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研究生: 朱穎慧
Ying-hui Chu
論文名稱: 美國與歐盟隱私權之個人資料保護競合策略分析_以賽局理論應用
Co-opetition Analysis of Personal Data in Privacy Protection in American and EU Applying Game Theory
指導教授: 張順教
Shun- Chaio Chang
口試委員: 張光弟
Guang-Di Chan
Jui-Chuan Chang
Couchen Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 175
中文關鍵詞: 隱私權個人資料保護賽局理論集體行動的邏輯
外文關鍵詞: Privacy, personal data protection, game theory, logic of collective action
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:0
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  • 本文以賽局理論進行目前美國、歐盟與歐盟人民間隱私權個人資料保護法案的未來發展分析。在國家公共政策及法律規範制度下,個人資料及隱私權保護在權利權擁有人,透過獨立地行動號召,凝聚群體共識與政府進行角力及協商;雙方各自透過長期賽局,探求自身利益最大化;彼此之間的關係,由不合作走向合作的路徑,是典型的社會群體“集體行動”的邏輯,更是多數當政府的政策,涉及人權相關議題時,該政策發展的軌跡。


    In this paper, the future development of the personal data protection act for privacy right between the United States (US), the European Union (EU) and the EU citizens is analyzed by application of game theory. The protection of personal privacy rights is a typical form of "collective action" in public affairs management. The path of the individual action from uncooperativeness to the cooperativeness through the long-term game that maximizes the profit is the developmental trajectory of most legal public affairs policy issues.

    Through understanding personal data protection between the United States and the European Union and the development history of both parties, the model analyzes the strategies taken between the US and the EU, the EU and the EU citizens & the dissidents and the EU citizens by means of the game theory. It combines all the logical theories of collective actions to estimate the current and future situation. The future development of the personal data protection between the US, the EU and the EU citizens is evaluated according to the analysis results. In the conclusion, the actions of US, the EU and the EU in response to the development of the future strategies will be estimated.

    摘 要..........I Abstract..........II 目 錄..........IV 表目錄..........V 圖目錄..........VI 第一章:緒論..........1 第一節:研究背景與動機..........1 第二節:研究範圍與流程..........2 第二章:文獻探討..........4 第一節:賽局理論文獻回顧..........4 第二節:集體行動邏輯文獻回顧..........6 第三章:美國、歐盟隱私權及個人資料法規文獻回顧..........9 第一節:美國隱私權個人資料法規文獻..........9 第二節:歐盟隱私權個人資料法規文獻..........13 第四章:雙方個人資料協議發展歷程與現況..........18 第一節:雙方個人資料協議發展歷程..........19 第二節:雙方個人資料協議發展現況..........23 第五章:賽局分析..........29 第一節:美國、歐盟及權利人現況賽局分析..........31 第二節:利他或利己隱私權靜態賽局分析..........34 第三節:未來競合賽局分析..........43 第六章:結論..........49 參考文獻..........54 附錄一..........62


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