.
With the raising of the Culture and Creating industry, the demand of customized and personalized objects is getting more and more popular. And, it also becomes one of Blue Ocean strategies for traditional firms due to higher product added value. On the contrary, the basis of plastics manufacturing is constituted by mass production model. It has been an unsurpassed gap for plastics industry toward the style of various and small amount production model. The P company challenges it once but the whole process is not yet efficient. Now, it might be too risky for P company to setup their transformation plan based on this new process.
Developing competitive strategies is an important issue for a firm to survive under threats by dramatically changes of global industrial construction and market demand. History teaches lessons, and each battle might open possibilities to various future. Sunset is not yet coming, and migration is not destiny of plastics manufacturing industry. Let’s find out the way home together.

目錄 摘要------------------------------------------I Abstract-------------------------------------II 目錄-----------------------------------------III 圖目錄----------------------------------------V 表目錄----------------------------------------VI 壹 、個案本文--------------------------------------1 一 、序幕-找出回家的路------------------------------1 二 、生物可分解塑膠產業背景-------------------------3 1. 塑膠材料的起源----------------------------------3 2. 塑膠材料對生態的傷害-----------------------------3 3. 塑膠替代材料因應而生-----------------------------5 4. 生物可分解塑膠的迷思-----------------------------6 5. 聚乳酸材料的商機--------------------------------7 三 、企業萌芽與轉型的種子---------------------------9 1. 突如其來的機會----------------------------------9 2. 獨排眾議的選擇----------------------------------9 3. 初嘗收穫的喜悅----------------------------------10 4. 四面楚歌的危機----------------------------------10 5. 埋下希望的種子----------------------------------11 四 、逐水草而居的難題-------------------------------11 1. 向中國內陸遷徙的考量-----------------------------12 2. 向東南亞地區遷徙的考量---------------------------12 五 、回台佈局的挑戰---------------------------------13 1. 基本工資增加------------------------------------13 2. 基層勞動力不足----------------------------------14 3. 產業斷鏈危機------------------------------------15 六 、牽一髮動全身的轉型計畫-------------------------16 1. 轉型的構思與矛盾--------------------------------16 2. 關鍵思維的轉變----------------------------------17 3. 既競爭且合作的策略------------------------------17 4. 雙軌並行的策略----------------------------------18 七 、未來的決策------------------------------------18 貳 、個案討論--------------------------------------19 一 、個案總覽--------------------------------------19 二 、個案分析--------------------------------------19 三 、教學指引--------------------------------------22 四 、教學目標--------------------------------------22 五 、課程適用對象----------------------------------26 六 、學員問題討論----------------------------------26 七 、教學建議--------------------------------------28 參考文獻------------------------------------------29

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