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研究生: 林孟萱
Meng-Hsuan - Lin
論文名稱: 結合概念構圖與摘要策略之翻轉學習模式對學生學習成就之影響
Effects of integrating a Concept Mapping-based Summarization Strategy into Flipped Learning on Students’ Learning Performances
指導教授: 黃國禎
Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員: 邱國力
Guo-Li Chiou
Wu-Yuin Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 翻轉教室概念構圖摘要策略閱讀動機
外文關鍵詞: Flipped Classroom, Concept Map, Summary Strategy, Reading Motivation
相關次數: 點閱:595下載:0
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  • 閱讀理解能力是學習各學科的必備能力,也是在國文課程中最具有挑戰性的學習目標之一。傳統以教師授課為主的學習模式中,學生比較少有機會進行閱讀的演練,更不易獲得來自教師及同儕的回饋。翻轉教室強調學生可以在課前透過教師錄製的影片學習以記憶與理解為主的知識,因而在課堂活動中可以有更多演練、同儕與師生互動,以及高層次思考活動的機會。學者更一步指出,在翻轉教室的課堂活動中,若加入適當的學習策略式工具,有利於提昇學習成效。

    The ability of Reading comprehension is one of the necessarily skills for learning different subjects, and especially it’s a very challenging learning objectives in Chinese curriculum. In traditional teacher-based lecturing, students are less likely to have opportunity to practice reading exercises and receive feedback from teachers and peers. The flipped classroom emphasizes that students are able to memorize and understand the knowledge through video made by professions prior class. Therefore, there can be more rooms for practices, interactions and communications in class, and upper-level thinking opportunities. Moreover, there may scholar point outs, mixing some strategic learning tools is effectiveness for learning result in flipped classroom.
    The process of general reading comprehension is the main learning strategy for helping student to determine and summarize articles. However, for most students, a summary is still quite an abstract concept. In many learning tools, the concept of composition is considered to be effective in helping students master the article the main concepts, secondary concepts and article structure of visual tools. Therefore, this study will propose a concept mapping-based summarization strategy into Flipped Learning model.
    The study subjects was 45 primary school students with fifth grade in two classes in Taipei. The experimental group was designed using " Concept Mapping-based Summarization Strategy into Flipped Learning ". The control group was designed using " Summarization Strategy into Flipped Learning ". The analysis was conducted with the spss software to verify the hypothesis. In addition, six students in both experimental and control groups were interviewed in order to supplement the experimental results.

    According to the experiment, " Concept Mapping-based Summarization Strategy into Flipped Learning " is able to improve students’s summarizing ability. Moreover, the experimental group expresses positive correlations for students’ external motivations, internal motivations, reading efficiencies, self-efficacy, summarizing and reading abilities. It's negative correlation in external motivation, internal motivation and recognition burdens for summarization strategy into flipped learning. In addition, there shows no direct relationship between concept mapping-based strategy and learning motivations and achievements, but summarization strategy still helps for reducing students’ recognition burdens with high motivations.

    摘要…… I Abstract …… III 第一章 緒論…… 1 1.1研究背景與動機…… 1 1.2研究目的與問題…… 3 1.3名詞釋義 …… 4 1.3.1翻轉教室(Flipped Classroom)…… 4 1.3.2概念圖(Concept Map)…… 4 1.3.3摘要策略(Summary Strategy)…… 5 1.3.4閱讀動機(Reading Motivation) …… 5 1.3.5自我效能(Self-Efficacy)…… 5 1.3.6認知負荷(Cognitive load)…… 5 第二章 文獻探討…… 6 2.1翻轉教室與翻轉學習 …… 6 2.1.1翻轉教室與翻轉學習的定義與策略 …… 6 2.1.2翻轉教室的認知學習觀點…… 7 2.2概念圖學習策略 …… 9 2.2.1概念圖定義…… 9 2.2.2概念圖的應用 …… 10 2.3摘要閱讀理解策略 …… 11 2.3.1摘要的定義…… 11 2.3.2摘要策略的教學…… 12 第三章 研究方法 …… 14 3.1研究架構…… 14 3.2結合概念構圖與摘要策略之翻轉教室學習系統 …… 15 3.2.1翻轉教室影片內容 . …… 15 3.2.2概念圖教材設計…… 17 3.3研究工具與分析方法…… 18 3.3.1閱讀理解測驗…… 18 3.3.2閱讀動機量表…… 19 3.3.3個人自我效能量表…… 20 3.3.4認知負荷量表…… 20 3.3.5訪談問卷…… 20 3.3.6摘寫能力測驗 …… 21 3.3.7摘要能力評定量表…… 21 3.3.8資料處理與分析…… 22 第四章 實驗設計 …… 23 4.1實驗對象…… 23 4.2實驗流程…… 23 4.2.1翻轉教室與教學活動…… 23 4.2.2結合概念構圖與摘要策略的課堂活動流程 …… 27 第五章 實驗結果與分析 ……. 28 5.1摘要能力 …… 28 5.2閱讀理解能力…… 29 5.3閱讀動機 …… 31 5.4 認知負荷 …… 35 5.5學習成效與學習成就之間之關係…… 36 5.5.1實驗組閱讀動機、自我效能、認知負荷、閱讀理解及摘要能力之相關分析…… 36 5.5.2實驗組閱讀動機、自我效能、認知負荷、閱讀理解及摘要能力之迴歸分析 …… 36 5.5.3控制組閱讀動機、自我效能、認知負荷、閱讀理解及摘要能力之相關分析…… 38 5.5.4控制組閱讀動機、自我效能、認知負荷、閱讀理解及摘要能力之迴歸分析…… 39 5.5.5實驗組與控制組之摘要能力與閱讀理解能力之迴歸分析…… 40 5.6 訪談 …… 41 第六章 結論與討論…… 45 6.1研究結果與討論 …… 45 6.1.1摘要能力方面…… 45 6.1.2閱讀理解能力方面…… 46 6.1.3閱讀動機、自我效能、認知負荷、閱讀理解及摘要能力之關係 ......... 46 6.2研究建議 …… 48 6.2.1實驗設計…… 48 6.2.2課中活動 …… 49 參考文獻…… 51 附錄…… 57

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