簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 廖映綺
Ying-chi Liao
論文名稱: 歐洲工業自動化廠商在亞洲之適應性 ─X公司通路管理借力使力
European Automation Company’s Challenges in Asia -Impel the X Company with Effective Channel Management
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-chen Wu
Ruey-huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 組織變革績效管理通路管理跨文化領導工業自動化
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Changes, Performance Assessment, Inter-cultural Leadership, Global Perspective, Industrial Automation
相關次數: 點閱:340下載:1
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  • 哈佛商學院百年來採取個案教學法,訓練學生在面對各種不同的真實企業環境時,利用小組討論方式,集合不同領域人才的專業知識,找出最適合的解決方案;經證實是有效的教學方法,因其促進學生主動思考和積極參與討論,改變學生的思考模式及教授的教學方法,並活化了學生的國際觀和管理思考能力。

    For over a century, Harvard Business School has been using case studies to train their students to deal with different business scenarios via group studies to come out with the best solutions. This approach motivates the students' own initiatives to think and participate in the discussions, and it helps students to change their strategic thinking methods and study techniques.
    The case study is based on a real business situation where a foreign manager is leading the multi-national company through an organizational change via channel management. Readers can apply the theory learnt to this scenario and see whether the strategy, the progress and methods utilized during the changes are sustainable. Students can compare the theoretical and practical approaches so that one can find common areas as well as ways for further improvement.
    Mr. A, a German General Manager, arrived in Taiwan in September 2004. He had to deal with cross-cultural differences, with corrupt internal disciplinary issues, loose management structure and over-centralized decision making processes. In parallel, he had been requested to set a high business target due to the high growth rate in Asian countries. Therefore, Mr. A had to make a prompt decision enforcing a matrix organization to replace the existing vertical organization.
    For industrial products, Mr. A understood that system integrators and distributors play a crucial role in the business development and it is a key for a foreign company to penetrate Asian markets. In September 2005, he set up Partner Management to establish a sales channel system and a transparent channel management. With good channel management strategies, the business efficiency and the market share increased. In March 2007, Product Management and a Sales Cell Concept based on customer groups followed to further enhance the pull effect on the business and to create more motivation internally.
    General Manager A will be leaving Taiwan in September 2010, while a new business structure based on the geographic distribution will be implemented from October 2010 on. How can the Partner Manager M, who has been supporting Mr. A since the very beginning, support the new General Manager in the future, so that impact to Company X will be minimized? How can the existing channels go through the transition period together with the new structure to avoid conflicts?
    Under the huge pressure for growth from the German headquarters, will the new General Manager implement a new business structure immediately or progressively? Or what kind of personal attributes are needed from the new General Manager to lead the team for successful organizational change?
    This dissertation includes both a case study and a teaching note. Readers will see the practical operation and the conduct of the organizational change, performance assessment, channel management and the inter-cultural leadership for future reference.

    目錄 I 表目錄 II 圖目錄 II 摘要 III Abstract IV 謝誌 V 歐洲工業自動化廠商在亞洲之適應性─通路管理借力使力 1 一、 工業自動化產業背景 2 (一)、德意志關稅同盟起源 2 (二)、德國設計理念及其歷史背景 3 (三)、X公司工業自動化部門市場概況 3 二、 全球玩家─X公司的成長 4 (一)、引爆變革的推進器 5 (二)、大刀闊斧─第一次變革 6 (三)、初試啼聲─通路策略 7 (四)、整頓通路體系 8 (五)、通路分類 9 三、 追求卓越─埋下第二次變革的種子 10 (一)、白熱化的衝突─通路vs.內部組織 12 (二)、重賞之下必有勇夫─激勵誘導 13 (三)、好通路品質等於高組織績效 15 (四)、永無止盡的業績壓力 16 四、 討論問題 16 教師手冊 18 一、 個案總覽(Case Synopsis) 18 二、 教學目標(Teaching Objectives) 18 三、 課前準備(Assignment) 19 四、 使用課程與對象(Course and levels for which the case is intended) 20 五、 教學總覽(Pedagogical Overview) 20 六、 討論問題與參考答案(Discussion Questions and Answers) 20 七、 教學建議(Teaching Suggestions) 48 參考文獻 50 附錄 52

    一、 中文部分
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    11. Levine, Robert著(2003),馮克芸、黃芳田、陳玲瓏譯,“時間地圖A Geography of Time”,台灣商務印書館,台北。
    12. 斯提芬齊德尼茨(Stefan Zeidenitz)、本巴爾考(Ben Barkow)著(1999),李彥譯,“德國人!”,三聯書店。
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    二、 英文部分
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