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研究生: 曾子祐
Tzu-Yu Tseng
論文名稱: 在混合實境設計過程中 體現激盪法對於團隊發想過程之影響
The Influence of Embodied Storming in Design Team Concept Generation in the Mixed Reality Design Process
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Shu-Yi Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 體現激盪法腦力激盪法混合實境團隊設計活動口語分析
外文關鍵詞: embodied storming, brainstorming, team design activity, mixed reality, protocol analysis
相關次數: 點閱:278下載:2
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在虛實混合實境科技(Mixed Reality)日漸盛行的趨勢下,人與資訊互動的方式從傳統的2D介面轉換到3D的環境空間中,同樣地,設計團隊概念發想與溝通的模式也隨之改變,由於混合實境本質帶有虛擬與現實混合的特性,其操作互動的模式與真實環境連結性極高,若單純以腦力想像多層次的空間互動操作,容易產生想像困難與討論斷點的問題。
本研究發現體現激盪法(Embodied storming method)與混合實境皆強調人與空間環境的互動關係,因而假設此發想法能對於以混合實境為題的設計發想有所幫助,並加以討論與腦力激盪法在思考內容上的差異為何,此為本研究之主要問題。因此本研究目的為:在混合實境的概念設計過程中探討體現激盪法對於團隊的思考過程有哪些層面的影響,透過實驗設定展現「體現激盪法」與「混合實境設計概念思考過程」兩者之間的關聯性,著重分析此法對「活動情境」與「互動細節」的影響為何,採用實驗對照法讓兩組設計團隊在一定時間內發想同一題目:體現組使用透明片原型道具執行體現激盪法;腦力組使用便利貼進行腦力激盪,並影音記錄兩組討論的過程,實驗結果經口語分析編碼發現:(1)體現激盪法組可由肢體操作透明片道具,演繹虛擬資訊呈現位置與互動操作後,引發聯想產生概念應用情境,思考內容階層轉變屬於由下到上的順序。;(2)兩組口語資料中,體現激盪組之「互動命名」次數顯著比另一組多,因而更有機會思考出更特殊的混合實境互動層面構想,且讓功能情境再次更加展開。;(3)從實驗分析與質性訪談中得知,以體現激盪法討論互動細節,較能幫助成員之間理解與傳達,而使用腦力激盪法之組別證實很難單純用想像的方式去討論多層級的操作與互動,因此產出的概念多停留在視覺形式的呈現,討論對談中較缺少特殊的空間互動描述。

The Mixed Reality technology trend has undergone recently, the way human interacting with information is transferring 2D interface into 3D environment. Likewise, the method that the design team members generate the concept has to be changed as well. Because of the user input and other operation of Mixed Reality have a significant correlation with the physical environment, using current method like brainstorming, the design team may hardly envisage the multilevel interactive operation details in the physical environment. This study shows that both the embodied storming and Mixed Reality emphasize the interaction between the user and physical environment. Therefore, we proposed a core hypothesis that the embodied storming method can effects on team concept generation in the Mixed Reality design process. Our major research question is to find the differences in the design activity between embodied storming and brainstorming. The aim of our study is to discuss how the embodied storming method effects on team concept generation in the Mixed Reality design process. Through the setting of experimentation to show the correlations between the embodied storming method and the Mixed Reality concept design process, and focused on the analysis of what does this method impact on the scenario and the interaction details of concept. We conducted two design teams by the control experiment method, which develop the same design subject within the time and recorded the discussion in the process on video. The experiment is divided into two teams, which is named as team E and team B. As for the team E, conducting the embodied storming method with transparent sheet-prototyping. In team B, using the brainstorming as well as scenario design approach with sticky note. With protocol analysis, results showed first, the thinking logic of embodied storming is commenced from the layout of virtual information performed by body language, associated with interaction and operation, subsequently to develop the concept of scenario; second, we compare the descriptions of discussing with two teams, the quantity of narrative included physical and digital interactions indicated that team E is larger than team B; and third, according to the analysis and interview results, the embodied storming method can help communicate and understand the idea between each other. On the one hand, the experiment confirmed that the team B hardly envisage the multilevel interactive operation details. The concept generated from team B merely presented with the visual form, with rarely the narrative of physical and digital interactions. To conclude, the embodied storming showed that this method can have a great effect on Mixed Reality concept design process. Additionally, the design activity had obvious difference between team E and team B. Furthermore, we suggest that the design team can use embodied storming method and brainstorming method by turns to come up with more potential forms of interaction in detail. This effective method can make the design team more vivid in the Mixed Reality concept generation process.

第一章 緒論 8 1.1研究背景動機 8 1.2研究問題 9 1.3研究目的 9 1.4研究範圍與限制 10 1.5研究流程 11 第二章 文獻探討 12 2.1設計思考研究與設計行為活動 12 2.1.1設計思考 12 2.1.2結構化劇本式設計法 13 2.1.3體現激盪法(Embodied-storming) 13 2.1.4腦力激盪法(Brainstorming) 15 2.2口語分析 15 2.3混合實境 16 2.3.1混合實境定義 16 2.3.2混合實境之構面 17 2.3.3現有混合實境設計發想規範與方法 18 2.4文獻總結 24 第三章 研究方法 25 3.1實驗設計 25 3.2實驗時間流程 25 3.3實驗道具 26 3.4實驗環境 30 3.5實驗參與者 30 3.6編碼系統設定 31 3.6.1口語資料斷句定義 31 3.6.2編碼定義 31 第四章 結果與討論 33 4.1實驗資料記錄方式 33 4.2正式一測分析與討論 35 4.2.1散佈圖圖形特徵解釋 35 4.2.2發想現象細節討論 39 4.3正式二測分析與討論 44 4.3.1散佈圖圖形特徵解釋 45 4.3.2發想現象細節討論 49 第五章 結論與建議 62 參考文獻 65 英文文獻 65 中文文獻 65 網路文獻 65 附件目錄 66

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