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研究生: 何麗虹
Li-Hong Ho
論文名稱: 大宗材料採購策略之個案研究-以士林電機廠為例
The Study of Procurement Strategy on Key Raw Materials-A Case on Shihlin Electric and Engineering Corporation
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 黃彥聖
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 個案研究採購策略大宗材料士林電機
外文關鍵詞: Case Study, Procurement Strategy, Raw Materials, Shihlin Electric
相關次數: 點閱:743下載:1
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(一) 全球化時代,採購人員應培養更敏銳的觸角,掌握供應市場之訊息與脈動。
(二) 良好的供應商關係管理,為有效執行並擴大採購策略之基石。
(三) 企業目標與採購策略的一致性,對有效執行採購策略及效益的發揮具有關鍵之影響。
(四) 大宗材料採購策略為製造業相當重要之ㄧ環,預測模式的建立可有效規避風險並創造採購成本效益,且為企業永續經營之關鍵因素。
(五) 企業內、外部資源之整合,加上海外子公司及協力廠商之連結,有利於提昇市場資訊之掌握及供應之績效,創造企業競爭優勢。
(六) 除採購人員外,企業相關部門之成員亦應積極學習採購專業知識,彼此建立共通之語言,體認提昇公司競爭力為企業每一份子之責任。

Recent years, under the stimulation of high rising price of key raw materials, especially copper and aluminum, electrical industry facing difficulties with rapidly increasing operation cost and the supply cannot meet demand. Meanwhile, influenced by the domestic economic recession and strong market competition, companies cannot reflect the rising cost to customers. Therefore, facing more and more difficult purchasing, how to catch and analyze mass information sources to forecast the supply trend in time and effectively avoid risk to create purchasing cost efficiency under the pressure from rising price of raw materials are all the key factors for companies to run business continuosly.

This research takes Shihlin Electric to be the object with focus on the process and efficiency in executing the procurement strategy on key raw materials since April, 2006 and adopts the case study method by ways of literature reviewing, data collection, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, and e-mails between the periods of research to get the firsthand information. The main contents in the face-to-face interviews include:(1)The background and motivation to execute the procurement strategy on key raw materials(2)The process and detail steps in executing the procurement strategy on key raw materials (3)Problems and challenges encountering in executing the procurement strategy on key raw materials (4)Future plan for the procurement strategy.

This study attempts to make a whole description of the procurement strategy on key raw materials in Shihlin Electric and identify the conclusion and suggestion to provide a representative local case for academic and corporate world’s reference. Through the data collection and interviewing process, this thesis generalizes conclusions as followings:

1. In globalization world, purchaser should be more sensitive to know the information and trend in supply market well.
2. Good supplier relationship management is the base stone in effectively executing and broadens the procurement strategy.
3. The consistency between corporate’s ambition and procurement strategy have key influence on executing procurement strategy efficiently.
4. The procurement strategy on key raw materials is a very important part in manufacturing industry, the establishment of forecasting model could avoid risk effectively to create purchasing cost efficiency and be the key factor in business continuity.
5. The integration of corporate’s internal and external resources and the combination between overseas subsidiary and affiliated companies could benefit in elevating the control of market information and performance of supply to create the corporate’s competitive strength.
6. Besides the employee in purchasing department, the other employees in related departments should be also actively learn the professional knowledge in purchasing to be able to have communication in common and realize that it’s everyone’s responsibility in company.

第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究內容及範圍 3 第四節 研究限制 4 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 供應鏈管理相關研究文獻 5 第二節 採購管理相關研究文獻 16 第三節 供應商管理相關研究文獻 22 第參章 研究方法 26 第一節 個案研究法 26 第二節 個案資料來源 27 第肆章 產業分析與個案公司介紹 30 第一節 電機產業市場分析 30 第二節 個案公司介紹 34 第伍章 個案研究 40 第一節 大宗材料採購策略之背景與實施動機 40 第二節 大宗材料採購策略之實施過程及具體作法 41 第三節 大宗材料採購策略之挑戰與效益 49 第四節 未來規劃 52 第陸章 結論與建議 54 第一節 研究結論 55 第二節 後續研究建議 56 參考文獻 57


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