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研究生: 李國永
Gow-Yeong Lee
論文名稱: 請求項元件擷取應用於專利之比對分析
An Analysis between Patents by Extracting Elements of Claims
指導教授: 管中徽
max kuan
口試委員: 劉國讚
James Liu
Chien-Pu Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 請求項元件擷取比對標示專利訴訟
外文關鍵詞: claim, Extracting Elements, Analysis, marked, Patent litigation
相關次數: 點閱:1577下載:11
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  • 傳統上為尋找可訴訟專利,常利用產品照相、檢測或還原工程的方式,取得產品技術內容,再比對專利範圍比對,以確認侵權事實,故驗證費用高昂。本研究發現產品之專利標示為取得產品技術內容的重要管道,且利用文字探勘(Text miing)技術,比較產品標示專利與領域中相關候選專利,將能快速找出兩者相似度,而作為專利侵權驗證前置作業與尋找可訴訟專利之參考。本研究使用文法剖析法以正則表達式(Regular Expression)擷取候選專利之獨立請求項元件,並將其用於比對產品標示專利之摘要、獨立項、請求項、說明內容與專利全文等範疇,藉以瞭解資訊存放內容差異對分析結果所造成之影響。本研究方法之效果與可行性,就分析數量而言,候選專利(引證專利)請求項分析數量已從原先1590筆降至89筆,約佔原分析數量5.6%。僅考慮候選專利,不考慮請求項,候選專利分析數量已從原先716筆降至53筆,約佔原分析數量7.4%。且48筆抽樣比對結果中,相關度高者(High)計35筆,約佔73%。相關度中者(Middle)計4筆,約佔8%。相關度低者(Low)計7筆,約佔15%,其他2筆,約佔4%。本研究擷取請求項元件方法,未來有機會運用於專利監視、可實施性 (Freedom To Operate)分析或專利有效性分析。

    In finding potential patents for litigation, the common practice is taking a picture, inspecting, or using reverse engineering to obtain technical information of a product, and then comparing the product with claims of a patent to confirm an act of infringement. Therefore, the cost of infringement verification is quite high. The present study takes a different approach: using patent number marked on the product to obtain technical information of the product, and comparing the product-relating patent with a potential patent in the art by text mining to find the similarity between those two patents. Therefore, a preparation before patent infringement verification and a search for a list of patents which may use during litigation can be done much faster. The present study uses regular expression for grammar parsing to extract elements in independent claim of the potential patent. The extracted elements are used to compare with the contents in different sections of the product-relating patent, which comprise abstract, independent claims, dependent claims, and specification; thereby, the present study shows that contents in different sections of the product-associating patent have different effect to the analysis results. The results and feasibility of the present study is as follows: in terms of analysis quantity, the analysis quantity of claims in potential patents drops from 1590 to 89, which accounts for 5.6% of the original analysis quantity; further, instead of claims, if potential patents are concerned, the analysis quantity of potential patents drops from 716 to 53, which accounts for 7.4% of the original analysis quantity. In a sample of 48 patents, the analysis result indicates the quantity of patents with high relevance, middle relevance, low relevance , and others are 35 (73%), 4 (8%), 7 (15%), and 2 (4%), respectively. The element extraction of claims provided in the present study may be used in patent monitoring, analysis of freedom to operate or patent validation in the future.

    第1章 研究背景與動機 第1.1節 研究背景 第1.2節 研究動機 第1.3節 研究方法 第1.4節 論文架構 第2章 文獻探討 第2.1節 關鍵詞自動擷取技術發展 第2.2節 請求項元件擷取方法評估 第3章 分析方法 第3.1節 選擇候選專利之方法 第3.2節 擷取請求項元件之方法 第3.3節 產品標示專利比對範疇分析方法 第3.4節 候選專利與產品標示專利之相似度分析方法 第3.5節 效果與可行性分析方法 第4章 分析過程與結果 第4.1節 建立產品標示專利清單 第4.2節 選擇候選專利 第4.3節 候選專利之請求項元件擷取 第4.4節 產品標示專利比對範疇分析 第4.5節 研究方法之效果與可行性分析 第5章 結論與建議 第5.1節 研究結論與建議 第5.2節 未來研究方向與其他應用

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    12.經濟部智慧財產,(2016),第三章 發明、新型專利侵權之比對與判斷 發明、新型專利侵權之比對與判斷.專利侵權判斷要點