研究生: |
陳建宏 Chien-Hung Chen |
論文名稱: |
應用人工智慧於隱形眼鏡殼模射出成形參數多目標最佳化之研究 Research on Artificial Intelligence in Multi-objective Optimization for Injection Molding Parameters of Contact Lens Shell Molds |
指導教授: |
Chao-Chang A. Chen |
口試委員: |
Sen-Yeu Yang 劉士榮 Shih-Jung Liu 黃明賢 Ming-Shyan Huang 莊程媐 Cheng-Hsi Chuang 陳炤彰 Chao-Chang A. Chen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工程學院 - 機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 172 |
中文關鍵詞: | 隱形眼鏡殼模 、射出成形 、類神經網路 、多目標基因演算法 、模擬退火演算法 、基因演算法最佳化類神經網路 |
外文關鍵詞: | Contact Lens Shell Mold, Injection Molding, Neural Network, Multi objective Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm-Artificial Neural Network (GA-ANN) |
相關次數: | 點閱:801 下載:1 |
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本研究使用近視400度隱形眼鏡殼模模具,探討隱形眼鏡殼模射出成形參數多目標最佳化之研究。研究目的為應用AI導入射出成形製程,使品質預測模型更為準確並得到最佳射出成形參數,提高產品良率。研究方法影響因子為射速、保壓壓力、保壓時間、模溫、融膠溫度、冷卻時間,品質特性為同時滿足最小Z軸翹曲與最小成形週期時間,比較田口法、期望函數、多目標基因演算法、模擬退火演算法。實驗結果,多目標基因演算法,可得到同時滿足最小Z軸翹曲16.080 mm*10-2與最小成形週期時間28.476 sec。本研究使用非接觸型的量測方法,把實際射出隱形眼鏡殼模尺寸與標準模仁外形尺寸比較的方法,與先前研究,使用模擬數據或是使用接觸型的量測方法進行尺寸補償明顯不同。量測濕片度數結果,田口法最佳化參數製作之隱形眼鏡鏡片為近視425度,期望函數為近視450度,多目標基因演算法、模擬退火演算法為近視425度。本研究使用類神經網路建立品質預測模型,並運用基因演算法最佳化類神經網路GA-ANN。另本研究自行撰寫MATLAB類神經網路程式,根據輸入,輸出項目與資料的多寡,使用MSE均方誤差值之大小判斷,自動得到最佳隱藏層與神經元之數量,達到最快收斂結果,也避免過擬合。
This research develops a Multi-objective optimization method with the myopia of 400 degrees contact lens shell mold for obtaining the optimized injection parameters of injection molding. This research is to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the injection molding process to increase the accuracy of the prediction model and obtain the optimal injection molding parameters for improving the product yield rate. Research methods include the Taguchi method, Desirability Function Analysis, Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) Algorithm. The control factors include Injection Speed, Packing Pressure, Packing Time, Mold Temperature, Melt Temperature and Cooling Time. Experimental result of MOGA achieves the minimum warpage of Z-axis as 16.080 mm*10-2 and the minimum cycle time as 28.476 sec. This research develops a non-contact measurement method to compare with the shell mold dimension and mold core dimension. It is different from previous research of only simulation analysis or using contact measurement method for compensation. The soft contact lens and measurement results are shown that, the contact lens made by Taguchi method is myopia 425 degrees, the Desirability Function Analysis method is 450 degrees, and the MOGA and SA is 425 degrees. This research develops a Neural Network to establish prediction model, with GA to optimize the Neural Network (GA-ANN). The goal of GA-ANN is to achieve a better prediction model and obtain the optimization of injection parameters. Finally, this research develops a MATLAB Neural Network program, based on mean square error value, that can achieve the optimized hidden layer to obtain the fastest convergence and avoid overfitting.
Keywords: Contact Lens Shell Mold, Injection Molding, Neural Network, Multi objective Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm-Artificial Neural Network (GA-ANN).
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