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研究生: 劉士賢
Shih-Hsien Liu
論文名稱: 磁力暨慣性感測之動作捕捉系統
Motion Capture System Based on Magnetic and Inertial Sensor
指導教授: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Hsing-Kuo Pao
口試委員: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 磁力計加速度計慣性感測器動作捕捉
外文關鍵詞: inertial sensor, motion capture, Mocap, magnetometer
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:4
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我們使用磁力感測器、加速度感測器、角速度感測器實作一套低價位、即時的運動捕捉系統。首先我們會校正感測器的零點偏移(zero-offset bias)和比例誤差(scale error),並使用卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)或互補式濾波器(Complementary Filter)計算感測器在空間中的姿態。將姿態感測器綁定於骨架時,我們要求使用者進行T Pose校正,計算感測器與骨架的相對姿態,並依此計算關節角度,進而擷取動作。

Applications of motion capture are widespread, and they have been extensively used in movie, video game industries. Although accuracy of traditional optical motion capture systems is high, they are very expensive and only suitable for limited space, thus constraining their applications.

We implement a low cost, real-time motion capture system that combines magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope. At first the zero-offset bias and scale error were corrected, and then we use this corrected measurement data to calculate orientation by complementary filter or kalman filer. A user should do T pose calibration while binding sensor boards to body segments to calculate sensor board-body segment offset, and then we can use this offset and orientation of sensor board to calculate angle of joints, thus the capture of the overall motion.

1緒論 ...................................................................1 2 文獻探討.................................................................3 2.1感測器校正..........................................................3 2.2 姿態計算............................................................6 2.3 慣性感測器搭配其它感測器............................................9 3 感測器校正與姿態計算....................................................11 3.1座標系統及姿態表示法...............................................11 3.1.1NED (north, east, down) 座標系統...............................11 3.1.2 附體座標(body frame)...........................................11尤拉角.....................................................12 四元數.....................................................12 3.2 感測器校正.........................................................14 3.2.1磁力感測器.....................................................14 3.2.2 磁力感測器校正.................................................18 3.2.3 加速度感測器校正...............................................20 3.2.4 角速度感測器校正...............................................22 3.3 姿態計算...........................................................22 3.3.1 6 軸姿態感測器.................................................22 3.3.2 向量觀察法與角速度積分.........................................23 3.3.3 互補式濾波器...................................................24 3.3.4 卡爾曼濾波器...................................................24 4 系統實作................................................................30 4.1系統硬體設計.......................................................30 4.1.1感測器硬體設計.................................................30 4.1.2 無線接收器硬體設計.............................................33 4.2 系統軟體設計.......................................................36 4.2.1感測器校正.....................................................36 4.2.2 姿態計算.......................................................38 4.2.3T Pose 校正....................................................39 4.2.4 角度計算.......................................................40 4.2.5虛擬角色.......................................................40 5結論與未來展望..........................................................43 參考文獻................................................................44

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