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研究生: 陳佩萱
Pei-Syuan Chen
論文名稱: 以山水畫概念應用在植生牆原型設計之初探
A Brief Discussion of Concept of Landscape Painting Adopted on Original Design of Green Wall
指導教授: 邱奕旭
I-Hsu Chiu
口試委員: 吳柏翰
Po-Han Wu
Chun-Feng Tai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 植生牆輕質山水畫透光水泥
外文關鍵詞: Green wall adoption, lightweight, landscape painting, transparency, concrete
相關次數: 點閱:239下載:0
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  • 隨著現代社會的發展,往後勢必會面對更多節能環保等問題,以現今台灣植生牆蓬勃發展看來,確實造成了一股流行趨勢。在都市中設立植生牆,不僅可提供綠化之空間不足,在建物中建置綠意盎然的植生牆,還能提昇都市環境之景觀效益,在此相輔相乘的狀況下,植生牆開始被大量運用,可想而知。

    As the process of modern society goes, the issues of energy and environmental protection are bound to emerge. From the spread plantation of green wall, the deed has certainly become a trend in Taiwan. The green wall planted in city may not only improve the insufficient green space but also enhance the landscape effect in urban environments for its beauty. It can well imagine that the green wall is being widely used for the property to complement each other.
    At present, with a comprehensive survey, the green walls encounter issues such as no proper water delivery system or insufficient sunlight may result in unhealthy growth or even withering and death. Such result has an opposite effect of beautifying the city and sabotages the appearance. The design has done the collections after analyzing, realizing and observing the green wall, and expected to address issues through design operation manner.
    The design has taken aspiration from the concept of landscape painting and induced it into the creation of green wall by transformation to integrate the sense of space variation of graphic in landscape painting to the design. The cultural concept of Chinese in landscape painting may blend in the natural environment. The rich and firm culture spirit can be found in the landscape painting whether in the description of objective matters or the expression of subjective mind. This is also the reason the design took the concept of landscape painting as one of the components and designed the green wall by actual operation.
    The face of the green wall made of concrete and optical fibers varied the traditional fixed impression. On the basic of lightweight and transparency with the concept of landscape painting, a meaningful green wall is created which created interaction and a wide spectrum of development. The design is intended to be a reference provides progressive ideas in developing green wall in the future.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 謝誌 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 壹、設計初衷 1-1. 緣起動機 1-2. 植生牆發展起源 1-3. 現今植生牆所面臨的問題 貳 、植生牆系統構成 2-1. 植生牆的構造式分類 2-2. 植栽種類 2-3. 植生牆系統成本比較 2-4. 植生牆的好處 參 、設計操作 3-1. 設計概念 3-2. 為什麼使用山水畫 3-3. 山水畫構圖形式 3-4. 山水畫的創作理念 3-5. 設計概念 3-6. 山水畫融入植生牆-轉化 肆、設計操作技術 4-1. 材料的表現 4-2. 輕質混凝土 4-3. 半透明混凝土 4-4. 噴霧裝製 4-5. 可活動式 4-6. 如何表現山脈 4-7. 如何安排噴霧 4-8. 實驗過程 4-9. 組裝成品 4-10. 相關圖說 伍、結論 5-1. 結論 5-2. 延伸討論 參考文獻 附錄

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