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研究生: Ricky
論文名稱: Investigations of Headed Bars Embedded in HSRC Members with Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode Using FE Simulation
Investigations of Headed Bars Embedded in HSRC Members with Side-Face Blowout Failure Mode Using FE Simulation
指導教授: 邱建國
chien-kuo chiu
口試委員: 邱建國
chien-kuo chiu
Min-Yuan Cheng
Ker-Chun Lin
Chung-Chan Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: Headed BarBeam-Column JointMonotonic LoadingCyclic LoadingANSYSHigh-Strength MaterialSide-Face Blowout
外文關鍵詞: Headed Bar, Beam-Column Joint, Monotonic Loading, Cyclic Loading, ANSYS, High-Strength Material, Side-Face Blowout
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:1
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  • Headed bars as a new anchorage method can be widely applied in high strength concrete structures because it solves some problems regarding highly congested joint, such as steel congestion and installation. However, the guideline of the headed bars on ACI 318-19 code is still based on the monotonic loading experiment and has not given more details about how to implement headed bars in building under seismic loading. Failure mode on the joint also need to be researched. Steel rebar yield (P/Py ≥1) failure is a more desirable final failure mode because it lets the headed bar able to develop its yield stress before the concrete start to fail instead of a sudden side-face blowout (SFB) failure (P/Py < 1).
    This research mainly uses ANSYS to conduct monotonic and cyclic parametric studies. Before conducting the parametric study, remodeling from other researchers experiment and models is conducted to verify the ANSYS setting. Explicit Dynamic is used in monotonic loading FE analysis, while Static Structural is selected for the cyclic loading. This method selection is based on each specimens final failure mode. Based on the remodeling study, it is shown that ANSYS can produce a similar final load and failure pattern with the actual specimens. Finally, 144 monotonic FE models and 21 cyclic models are simulated.
    The effects of the parameters from the monotonic loading study are then summarized to four engineering graphs as a guideline for engineers to achieve P/Py ≥1 when designing HSRC external beam-column joint using headed bars. The accuracy of the engineering graphs is then verified by plotting the cyclic FE parametric study to the graphs. Based on the result, it is shown that the graph can also be used to achieve P/Py ≥1 for specimen under cyclic loading. Additionally, it is shown that using ACI 318-19 seismic and headed bar requirement can achieve P/Py ≥1 for the main rebar and Mu > 1.25Mn for the beam.

    Headed bars as a new anchorage method can be widely applied in high strength concrete structures because it solves some problems regarding highly congested joint, such as steel congestion and installation. However, the guideline of the headed bars on ACI 318-19 code is still based on the monotonic loading experiment and has not given more details about how to implement headed bars in building under seismic loading. Failure mode on the joint also need to be researched. Steel rebar yield (P/Py ≥1) failure is a more desirable final failure mode because it lets the headed bar able to develop its yield stress before the concrete start to fail instead of a sudden side-face blowout (SFB) failure (P/Py < 1).
    This research mainly uses ANSYS to conduct monotonic and cyclic parametric studies. Before conducting the parametric study, remodeling from other researchers experiment and models is conducted to verify the ANSYS setting. Explicit Dynamic is used in monotonic loading FE analysis, while Static Structural is selected for the cyclic loading. This method selection is based on each specimens final failure mode. Based on the remodeling study, it is shown that ANSYS can produce a similar final load and failure pattern with the actual specimens. Finally, 144 monotonic FE models and 21 cyclic models are simulated.
    The effects of the parameters from the monotonic loading study are then summarized to four engineering graphs as a guideline for engineers to achieve P/Py ≥1 when designing HSRC external beam-column joint using headed bars. The accuracy of the engineering graphs is then verified by plotting the cyclic FE parametric study to the graphs. Based on the result, it is shown that the graph can also be used to achieve P/Py ≥1 for specimen under cyclic loading. Additionally, it is shown that using ACI 318-19 seismic and headed bar requirement can achieve P/Py ≥1 for the main rebar and Mu > 1.25Mn for the beam.

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Objectives and Scope of the Research 2 1.2.1. Objectives 2 1.2.2. Scope 2 1.3. Organization and Thesis Overview 2 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1. Failure Modes of Headed Bars Anchorage 3 2.2. Existing Model for Anchorage of Headed Bars 4 2.2.1. Existing Model for Devries and Bashandy (1996) 4 2.2.2. Model Anchorage by Chun et al. (2017) 7 2.2.3. Model Anchorage by Chun et al. (2018) 9 2.2.4. Model Anchorage by Chun et al. (2019) 10 2.3. Headed Bar Performance Under Cyclic Loading 10 2.4. Code Provision of Anchorage Headed Bars (ACI Committee 318) 13 2.4.1. ACI 318-19 Section 25.4.4 13 2.5. Research Timeline 15 2.5.1. Parametric Study and Simulation by Intan (2018) 15 2.5.2. Experimental Study at NCREE by Halawa (2019) 18 CHAPTER 3. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYTICAL MODEL 21 3.1. Monotonic Loading Simulation 21 3.1.1. ANSYS Explicit Dynamic 21 3.1.2. Detail of the Halawa (2019) Experiment Specimen 22 3.1.3. Remodeling Halawa (2019) Experiment Specimen 23 3.1.4. Comparisons between Halawa (2019) Experimental Result and Self-ANSYS Simulation 29 3.1.5. Comparisons between Halawa (2019) Experimental Result and Various SFB Equations 34 3.2. Cyclic Loading Simulation 35 3.2.1. ANSYS Static Structural 35 3.2.2. Remodeling 1 – Rajagopal’s (2014) Experiment Specimen 36 3.2.3. Remodeling 2 – Chiu et al. (2016) Experiment Specimen 47 3.2.4. Remodeling accuracy 50 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 51 4.1. Monotonic Loading Parametric Study (Using 144 FE Models) 51 4.1.1. The Detail and General Assumption of the Parametric Study 51 4.1.2. Parametric Study Result 51 4.1.3. Performance of Various SFB Equations 62 4.1.4. Guideline for Designing Exterior Beam-Column Joints 63 4.2. Cyclic Loading Parametric (Using 21 FE Models) 64 4.2.1. The Detail and General Assumption of the Parametric Study 64 4.2.2. Parametric Study Result 70 4.3. Comparison between monotonic and cyclic loading 79 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION 82 5.1. Research Conclusion 82 5.2. Scope of Future Work 83 REFERENCES 84 APPENDIXES 86

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