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研究生: Martin Kostal
Martin Kostal
論文名稱: Area Allocation for Yield Optimization in Integrated Circuit
Area Allocation for Yield Optimization in Integrated Circuit
指導教授: 陳伯奇
Poki Chen
口試委員: 鍾勇輝
Yung-Hui Chung
Hsin-Shu Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: OptimizationRandom MismatchSystematic MismatchR2RLayout
外文關鍵詞: Optimization, Random Mismatch, Systematic Mismatch, R2R, Layout
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:8
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Recent research in yield enhancement techniques and mitigation of device mismatch is presented. Systematic and random mismatch is studied and identified as the cause of device mismatch. Optimization of IC parameter yield is suggested and conducted with help of a new methodology based on mathematical programming. An algorithm for the optimal area allocation of critical matched devices is shown as well as algorithms for common centroid layout of different sized devices. Newly developed algorithms are presented on R-2R DAC as it is a common IC and comparison to other solutions is given.

Recent research in yield enhancement techniques and mitigation of device mismatch is presented. Systematic and random mismatch is studied and identified as the cause of device mismatch. Optimization of IC parameter yield is suggested and conducted with help of a new methodology based on mathematical programming. An algorithm for the optimal area allocation of critical matched devices is shown as well as algorithms for common centroid layout of different sized devices. Newly developed algorithms are presented on R-2R DAC as it is a common IC and comparison to other solutions is given.

Introduction 1 1 Area Allocation Strategy for Yield Enhancement 3 1.1 Process Variation 3 1.2 Mismatch in Integrated Circuits 4 1.3 Systematic Mismatch 5 1.4 Random Mismatch 6 1.5 Pelgrom's Model 7 1.6 Area Allocation Strategy Overview 8 1.7 Statistical Description of Variation 9 1.8 Proposed R2R ladder allocation strategy 12 2 Integer Programming 16 3 Layout Strategies 19 3.1 Omran’s Layout 19 3.2 Borisov’s Layout 20 3.3 Bastiaansen’s Layout 21 3.4 Interleaved Two Arm Spiral Layout 22 4 Design of R2R DAC 24 4.1 Components 24 4.2 Area allocation strategy 25 5 Layout Evaluation 28 5.1 Evaluation Methodology 28 5.2 Layout Pattern Comparison 29 6 Conclusion 32 References 33 Appendix 35 Matlab code for generating interleaved two arm spiral layout pattern 35

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