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研究生: 謝佳芳
Chia-Fang Hsieh
論文名稱: 遊戲化機制對使用數位金融服務意願之影響
The influence of digital financial service usage intention by using gamification mechanism
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Kuo-Lun Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 數位金融遊戲化情緒感染
外文關鍵詞: digital finance, gamification, emotional contagion
相關次數: 點閱:362下載:0
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  • 近年來台灣逐漸開放數位金融相關法規,金融業者也積極推廣數位金融相關服務。在高度監理的法令限制之下,各家銀行提供的數位金融服務大同小異,大多以現金回饋、活儲利率、轉帳次數等作為競爭策略,並無太大變化。數位金融服務跟傳統金融服務最大的差異是消費者與銀行互動型態的轉變,更重視客戶服務體驗之優化,除導入人工智慧、大數據分析等技術之外,遊戲化是一種有溫度的互動模式。在其他營銷市場、學術研究皆可證實導入遊戲化機制對營收、消費者購買意圖是有正面的影響,對變化不大的商品組合有加分的效果,現行國內有許多金融業者開始導入遊戲化設計,學術上對此相關研究仍有限。本研究目的是探討遊戲化機制對使用數位金融服務意願之影響,並將其提供給金融業者制定策略之參考。
    本研究以量化的方式進行分析,並以遊戲化八大核心設計問卷情境。從問卷結果中發現:(1)數位金融遊戲化的重點在於是否引發情緒感染,情緒感染對開始及持續使用意願比知覺有用、知覺有趣影響力更大; (2)強連結比弱連結更容易引發情緒感染; (3)消費者自我評估遊戲能力對於知覺有用、知覺有趣有正向影響; (4)弱連結對於女性而言影響較小,男性則是強弱連結皆會影響; (5)知覺有用、知覺有趣、情緒感染會影響非學生之開始及持續使用意願,但學生只會受到情緒感染影響開始使用意願; (6)有使用數位金融經驗的人,會受到自我效能及情緒感染影響使用意願,沒有使用數位金融經驗的人只因情緒感染影響使用意願。

    With the regulation of digital finance becoming loose in Taiwan these years, the financial industries are promoting related services of digital finance enthusiastically. However, the biggest difference between digital financial services and traditional financial services is the transformation of interacting mode between customers and banks. It's an enhancement on optimizing the experience of customer service with new technology. In addition to introducing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics, gamification may be a more enthusiastic interactive mode in digital financial services. More and more domestic banking industries nowadays have already put gamification into effect while they still have a lack of academic research. Regarding to this, instead of providing awards and bonus, the research aims to discover ways not only entertaining customer, but increasing customers' using willingness with the concept of gamification for financial industries’ reference.
    This research is analyzed by quantitative methods and designs the questionnaire with eight core values of gamification. The results of the questionnaire are shown as below: (1) The emotional contagion gives much more affection to the starting usage intention than the perceived playfulness and the perceived usefulness (2) Strong ties are much easier to cause emotional contagion than weak ties. (3) Consumers' self-evaluation of their ability to play games is positively affecting the perceived playfulness and the perceived usefulness. (4) Males are affected by strong and weak ties while weak ties get little affection for females. (5) The perceived playfulness, the perceived usefulness, and the emotional contagion will positively affect starting usage intention from the non-student group while only the emotional contagion could give positively affection to starting usage intention from students. (6) The using the willingness of people with experience in using digital finance will be affected by self-efficacy and emotional contagion. And, the willingness of people without experience in using digital finance will be affected only by emotional contagion.

    Table of Contents 中文摘要 Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1. Introduction 1.1 Background and motivation 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Value of research 1.4 Overview 2. Literature Review 2.1 Gamification 2.2 Emotional contagion 2.3 Self-efficacy theory 3. Methodology 3.1 Research hypotheses 3.2 Proposed model 3.3 Questionnaire 4. Result of data analysis 4.1 Data collection and sampling 4.2 Model analysis result 4.3 Results of multiple group analysis 5. Conclusion and Limitations 5.1 Conclusion and discussion 5.2 Theoretical implications 5.3 Limitations 5.4 Future research References Appendix. Questionnaire

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