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研究生: 強曉霖
論文名稱: 人資協會國際化的挑戰-以資源活化加速非營利組織的成長
International Challenges ahead for NPOs - A CHRMA Case study
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 策略更新內隱知識外部化人力資源管理非營利組織共識決策
外文關鍵詞: Non-profit Organization, Human Resource Management, KnowledgesExternalization, Strategic Renewal, Consensus Decision Making NPO
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:10
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  • 人力資源是組織營運重要的資產,而知識,則被視為是組織發展重要的基石,兩者都需要被維護、管理和活化,才能發揮更大的效益,進而達到營運目標。志願工作者之所以成為非營利組織積極爭取的資源,除了因為他們無需計入費用成本,更重要的是,當今的志工隨著知識運用能力的提高,一旦認同了組織創立的使命和宗旨,即會積極地投入各項事務的推動。基於志工的工作動力來自於對組織宗旨與使命的認同,而非商業利益的結合;是維繫於無形的理念,而非金錢的交易,更需要非營利組織的領導者以高度智慧來引領,以策略更新為手段,凝聚志工夥伴的高度共識,共同協力實現非營利組織的設立的宗旨。

    Human resources and knowledge are considered the most important assets in any organization. Both of these need to be maintained, managed and activated effectively in order to play a greater efficiency in achieving company goals. Experienced volunteers have become appealing resources for non-profit organizations (NPOs), not only because they cost less; the main reason is most of them are well trained and have lots of knowledge and skills they can share. Once they agree with and accept the organization's missions and goals, they can be actively engaged in promoting the transformation required, for the NPO to achieve these goals. As a volunteer work force focuses on the purpose and mission of the organization, rather than a combination of commercial interests, and the deal, money or profit; they are maintained on track by the very crucial nontangible ideal. NPOs need leaders to lead the volunteers with wisdom, and unite a high degree of consensus by using the strategy of renewal to achieve their vision.
    This is a case study to introduce NPO’s to the international challenges encountered by the Chinese Human Resource Management Association (CHRMA). CHRMA was originally founded by a very senior highly experienced group of foreign volunteers with more than 30 years professional experience. They are dedicated to the research of human resource strategies, and want to improve HR management skills and strategic thinking for junior HR friends in domestic enterprises. CHRMA is widely respected and appreciated by all human resource professionals. Linda was the Minister of the Press Relationship committee, and in Oct. 2013 she took on the greater responsibility of International Affairs committee manager, as assigned by CHRMA Chairman Rick. This case explored how she expanded the mission to promote the internationalization of affairs. How she utilized volunteer teams, effective management of human resources, and how she explored existing resource associations with the implicit knowledge of outside practice to show the full range of human resource solutions for association leaders to share the spirit of excellence. As the board of international affairs have different opinions on promoting the progress of plans and resource allocations reaching a maximum consensus is a continuous job they have to face.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目次 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一. 序場 1 二. 人資協會國際化的發展脈絡 3 三. 志工與非營利組織協力模式 6 (一) 組織使命宗旨吸引志工投入 6 (二) 志工績效成果被高標準檢驗 8 四. IA&PR專案產出的資源基礎 9 (一) 豐沛專業的人力資源 9 (二) 資訊科技的推波助瀾 11 (三) 會員知識交流的平台 12 (四) 志工自我實現與學習 13 五. 國際化對協會的效益和爭議 15 (一) 國際化對協會的正面意義 15 (二) 國際事務引發的內部爭議 16 六. 附件 19 附件一:中華人資協會網路平台 19 附件二:中華人資協會組織沿革 20 附件三:IA&PR專案說明與目標 23 附件四:2014年國際化專案成果 24 貳、 個案討論 27 一. 個案總覽 27 二. 教學目標與適用課程 28 三. 學生課前討論問題 31 四. 個案人物背景 31 五. 個案分析 32 六. 課程結論 49 七. 教學建議 49 八. 板書規劃 53 參、 參考文獻 54 一. 中文部分 54 二. 英文部分 54 三. 網站部分 55

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