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研究生: 陳熙之
Hsi-Chih Chen
論文名稱: 以美國多方複審(IPR)申請案探討鋰電池專利申請策略
Exploring Patent Petition Strategies in Lithium-ion Battery Cases through U.S. Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceedings
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hong-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 蔡鴻文
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 鋰電池專利專利訴訟專利有效性多方複審PTAB立案決定
外文關鍵詞: Lithium-ion battery patents, patent litigation, patent validity, Inter Partes Review (IPR), PTAB decisions
相關次數: 點閱:299下載:0
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In the lithium-ion battery industry, patents are widely employed as a primary intellectual property protection strategy. When patent infringement disputes arise between companies and escalate to litigation, it is almost inevitable for the defendant to challenge the validity of the patent. Since the enactment of the America Invents Act (AIA) by the U.S. Congress in 2011, the Inter Partes Review (IPR) system administered by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) has become the primary battlefield for assessing patent validity, due to its cost-effectiveness and fairness. This study aims to explore lithium-ion battery patent petition and protection strategies by analyzing IPR petitions.
The study begins by retrieving all IPR cases related to lithium-ion battery technology established after the implementation of the IPR system. The analysis focuses on key factors leading to PTAB acceptance and institution, as well as the most common reasons for applicant rejections. Some cases involve different applicants citing similar evidence against the same patent in their IPR petitions, resulting in disparate outcomes—some are instituted and some are denied. Comparative analysis of such cases provides insights into meeting the "reasonable likelihood of success" threshold for granting institution. The paper organizes various critical factors contributing to IPR institution, offering a concrete understanding of the rationale behind these PTAB decisions.
In conclusion, the study synthesizes the findings from the preceding case analyses and attempts to present conclusions and recommendations from the perspectives of relevant stakeholders, including patent holders and IPR applicants. These insights aim to enhance the effectiveness of patent protection strategies and practical implementation.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖表索引 VII 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與目的 1 第二節、研究方法 1 壹、案例選擇 1 貳、案例研究法 2 參、比較研究法 2 第三節、文獻回顧 2 第二章、 多方複審程序及專利複審機制的沿革 6 第一節、美國專利複審制度的沿革 6 壹、法院訴訟 6 貳、單方再審查制度 6 參、多方再審查制度 7 肆、多方複審制度 8 第二節、 現行多方複審制度 8 壹、多方複審之行政程序 8 貳、多方複審的各類決定 11 第三章、 多方複審申請案例分析 14 第一節、 前言 14 第二節、 Celgard LLC案 14 壹、 案件背景 14 貳、Mitsubishi申請案 15 參、SK Innovation申請案 19 肆、LG Chem申請案 24 伍、Ube Maxell申請案 26 陸、小結 28 第三節、 Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation案 29 壹、案件背景 29 貳、 Chervon North America申請案 31 參、Hilti申請案 34 肆、Snap-On申請案 36 伍、Snap-On申請案二 39 陸、小結 39 第四節、UChicago Argonne LLC案 40 壹、案件背景 40 貳、Umicore申請案 41 參、小結 43 第五節、Ube Industries案 44 壹、案件背景 44 貳、Samsung申請案一 46 參、Samsung申請案二 48 肆、小結 51 第六節、Maxell Limited案 51 壹、案件背景 51 貳、Amperex Tech. Limited申請案一 53 參、Amperex Tech. Limited申請案二 58 肆、Amperex Tech. Limited申請案三 59 伍、Amperex Tech. Limited申請案四 62 陸、Zhuhai CosMX Battery申請案 64 柒、小結 65 第七節、其他申請案 69 壹、Nexeon Limited案 69 貳、Samsung SDI Company Limited案 72 參、Philip Morris USA Incorporated 75 肆、LG Chem Limited案 78 伍、A123 Systems Incorporated案 80 第四章、 觀察與分析 82 第一節、主要爭點整理 82 壹、引證的組合動機 82 貳、基於35 USC § 325(d)之重複引證 84 參、結果有效參數/數值範圍 85 肆、輔助性判斷因素 85 伍、Fintiv Factors 86 陸、其他爭點 86 第二節、爭點分析 88 壹、引證的組合動機 88 貳、重複引證爭點 89 參、請求項數值範圍 90 肆、輔助性判斷因素 90 伍、Fintiv原則 91 第五章、 結論與建議 93 第一節、前言 93 第二節、對多方複審申請人之建議 93 第三節、對多方複審專利權人之建議 94 第四節、未來展望 95 參考文獻 96 參考決定 98





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