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研究生: 張士燭
Shih-Chu Chang
論文名稱: 基於低功耗廣域網路LoRa技術感控警示研究
Study on Sensing Warning Based on LPWAN LoRa Technology
指導教授: 郭永麟
Yong-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 蔡明忠
Ming-Jong Tsai
Cheng-Hsiung Yang
I-Tsyuen Chang
Yong-Lin Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網資通訊技術長距離技術低功耗廣域網路長距離廣域網路
外文關鍵詞: Internet of Things, ICT, LoRa, LPWAN, LoRaWAN
相關次數: 點閱:343下載:0
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  • 物聯網(Internet of Things,IoT)隨著近年來資通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology,ICT)的發展進步,是繼互聯網(Internet)及人聯網(People Network)蓬勃發展後,近來也受到舉世大眾的關注,成為全球電信營運商及物聯網相關業界未來的新藍海商機及新商業模式,因為物聯網可應用的產業廣泛眾多,而各種物聯網技術適用場景要求不一,主要功能都希望能自動化及大量化感測物件(Things)狀態,以供作後續大數據(Big Data)收集、人工智慧(AI)判斷及決策管理參考。
    關於能用於自動化及大量化感測物件(Things)狀態的物聯網技術中,其中LoRa(Long Range)長距離技術具有低功耗、遠距離、低速率、低成本及收容大量節點的特性,它運作在免執照的Sub-GHz 頻段,建置成本上則省下頻率使用費,相較於2.4GHz及5GHz高頻頻段訊號涵蓋範圍較廣,由於功耗低運作所以可採電池供電,傳輸速率僅為0.3~50kbps,射頻晶片相對簡單及價廉。
    本論文透過自行建構小型星狀LoRa廣域網路(LoRaWAN) 針對於居家及社區場景物聯網感測及控制訊息來進行試驗及應用情境實驗,由所得結果可驗證LoRa技術可針對溫濕度、一氧化碳、空氣微粒、交流電流及三軸加速度等傳感器將感測數據上傳至ThingSpeak雲端物聯網平台供遠端電腦或行動終端查閱,並可由物聯網平台設定臨界條件觸發出警示通知遠端行動終端,以及可透過物聯網平台下達TalkBack指令來控制繼電器及直流風扇等致動器,可作為居家、社區及廠房日常感測與控制應用。另外以兩個LoRa節點建構對等直連式架構,可依傳感器節點之感測溫度值透過LoRa通訊來調控致動器節點之直流風扇轉速,及以三個LoRa節點建構對等中繼式架構,可依傳感器節點之感測光照度值透過LoRa通訊傳送至中繼節點轉送至致動器節點來調控直流風扇轉速,可作為延伸涵蓋用。

    Internet of Things (IoT), along with the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in recent years, has recently gained popularity among the world after the Internet and the People Network. The focus has become a new blue ocean business opportunity and new business model for the global telecom operators and the Internet of Things related industries. Because the Internet of Things has a wide range of industries, and various IoT technologies have different application requirements. The main functions are expected to be automated, and a large number of sensing objects (Things) status for subsequent Big Data collection, artificial intelligence (AI) judgment and decision management reference.
    Regarding to the Internet of Things technology that can be used to automate and mass the sensing of the Things state, LoRa (Long Range) technology has low power consumption, long distance, low speed, low cost and a large number of nodes. It operates in the license-free Sub-GHz band, and the cost of the installation saves the frequency usage fee. Compared with the 2.4GHz and 5GHz high-frequency bands, the signal coverage is wider. Due to the low power consumption, the battery can be powered, the transmission rate is only for 0.3~50kbps, and RF chips are relatively simple and inexpensive.
    This thesis uses the self-constructed small star topology LoRa Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) to test and apply the situational experiment for the IoT sensing and control information of the home and community scenes. The results can be verified by that the LoRa technology can be used for temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide, air particles, alternating current and tri-axis acceleration sensors upload the sensing data to the ThingSpeak cloud IoT platform for remote computer or mobile terminal access. They can be triggered by the IoT platform to set a critical condition to trigger a notification to the remote mobile terminal. The Internet of Things platform provides TalkBack commands to control actuators such as Relays and DC fans. They can be used as a daily sensing and control application for home, community and plant. In addition, two LoRa nodes are used to construct the Ad-hoc direct architecture, which can control the DC fan speed of aculator node through the LoRa communication by the sensor node sensed temperature. Three LoRa nodes construct the Ad-hoc relay architecture. The sensor node sensed photometric value is transmitted to the relay node through LoRa communication and transferred to the aculator node to regulate the DC fan speed. It can be used to extend coverage.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 xv 第 1 章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2文獻回顧 3 1.2.1文獻探討 3 1.2.2統計與預測資料 4 1.3研究動機 6 1.4研究方法 8 1.5論文架構 9 第 2 章 物聯網與LoRa無線通訊 11 2.1物聯網與網路介紹 11 2.1.1網路拓樸 13 2.1.2網路規模 14 2.1.3網路階層與聯網方式 15 2.2 LoRa無線通訊 17 2.2.1無線通訊 17 2.2.2頻率分類及通訊技術 18 2.2.3自由空間路徑損耗 22 2.2.4無線鏈路預算 26 2.3 LoRa技術介紹 28 2.3.1 LoRa與LoRaWAN 28 2.3.2 LoRa技術特性 31 2.3.3低功耗廣域網路 40 第 3 章 試驗規劃及測試 45 3.1軟體設備 45 3.1.1 Arduino IDE開發軟體 45 3.1.2 ThingSpeak雲端物聯網平台 46 3.2硬體設備 48 3.2.1 LoRa閘道器 48 3.2.2 Arduino Uno R3開發板 51 3.2.3 LoRa開發板與天線 52 3.3傳感器感測試驗 56 3.3.1溫濕度傳感器試驗 56 3.3.2霍爾電流傳感器試驗 59 3.3.3空氣微粒傳感器試驗 63 3.3.4一氧化碳傳感器試驗 66 3.3.5三軸加速度傳感器試驗 69 3.4致動器控制試驗 74 3.4.1繼電器模組試驗 75 3.4.2直流風扇試驗 78 3.5 LoRa節點互連試驗 81 3.5.1對等直連式架構試驗 81 3.5.2對等中繼式架構試驗 85 第 4 章 應用場景規劃與實驗 90 4.1實驗規劃 90 4.2整合實驗場景說明 91 4.3實驗一(感測應用場景) 93 4.3.1實驗一設備 94 4.3.2實驗一說明及結果 95 4.4實驗二(輔具應用場景) 101 4.4.1實驗二設備 101 4.4.2實驗二說明及結果 102 4.5實驗三(控制應用場景) 112 4.5.1實驗三設備 112 4.5.2實驗三說明及結果 113 4.6實驗四(雙向感控應用場景) 115 4.6.1實驗四設備 115 4.6.2實驗四說明及結果 116 4.7小結 118 第 5 章 結論與未來展望 120 5.1結論 120 5.1.1完成項目 121 5.1.2結論 123 5.2未來展望 124 參考文獻 126 圖附錄 132 表附錄 134 公式附錄 142

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