Author: |
徐詩涵 Shih-Han Hsu |
Thesis Title: |
基於區塊鏈技術之數位版權管理框架 Digital Rights Management Framework based on Blockchain Technology |
Advisor: |
Nai-Wei Lo |
Committee: |
Chuan-Kai Yang 查士朝 Shi-Cho Cha 羅乃維 Nai-Wei Lo |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 67 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 區塊鏈 、數位版權管理 、數位內容 、裝置綁定 |
Keywords (in other languages): | blockchain technology, digital rights management, digital content, bind device |
Reference times: | Clicks: 551 Downloads: 15 |
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隨著科技的發展,各種科技產品及行動裝置日益普及,接連帶動數位內容產業 的蓬勃發展,透過網際網路之傳播能力,電腦軟體、數位影像、數位視訊等數位媒 體能夠快速且方便地傳輸於世界各地,同時這也提高了盜版的可能性,因此,數位 版權管理概念被提出,用來保護與使用數位內容相關之權利,例如只能夠於特定設 備存取內容、允許存取之時間與次數,其主要目標為確保只在內容擁有者指定之條 件下才能夠存取受保護檔案之內容(例如影片、圖片),保障其智慧財產權。但數 位版權管理之應用也存在許多爭議,反對者認為數位版權管理影響了合法使用者 對產品的正常使用,侵犯其私有財產權,包括控制使用者使用裝置和軟體的方式、 侵犯使用者對自己裝置的處置權,甚至當數位內容之服務提供商倒閉或停止服務 時,其相關產品將無法繼續使用,導致使用者之權利損失。
本論文提出一基於區塊鏈之數位版權管理框架,將原本負責數位版權管理之 伺服器更換成區塊鏈網路,並將所有版權限制資訊儲存於區塊鏈網路上,再透過智 慧合約進行數位內容之權限控制,而區塊鏈網路由各服務提供商分別提供少量節 點形成,以減少服務提供商之負擔及保障使用者持續使用產品之權利,另外,再結 合硬體設備使用數量之限制,確保同一時間只能於一台裝置上使用,以防止重製或 共享使用等行為,以保障服務提供商之權利。
With the development of technology, various technology products and mobile devices have become increasingly popular, which has driven the digital content industry to flourish. Through the Internet, computer software, digital video, digital video, and other digital media can be quickly and easily transmitted around the world, which also increases the possibility of piracy, therefore, the concept of digital rights management (DRM) is proposed to protect rights related to the use of digital content, the main goal of which is to ensure that the content of protected files can be accessed only under the conditions specified by the content owner. However, there are many controversies in the application of DRM. Opponents believe that DRM affects the normal use of products by legitimate users and infringes on their private property rights, including controlling the way users use devices and software, and even when the service provider of digital content closes or stops serving, its related products will unable to continue to be used, resulting in loss of the rights of the user.
This thesis proposes a DRM framework based on blockchain technology, which replaces the server responsible for DRM into a blockchain network, and stores all rights information in the blockchain network, and then through the smart contract to control the right of the digital content. Each service provider provides a small number of nodes to form a blockchain network to reduce the burden on the service provider and protect the user's right to continue to use the product. Also, combining with the limit on the number of hardware devices used, only used on one device at a time to prevent reproduction and protect the rights of service providers.
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