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研究生: Laskar Pamungkas
Laskar Pamungkas
論文名稱: 四環線圈式無線電能傳輸系統之研究
Investigation and Implementation of 4-Loop Coil for Low-Profile Wireless Power Transfer System
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
口試委員: 梁從主
Tsorng-Juu Liang
‪Yaow-Ming Chen
Yao-Ching Hsieh
Yi-Hua Liu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 無線電力傳輸四線圈幾何方法修正型一次諧波近似法頻率-相移混合控制
外文關鍵詞: wireless power transfer, 4-loop coil, geometrical approach, modified first harmonic approximation, combined frequency and phase-shift control
相關次數: 點閱:369下載:0
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在無線充電 (Wireless Power Transfer, WPT) 系統中,由於極化多線圈式拓樸的設計可在錯位條件下依然擁有良好耦合性能而廣受歡迎。然而,大多數研究只關注其耦合特性,而忽略了四線圈(多線圈拓撲之一)所具備的其他優勢,例如在溫升表現方面的優越性,尤其是在有限空間的應用場合。本文採用以幾何分析為主的方法 (Geometrical-Based Approaches) 計算出線圈的關鍵參數並分析前述之問題,且這些參數亦可搭配常用的電路分析工具以輔助分析。此分析方法可直接使用線圈尺寸規格,且容易與其他數學分析方法整合,例如一階諧波近似法 (First Harmonic Approximation, FHA) 。 然而,在輕負載條件下,此方法的準確性會大幅下降,其中磁芯損耗的錯估將對系統帶來重大的影響。因此,本文提出了含有磁阻參數的修正型一階諧波近似法 (Modified FHA, MFHA) ,並與其他已發表的解決方案進行比較。上述方法以串聯-串聯型的補償拓樸實現,相較於其他拓撲,此拓樸有較好的特性及較高的普及度。最後,透過設計一套實驗平台以驗證本文所提之方法及其成效。由分析結果可得知幾何為主的分析方法有2.9%的平均誤差,低於10%最大誤差。同時,使用MFHA的準確度較FHA高5%。另外,本文實作採用四線圈拓樸以展示其卓越的溫升特性,由其在二次側線圈可得到15℃以上的改善。

The polarized multi-loop coil design in the wireless power transfer (WPT) system gains its popularity due to the good coupling performance in the misalignment conditions. However, most of the research only focus on that subject, without paying attention to the other advantages that the 4-loop coil (as one of the multi-loop topology) can offer, such as its superiority in the thermal performance, especially for the applications that require a space limitation. The aforementioned issue is investigated in this dissertation by utilizing some geometrical-based approaches for the calculation of the WPT coil’s key-parameters, that can be used as the input of the circuit analysis tools. Those approaches directly use the coil’s dimensional specs and easy to integrate with other math platforms, such as the First Harmonic Approximation (FHA) for WPT system operability analysis. However, FHA’s accuracy becomes doubtful while operating in the light load condition, where the core loss brings a significant influence to the system. Hence, a modified FHA (MFHA) method with the core resistance approximation is proposed in this dissertation to compete with the other published solutions. The proposed method is implemented on the series-series (SS) type, due to its good performance and popularity among the other compensator topologies. Finally, the hardware and control stages are designed and experimentally tested for the verifications. The results show that the geometrical-based approaches have 2.9% average error and less than 10% maximum error. The experiments are conducted in some coils to show the thermal performance excellence of the 4-loop coil, especially the secondary-side coil with more than 15⁰C heat reduction. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the MFHA has more than 5% improvement, by comparing to the FHA based on some operability parameters.

摘要 ii Abstract iii Acknowledgement iv Table of Contents v List of Figures viii List of Tables xi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background Motives 1 1.2. Research Scope and Limitations 4 1.3. Research Contribution 5 1.4. Organization of the Dissertation 6 Chapter 2. Multi-Loop Coil Design Investigation 7 2.1. Research Plot and General Description of Proposed Method 7 2.2. Geometrical-based Approach for Planar Coil’s Effective Permeability 11 2.3. Modified Wheeler and Current Sheet Formulas for Self-Inductance Calculation 13 2.4. Cross-Permeability Approach for Coupled Coils with Specific Air-Gap 15 2.5. Modified Neumann’s Formula for Self and Mutual-Inductances Calculation 17 2.6. Proposed Geometrical Approach for 2-Loop Coil’s Self and Mutual-Inductances 20 2.7. Proposed Geometrical Approach for 4-Loop Coil’s Self and Mutual-Inductances 27 2.8. Modified Ferreira’s Method for Single and Multi-Loop Coil’s AC Resistances 32 2.9. List of Approaches for Multi-Loop Coil Design 33 Chapter 3. Modified FHA for WPT Operability Analysis 36 3.1. Conventional First Harmonic Approximation for WPT Circuit Modeling 36 3.2. Operability Analysis of WPT System Based on Traditional FHA 42 3.3. Modified First Harmonic Approximation with Core Resistance Approach 44 3.4. Operability Analysis of WPT System Based on Proposed MFHA 52 Chapter 4. Control Stage and Hardware Implementation 54 4.1. Preparation and Parameters Setup of PSIM Simulation 55 4.2. CV Mode Control Stage Implementation Using Frequency Modulation 56 4.3. CV Mode Control Stage Implementation Using Phase-Shift Modulation 60 4.4. Combined Frequency and Phase-Shift for CV Mode Control 64 4.5. Hardware Implementation for the Experimental Testing 74 Chapter 5. Verification of Multi-Loop Coil Design 79 5.1. List of Parameters to be Measured and Measurement Procedures 80 5.2. Calculation of Planar Coil’s Effective Permeability 81 5.3. Self-Inductance Calculation Based on Modified Wheeler and Current Sheet 84 5.4. Calculation of Cross-Permeability for Coupled Coils with Specific Air-Gap 89 5.5. Self and Mutual-Inductances Calculation Using Modified Neumann’s Formula 93 5.6. Verification of Proposed Geometrical Approach for 2-Loop Coils 94 5.7. Verification of Proposed Geometrical Approach for 4-Loop Coil 98 5.8. Calculation of Single and Multi-Loop Coil’s AC Resistances 102 5.9. Output, Contributions, and the Coherence with the Other Approaches 104 Chapter 6. MFHA Verification and Experimental Results 105 6.1. Equipment List and Experimental Procedures 106 6.2. Resonant Capacitor Selection and Considerations 107 6.3. The Result of Polynomial Regression for Core Resistance 108 6.4. Approximation of Total Power Dissipation in WPT Coils 110 6.5. Verification of Thermal Performance in WPT Coils by Burn-in Experiments 113 6.6. Verification of MFHA Method for Operability Analysis of WPT System 116 6.7. Experimental Results of CFPS Control and the Efficiency Curve 120 Chapter 7. Conclusion and Future Work 126 7.1. Conclusion 126 7.2. Future Work 126 References 127

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