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Author: 詹子瑢
Tzu-Jung Chan
Thesis Title: 公私營合夥發展模式之特色─以中國大陸杭州電動車發展模式為例
The Features of Public Private Partnership - An Example of Developing Electric Vehicle in Hangzhou China
Advisor: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Committee: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2015
Graduation Academic Year: 103
Language: 中文
Pages: 75
Keywords (in Chinese): 公私營合夥發展模式純電動車電動車產業商業模式
Keywords (in other languages): PPP, BEV, electric vehicle industry, business model
Reference times: Clicks: 701Downloads: 1
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  • 中國大陸對國外石油依賴度越來越強,被政府視作潛在的戰略脆弱點,今天中國大陸超過50%的石油消費依賴進口,預計到2015年將上升到60-70%。中國大陸已經成為美國之後的全球第二大石油進口國。
    2015年中國大陸宏觀經濟預測主要有幾點:經濟增速從2014年的7.4%放緩至2015年的7.2%;首要任務是穩增長和防範系統性金融風險;經濟增長的驅動因素:高順差,消費穩定但投資疲軟;2014年5月,國務院宣佈,將選擇80個項目鼓勵社會資本參與。2014年12月,財政部又公佈了30個公共項目進行公私營合夥發展(Public Private Partnership -PPP)試點,而PPP能減少地方政府融資負擔,同時支持民間投資的一項重要舉措,其可提升執行力與投資效益。

    China search a new energy strategy due to it has become staggeringly dependent on oil imported. Today, 58% of China's oil imports come from other countries and even more it will stand on 70% by coming 2015. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that China will surpass the United States as the largest net oil importer soon.
    The private automobiles demand has been stimulated by phenomenal economic development rate. However traditional hybrid that mostly on gasoline engines which is unbeneficial not only environment protection but also against Chinese strategy. Thus, China implement new regulations which include with vehicle emission performance standard, restriction on vehicle licensing, increasing fuel to encourage their people to drive electric vehicle accordingly.
    Weighed down by a property downturn, industrial output and investment continued to slow, China's economic growth is expected to slow to a quarter-century low of around 7 percent this year from 7.4 percent in 2014, despite expected additional stimulus measures. To encourage the private investment, the state council declared they will choose 80 projects with the participation of social capital in May 2014. In December 2014, the Ministry of Finance announced 30 public items to proceed with PPP. PPP. It can decrease local government’s financing burden and meanwhile increase industrial output and investment for economy growth purpose.
    From the research, we know the electric vehicles can reduce the transportation cost per kilometer. It will enhance private enterprise’s competitive ability at same time. However the environmental energy saving belongs to public issues and the government policy is crucial for electric vehicles industry development. Chinese government know the Hangzhou electric vehicles policy will perform progressive benefit in the future. They also realize their advantage which is the distinctiveness of land nationalization but encounter challenge with insufficient gasoline engine technology and more smog harm issues recently. Eventually, they find out shortcut of developing electric vehicle industry and improve product technology via market experience. If to implement PPP mode is successful and it could accelerate the market acceptance, enlarge market scale and to take the preemptive position of world class electric vehicles. It also means to become leading electric vehicles factory and creating jobs opportunity in the meantime. China does play brilliant battle in energy battle with electric vehicles by implement PPP strategy.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目 錄 III 圖目錄 IV 表目錄 V 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究動機 2 第三節、研究目的 3 第四節、研究問題 3 第五節、研究範圍 3 第二章、研究背景分析與文獻回顧 4 第一節、電動車原理與種類 4 第三節、電動車產業鏈結構及配套商業模式 7 第三節、中國大陸電動車發展現況 15 第四節、公私營合夥發展模式發展現況 18 第五節、杭州電動車PPP發展模式個案 29 第三章、研究方法 38 第一節、研究架構與流程 38 第二節、研究工具 40 第三節、研究對象簡介與編碼 41 第四節、訪談大綱內涵 43 第四章、研究結果與討論 47 第一節、杭州電動車產業的成功關鍵因素 47 第二節、電動車產業的高階經理人認同中國大陸的PPP發展模式 51 第五章、結論與建議 55 第一節、研究結論 55 第二節、未來研究建議 60 參考文獻 61 附錄:面訪問卷 63

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