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研究生: 楊閎宇
論文名稱: 篡改人物影像之鑑識系統
The forensics system of tampered image of people
指導教授: 鍾國亮
Kuo-Liang Chung
Chyou-hwa Chen
Tai-Ling Chin
口試委員: 方瓊瑤
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 33
中文關鍵詞: 影像鑑識JPEG壓縮格式邊緣檢測膚色偵測
外文關鍵詞: Image forensics, JPEG compression format, Edge detection, Skin-Color Detection
相關次數: 點閱:497下載:1
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In recent years, the fields of the image processing applications, such as the digital camera and the image editor, are continually growing and quite important. However, it leads to the problems that digital images may easily be modified and altered. The altered images maybe be infringed upon the property-rights when these images are wrong used. Therefore, we proposed a forensics system to detect the candidate tampered regions which are generated by using the human skin color recognition technique. In this thesis, our proposed method combines two strategies which are the tampered-JPEG-image detection and aliasing edges detection. The first adopted strategy, the tampered-JPEG-image detection, is used to detect the candidate tampered regions according to the double quantization effect. Then, the second strategy, aliasing edges detection, is applied to detect the cropped margins of the candidate tampered regions. Based on the ninety-seven test images in including seventy tampered images and twenty-seven original images, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can accurately detect the tampered images.

第一章 緒論............................................................1 1.1研究計畫背景..................................................1 1.2研究計畫動機..................................................2 1.3研究計畫目的..................................................2 第二章 相關背景知識....................................................3 2.1 RGB色彩空間轉YCbCr色彩空間........................................3 2.2 形態學............................................................3 2.3 邊緣檢測..........................................................4 2.3.1 拉普拉斯測邊算子...........................................4 2.3.2 Sobel測邊算子..............................................6 2.4 連接原件標籤......................................................7 2.5 JPEG影像壓縮格式.............................................9 第三章 影像鑑識文獻介紹...............................................10 3.1 偽造影像的產生方式...............................................10 3.2 影像鑑識技術分類.................................................11 3.3 JPEG雙重壓縮效應 ................................................12 3.4 篡改邊緣模糊偵測.................................................14 第四章 人物篡改偵測...................................................17 4.1 基於量化表判斷的篡改鑑定.....................................17 4.2 針對JPEG影像篡改區域偵測..........................................18 4.2.1 雙重壓縮效應.........................................18 4.2.2 量化離散餘弦係數分析.................................20 4.3人臉膚色偵測.......................................................22 4.3.1 YCbCr色彩空間膚色偵測...............................22 4.3.2 臉型幾何性之判定 ...................................24 4.4 鋸齒邊緣檢測................................................26 4.4.1. 鋸齒狀模板..........................................26 4.4.2 鋸齒邊檢測...........................................27 第五章 實驗結果.......................................................29 5.1 系統流程圖..................................................29 5.2 實驗數據....................................................30 第六章 結論及未來工作.................................................32 參考文獻..............................................................33

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