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研究生: 崔宰薰
Jaehoon - Choi
論文名稱: 姿勢分類遠距互動方法之研究
The investigation of posture categorized interacting methods for ray-cast pointing
指導教授: 林久翔
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
口試委員: 林承哲
Cheng-Jhe Lin
Tien-Lung Sun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 人機介面互動射線點擊長距離點擊使用者姿勢控制顯示比Fitts’ law肌肉疲勞主觀疲勞可用性
外文關鍵詞: HCI, Ray-cast pointing, Distant pointing, User posture, CD gain, Fitts’ law, Muscular Fatigue, Subjective fatigue, Usability
相關次數: 點閱:452下載:1
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為了提供可離桌(desk-free)環境及個人外的互動空間,射線點擊方法在人機介面互動中已成為普遍的互動方式。為提供全面了解姿勢分類射線點擊方法,本研究探討不同姿勢分類射線點擊方法之績效差異,且進一步研究操縱控制顯示比在姿勢分類射線點擊方法的績效敏感度。此外,本研究探討肌肉及主觀疲勞以了解姿勢分類射線點擊方法產生之疲勞對於績效及可用行的影響。透過隨機順序以3種姿勢分類點擊方式及3水準的控制顯示比為組合,10位受測者進行Fitts’ law多方向點擊作業。研究結果發現由微軟Kinect偵測之角度偏移與上肢抬高角度適合作為確立現今使用者即時角度的參數,而射線點擊時之上肢姿勢確實影響受試者在個人可觸及外的空間進行射線點擊之績效。另外,當遠距離進行射線點擊,績效隨著肩關節移動角度增加而下降;腕及肘關節點擊方式則績效明顯相似,此結果與過去研究相符。結果亦指出進行高度精確作業時,控制顯示比大幅影響射線點擊的績效。本研究建議視覺尺寸擴張技術主要應著重在發展射線點擊支援技術,而以肩關節為基礎之點擊方式則相較於腕及肘關節為基礎之點擊方式需要更高水準的支援技術。

To provide “desk-free” environment and have interaction at the extrapersonal space, ray-cast pointing is becoming common interaction method in HCI. To provide comprehensive understanding of ray-cast pointing, we investigated performance differences of posture categorized ray-cast pointing methods. Further, we also investigated performance sensitivity from manipulated CD gain for posture categorized ray-cast pointing. Moreover, muscular and subjective fatigue was investigated to address the effect of fatigue on performance and usability from posture categorized ray-cast pointing. Ten participants completed Fitts’ law multi directional tapping task through 3 types of posture-categorized pointing method and 3 levels of CD gain in random order. The result revealed that angular deviation and internal upper-arm elevation angle detected by the Microsoft Kinect could be used as a good parameter to determine current user posture in real-time. Moreover, upper extremity posture during ray-cast pointing indeed affected the performance when user performs ray-cast pointing at the extrapersnal space. In addition, performance decreased with an increasing of shoulder joint movement while distant ray-cast pointing. However, wrist and elbow-based pointing had noticeably similar performance that is consistent with previous study. Finally, manipulated CD gain highly affects performance for ray-cast pointing when task requires high precise manipulation. Finally, we suggest that visual size expansion technique should be primarily considered to develop assistance technique for ray-cast pointing. Further, shoulder-based pointing requires higher level of assistance than wrist and elbow-based pointing.

誌 謝 II ABSTRACT III 摘 要 IV Table of Contents 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 5 Chapter 2 Material and Methods 12 2.1 Participants 12 2.2 Apparatus 12 2.3 Experimental design 14 2.3.1 Joint-based pointing in the experimental categories 15 2.2.2 Angular values for defining the pointing methods 17 2.2.3 Electromyography recording 19 2.2.4 Subjective data 20 2.4 Experimental task 21 2.5 Experimental procedure 23 Chapter 3 Chapter 3: Result 26 3.1 Angular motion analysis 26 3.2 Performance 29 3.2.1 Movement time 29 3.2.2 Error rate 33 3.2.3 Throughput 36 3.3 Fatigue 41 3.3.1 Muscular fatigue 41 3.3.2 Subjective Fatigue scale 42 3.4 Usability 43 Chapter 4: Discussion 47 4.1 Angular motion analysis 47 4.2 Performance of specific joint-based pointing 47 4.3 The effect of CD gain on specific joint-based pointing 49 4.4 Fatigue 50 4.5 Usability 51 4.6 Future work 52 Chapter 4 Conclusion 53 Reference 54 Appendix 58

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