簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張孟法
MEng-Fa Chang
論文名稱: 淬煉與蛻變成就企業第二成長曲線 – 以V公司為例
Through Tenacity and Reinvention to The Success for A Business' Second Growth Curve – A Case Study of V Company
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
Yon-Chun Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 成長生命週期破壞性創新管理策略競爭策略競爭優勢顧客主導邏輯之微笑曲線
外文關鍵詞: Growth Life Cycle, Disruptive Innovation, Management Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Customer-dominant Logic Smiling Curve
相關次數: 點閱:463下載:0
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  個案內容是記述個案公司在曾經締造顛峰之後進入衰退階段,品牌一度消失在市場上,雖歷經挫折,卻仍然堅持品牌價值與對利害關係人的承諾而努力不懈。在 2019 年初正式宣布軟硬整合的轉型策略,從原來的硬體裝置公司轉變為視訊方案解決公司之際,個案公司已成功跨越鴻溝,進入第二條成長曲線。


The industrial environment is constantly changing rapidly, which directly tests the
adaptability and resilience of enterprises to the environment. It is indeed an arduous subject whether the enterprise can continue to operate and maintain its foundation. Looking at the rise and decline of some large enterprises over the years, some issues are worthy of in-depth consideration by managers.

The content of the case is to describe that the company in the case has entered into a recession stage after its peak. The brand once disappeared from the market. Although it has experienced setbacks, it still insists on brand value and the commitment to stakeholders and by making unremitting efforts. At the beginning of 2019, when the transformation strategy of software and hardware integration was officially announced, the original hardware device company was transformed into a video solution company, the company in this case has successfully crossed the gap and entered into the second growth curve.

This research is presented in the form of a Harvard Business Case, including two
parts, a case story, and a teaching guide. The case story can be used to study the
dilemma of the company in the decline of the company's growth life cycle, how to
examine the impact of the external environment on the company, and how to use disruptive innovation, and how to choose a strategy model that suits oneself among the diversified management strategy and adjust the value activities to maintain its
competitive advantage. At the same time, how the company in this case responds to the thinking of the customer-dominant logic of smiling curve to enhance the company’s competitiveness in the niche market.

摘要      I ABSTRACT    II 致謝      III 目錄      IV 圖目錄     V 表目錄     VI 壹、 個案本文         1 一、 序幕           1 二、 個案公司簡介與產業概況  2 1. 個案公司簡介        2 2. 產業概況          3 三、 個案本文         8 1. 榮景之後陷入的困境     8 2. 用硬體思維再衝一次的挫敗  11 3. 企業的利基市場在哪裡    14 4. 新契機的挑戰與阻礙     15 5. 里程碑 (第一套數位教學軟體平臺的發行) 17 6. 淬煉與蛻變後的成果     18 四、 展望           21 貳、 教學指引         22 一、 個案討論         22 二、 個案總覽         22 三、 教學目標與適用課程    24 四、 學員課前準備       25 五、 學生課前問題討論     25 六、 個案分析         26 1. 課程目標一:破壞性創新   26 2. 課程目標二:競爭策略選擇  29 3. 課程目標三:競爭優勢探討  31 4. 課程目標四:顧客主導邏輯下的微笑曲線  34 七、 教學建議         37 八、 板書規劃         38 參考文獻            39

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