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研究生: 陳威仁
Reynaldo Pratama Intan
論文名稱: Study on the Strength Development of Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode for High-Strength Reinforcements in B/C Joints
Study on the Strength Development of Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode for High-Strength Reinforcements in B/C Joints
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
口試委員: 王勇智
Yung-Chih Wang
Ker-Chun Lin
Min-Yuan Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: Headed BarAnchorageBeam-Column JointFailure ModeANSYSHigh-strength material
外文關鍵詞: Headed Bar, Anchorage, Beam-Column Joint, Failure Mode, ANSYS, High-strength material
相關次數: 點閱:344下載:1
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  • The application of headed bar as an anchorage in the concrete structure is increasingly popular. Headed bar become a solution to solve the congestion problem, simpler installation, reduction in steel used, and potentially shorter anchorage or embedded lengths at the beam-column joint. There is already some design code for headed bar based on various failure modes. However, the limitation of the fc' and fy value on those design codes are in the range of normal strength value. Therefore, this study is conducted to find the behavior of the headed bar embedded in the high-strength concrete.
    This research will start with the comparison or parametric study of several anchorage capacity equations which based on various failure mode to find out which failure mode is critical in the high strength beam-column joint. This research is using typical exterior beam-column joint as the study case. After identifying the failure mode, this research comes with side-face blowout failure mode as the most dangerous failure mode, and thus the total of 81 specimen data that is assessed using ANSYS, although only 12 specimen data that is constructed.
    Side-face blowout and yield of the steel bar are the critical failure mode to high-strength beam-column joint with headed bar as the anchorage. Based on the ANSYS results, the effect of the variable fc', fy, db,and C to anchorage capacity of the joint can be known. Chun (2017) capacity equation also doing a good job to predict the side-face blowout failure which is analyzed by ANSYS.

    The application of headed bar as an anchorage in the concrete structure is increasingly popular. Headed bar become a solution to solve the congestion problem, simpler installation, reduction in steel used, and potentially shorter anchorage or embedded lengths at the beam-column joint. There is already some design code for headed bar based on various failure modes. However, the limitation of the fc' and fy value on those design codes are in the range of normal strength value. Therefore, this study is conducted to find the behavior of the headed bar embedded in the high-strength concrete.
    This research will start with the comparison or parametric study of several anchorage capacity equations which based on various failure mode to find out which failure mode is critical in the high strength beam-column joint. This research is using typical exterior beam-column joint as the study case. After identifying the failure mode, this research comes with side-face blowout failure mode as the most dangerous failure mode, and thus the total of 81 specimen data that is assessed using ANSYS, although only 12 specimen data that is constructed.
    Side-face blowout and yield of the steel bar are the critical failure mode to high-strength beam-column joint with headed bar as the anchorage. Based on the ANSYS results, the effect of the variable fc', fy, db,and C to anchorage capacity of the joint can be known. Chun (2017) capacity equation also doing a good job to predict the side-face blowout failure which is analyzed by ANSYS.

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii NOTATION xii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Research Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Research 3 1.3 Organization and Thesis Overview 3 Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Failure Mode of the Headed Bars. 5 2.2 Proposed Model for Anchorage Strength of Headed Bar. 9 2.2.1 Prediction Models of the Anchorage Strength of Headed bars DeVries (1996) 14 2.2.2 Prediction Models of the Anchorage Strength of Headed bars Bashandy (1996). 19 2.2.3 Prediction Models of the Anchorage Strength of Headed bars Thompson et al (2006). 22 2.2.4 Prediction Models of the Anchorage Strength of Headed bars Chun et al. (2017). 25 2.2.5 Prediction Models of the Anchorage Strength of Headed bars Chun (2015). 29 2.3 Design Code of the Headed Bars ACI 318. 33 2.3.1 ACI 318-14 Section 25.4.4. 33 2.3.2 ACI 318-14 Section 17.4.3. 37 2.3.3 ACI 318-14 Section 38 Chapter 3. PARAMETRIC STUDY AND SPECIMEN DESIGN 39 3.1 Case Study of Exterior Beam-Column T-Joint Anchorage by Headed Bar. 39 3.2 Design of Exterior Beam-Column T-Joint Specimen for Headed Bar Anchorage of High Strength Material. 55 Chapter 4. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 61 4.1 ANSYS Software 61 4.1.1 Element Types 61 4.1.2 Material Properties 63 4.2 Modelling of Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode of Chun (2017) Specimen. 68 4.3 Modelling of Concrete Breakout Failure Mode of Hong (2007) Specimen. 76 4.4 Analysis of Beam-Column Joint Specimen. 81 Chapter 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 85 5.1 Capacity Results of Beam-Column Joint Specimen 85 5.2 The Effect of Concrete Compression Strength (fc' ) to The Normalized Capacity of Anchorage Strength (P/Py ). 87 5.3 The Effect of Steel Tension Strength (fy ) to The Normalized Capacity of Anchorage Strength (P/Py ). 90 5.4 The Effect of Bar Diameter (db ) to The Normalized Capacity of Anchorage Strength (P/Py ). 92 5.5 The Effect of Concrete Cover to Bar (C ) to The Normalized Capacity of Anchorage Strength (P/Py ). 94 5.6 Comparation Between Yield Capacity of the Bar and Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode. 97 5.7 Comparison of Capacity Equation Based on Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode. 113 Chapter 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 119 6.1 Conclusion 119 6.2 Suggestion and Future Research. 120 REFERENCES 121 APPENDIX 123

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