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研究生: 李侯慶
Hou-Ching Lee
論文名稱: 多雷射模組3D列印機台設計開發與製程參數分析
Multiple diode laser 3D printing machine development and process parameter analysis
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
口試委員: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
Chih-Hua Hsieh
Jyun-Ming Chen
Yuan-Hui Chueh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 高速3D列印半導體雷射多雷射模組熱塑性聚氨酯
外文關鍵詞: high speed 3D printing, semiconductor laser, multiple laser modules, thermoplastic polyurethane
相關次數: 點閱:481下載:0
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  • 本研究致力於開發一套具有多雷射模組的高速3D列印技術,有別於其他單點掃描式的雷射燒結3D列印機台,不需使雷射光斑在粉體表面不斷來回掃描,多雷射模組於單次的掃描行程(Single-Pass)內,即可將目標區域內的圖案掃描成型,多雷射模組上的雷射數目越多,代表單次行程內可提供的成型範圍越大,藉此達到高速3D列印的目的。
    完成機台相關的所有改良之後,將會進行列印製程的參數分析。製程選材使用熱塑性聚氨酯(Thermoplastic polyurethanes, TPU),為常見的彈性材料且應用相當廣泛,根據該材料的熱性值分析結果訂定出製程中的粉槽持溫溫度,同時也對於預熱熱源的選用進行討論。最後以預熱溫度與能量密度為變數進行材料燒結測試,根據量測所得的單層厚度做為製程參數調控的參考。

    This research is dedicated to the development of a high-speed 3D printing technology with multiple laser modules, which is different from single point scanning laser sintered 3D printing machines. Multiple laser modules can scan the pattern in the target area within a single scan stroke (single pass). The more lasers on the multi laser module, the bigger molding range can be provided in a single stroke, so as to achieve the purpose of high-speed 3D printing.
    In the early stage, the improved design of the machine was the main focus. Improve the inkjet printer used in the laboratory's previous research, and add multiple laser modules and other hardware devices after removing the inkjet module. At the same time, the defects in the original machine are improved to meet the high speed printing process of multiple laser modules. Then the software and firmware related to the machine will be improved so that the mechanism can move in accordance with the design in the process.
    After completing all the improvements related to the machine, the parameter analysis of the printing process will be performed. Thermoplastic polyurethanes are used as materials for the process, which are common elastic materials and are widely used. According to the thermal value analysis result of the material, the holding temperature of the powder tank in the manufacturing process is determined. At the same time, the selection of the preheating heat source is discussed. Finally, the material sintering test is carried out with the preheating temperature and energy density as variables, and the single layer thickness obtained according to the measurement is used as a reference for controlling the process parameters.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 積層製造 4 2.1.1 粉末床熔融成型 5 2.2 燒結原理及種類 6 2.2.1 固相燒結 6 2.2.2 液相燒結 7 2.2.3 完全熔融 8 2.3 半導體雷射 8 2.4 高速積層製造的發展 9 第三章 多雷射模組之3D列印機台的設計與開發 11 3.1 機台開發 12 3.1.1 移除噴印模組 12 3.1.2 雷射模組空間配置 15 3.1.3 光學模組連接設計 18 3.2 多雷射模組列印功能開發 22 3.2.1 列印流程規劃 22 3.2.2 控制介面開發 24 3.2.3 切層圖檔 27 第四章 應用於彈性材之可行性測試 29 4.1 粉末材料性值分析 29 4.1.1 Flexa Grey TPU粉末 31 4.1.2 自製TPU複合粉末 31 4.2 粉末持溫實驗 34 4.3 粉末預熱實驗 39 4.3.1 紅外線鹵素燈管預熱裝置 39 4.3.2 半導體雷射預熱裝置 41 4.3.3 紅外線發光二極體預熱 44 4.3.4 預熱熱源選用 47 4.4 半導體雷射燒結可行性測試 49 4.4.1 915nm半導體雷射燒結可行性測試 49 第五章 TPU應用於多雷射模組機台燒結測試 52 5.1 燒結參數分析 52 5.1.1 自製TPU複合粉末燒結測試 52 5.1.2 參數分析 58 5.2 多層列印測試 60 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 62 6.1 結論 62 6.2 未來研究方向 64 參考文獻 65

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