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研究生: 孫柏彥
Bo-Yen Sun
論文名稱: 多自由度複合式散斑干涉儀
Compound Speckle Interferometer for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Measurement
指導教授: 謝宏麟
Hung-Lin Hsieh
口試委員: 李朱育
Ju-Yi Lee
Hung-Fei Kuo
Cheng-Chih Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 外差散斑干涉儀多自由度複合式
外文關鍵詞: Heterodyne, speckle, interferometer, multi-degree-of-freedom, compound
相關次數: 點閱:319下載:4
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In this study, a compound speckle interferometer for multi-degree-of-freedom measurement is proposed. By combining heterodyne interferometry, speckle interferometry and beam splitting techniques, the system can perform precision displacement and rotation measurement, while having the advantages of high resolution, long-range non-contact measurement and a relatively simple configuration.
The basic configuration is a two degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) compound speckle interferometer consisting of a heterodyne light source and an innovative compound speckle optical configuration. This speckle optical configuration combines a symmetrical speckle interferometer system capable of measuring in-plane displacement with a novel asymmetric speckle interferometer system capable of measuring both in-plane and out-of-plane displacement. This arrangement allows for the independent measurement of two modes of surface displacement through signal subtraction, while only requiring three laser beams to converge on a single point on the measured surface, making this a simple yet effective design. The interference patterns formed from the scattered light reflecting off the measured surface is received as intensity signals by photodetectors. When the surface undergoes displacement, the phases of the interference patterns will shift according to the principle of Doppler frequency shifting. The resulting phase variation data can be separated by displacement axis via polarization, then the displacement values can be obtained through phase demodulation. The 2-DOF compound speckle interferometer can be further expanded into 3-DOF, 4-DOF, 5-DOF, and 6-DOF measurement systems, allowing for a wide selection to suit the needs of the required task.
In order to verify the performance of the proposed compound speckle interferometer, a series of measurement tests were performed with commercial precision motion stages on all variants of the system. These include displacement and rotation measurement tests with various waveforms and ranges, repeatability and resolution tests, as well as measurement range experiments. By comparing the acquired results with data from the internal displacement sensors of the motion stages, it is demonstrated that all variants of the compound speckle interferometer have the ability to accurately measure displacement and rotation in multiple DOFs, while also possessing the high resolution, excellent repeatability, long measurement ranges and a flexible design.

Abstract iii 摘要 v Table of Contents vi Table of Figures viii Nomenclature xiv Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Literature Review 3 1.3 Research Objectives 23 1.4 Thesis Outline 24 Chapter 2. Measurement Principles 26 2.1 Laser Interferometry 26 2.2 Heterodyne Interferometry 27 2.3 Speckle Interferometry 35 2.4 Trigonometric rotation measurement technique 43 2.5 Chapter summary 45 Chapter 3. System Design 47 3.1 2-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 47 3.2 Modified 2-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 51 3.3 3-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 52 3.4 xyθxθz-type 4-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 56 3.5 xyzθy-type 4-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 58 3.6 5-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 60 3.7 6-DOF Compound Speckle Interferometer 61 3.8 Phase Demodulation System 63 3.9 Optical components and equipment required for the system 64 3.10 Chapter Summary 66 Chapter 4. Performance tests 67 4.1 Periodic Displacement and Rotation Tests 67 4.2 Non-periodic Displacement and Rotation Tests 88 4.3 Repeatability Tests 90 4.4 Resolution Tests 91 4.5 Sensitivity Tests 92 4.6 Measurement Range Tests 94 4.7 Chapter Summary 97 Chapter 5. Error Analysis 98 5.1 System Errors 99 5.2 Random Errors 113 5.3 Chapter Summary 115 Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work 117 6.1 Conclusions 117 6.2 Future Work 120 References 122 Appendix 127

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