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研究生: 陳奇緣
Chi-Yuan Chen
論文名稱: 即時互動式雲端3D立體重建與顯像系統
Real time interactive web based 3D reconstruction and viewing system
指導教授: 王靖維
Ching-Wei Wang
口試委員: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
Chueng-Hsieng Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 三維重建三維模型醫學影像互動式介面雲端運算
外文關鍵詞: Three-dimensional reconstruction, Three-dimensional model, Medical imaging, Interactive interface, Cloud computing
相關次數: 點閱:687下載:0
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  With the development of CT and MRI, physicians can use two-dimensional slices of human body and organs as the diagnosis basis. The clinical application of these medical imaging has made a great progress in medical diagnosis and treatment technology. However, two-dimensional tomographic images can only express anatomical information of a certain section. It is difficult for physicians to establish a three-dimensional spatial structure through only two-dimensional tomography images.
  The proposed research develops a web-based interactive three-dimensional reconstruction system by Python and WebGL. With the obtainment of the DICOM files uploaded by user, the proposed system can convert it into a visual images and can reconstruct the visual images into a three-dimensional model. The reconstruction of the proposed system is rapid, and it can complete the reconstruction of 900 CT images with a size of 512*512 within 10 seconds. To keep the frame rate at 60 Hz, the users can choose between image refinement and drawing speed. Thus, the proposed system can certain fluency on any hardware device. Moreover, all the system functions are real-time. Users can rotate, translate or scale the model with the interactive interface of the system. The three-dimensional model can be displayed in different form by setting the parameter so that physicians can analyze the feature of the slice images.
  The proposed system integrates cloud computing and enables users to analyze 3D data with portable devices via Internet. With the proposed system, medical experts could analyze three-dimensional anatomy easily and conveniently any time anywhere. The system can be applied to surgical simulation, medical teaching, and positioning radiation treatment, and the proposed system has great potential in clinical usages in the future.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章、緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目標 1.3 論文貢獻 1.4 論文架構 第二章、研究背景 2.1 三維重建原理 2.1.1 影像還原 2.2 雲端運算 第三章、研究方法 3.1 雲端運算系統架構 3.2 影像格式轉換 3.3 三維重建 3.3.1 二維平面投影 3.3.2 三維物件拾取 第四章、實驗設計與結果 4.1 三維重建速度實驗 4.1.1 影像載入與模型成像速度實驗 4.1.2 模型繪製速度實驗 4.2 系統功能實驗設計 4.2.1 取樣繪製功能設計 4.2.2 繪製密度功能設計 4.2.3 色彩亮度功能設計 4.2.4 對比度功能設計 4.2.5 色彩查找表功能設計 4.2.6 色彩飽和度功能設計 4.2.7 切面與定位點功能設計 第五章、結論與未來展望 5.1 結論 5.2 未來發展 參考文獻

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