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Author: 詹靜如
Thesis Title: 3C理論應用於生產營運之研究-以個案方式探討
The application of 3C theory for production management-an exploratory case study
Advisor: 楊文鐸
Wen-Dwo Yang
Committee: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Chao-Hsiew Pan
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2007
Graduation Academic Year: 95
Language: 中文
Pages: 69
Keywords (in Chinese): 經濟批量模式限制理論製造資源規劃II企業資源規劃先進規劃與排程3C理論
Keywords (in other languages): EOQ, TOC, MRPII, ERP, APS, 3C Theory
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  • 自從工業革命後,製造業就一直在追逐交貨的快速與及時性。近年來,隨著資訊及科技的進步及發展,市場的需求也相對應產生快速變化,而企業也面臨外在市場環境的「不確定性」、「複雜性」和「競爭性」等特性。

    Since the 19th century Industrial Resolution, what manufacturers have been pursuing is fast and on-time delivery; however, at the age of information technology, market demand changes relatively rapidly, all enterprises have to confront the external market environment, such as uncertainty, complexity and competition.
    Due to the rapid change of market demand, it is a big challenge for companies to do precise inventory planning. Deficient stock volume may cause late delivery and low customer satisfaction or even customer loss, while over inventory may result in high stock cost, obsolete dissipation and in heavy management cost.
    Both human knowledge and information technology are required for modern business management. All data in computer system can be applied completely for every division of the enterprise when it is compared to in human brain. The traditional human operation and “non-just-in-time” operation mode is concerned as the major cause of a firm’s difficulty to fight with the uncertainty, complexity and competition from the market.
    Due to the fierce competitive external market and the inefficient internal human operation, the case company is forced to face the three problems: over stock inventory, serious shorted key component and low customer satisfaction. It is a big challenge for the case company to control their materials to meet customer’s request. The implementation of Management Information System such as MRPII, ERP and APS in different stage is considered as a good solution to this company.
    The research method is exploratory case study research. By the implementation of management information system, the case company improved the conditions of “over stock inventory”, “serious shorted key component” and “low customer satisfaction” as well as reached a better operation performance. It is a good example for 3C theory.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌 謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒綸 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 論文架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 經濟批量模式(The Economic Lot Size Model) 6 2.2 限制理論(TOC) 10 2.3 企業資源規劃(ERP) 14 2.4 先進規劃與排程(APS) 18 2.5 3C理論 27 第三章 個案公司背景及現況概述 31 3.1 產業概況 31 3.2 個案公司沿革 33 3.3 個案公司管理資訊系統概況 34 第四章 個案公司之現況運作與3C理論之印證 40 4.1 產品設計開發與材料共通性(Commonality) 40 4.1.1 材料共用性: 40 4.1.2 個案公司之共用材料實例: 42 4.1.3 3C理論-共通性(Commonality)之印證: 43 4.2 業務接單和產能與交貨能力(Capacity) 44 4.2.1 LPST、EPST和PST計算: 44 4.2.2 平衡產能作業: 45 4.2.3 業務接單作業的改變: 47 4.2.4 3C理論-產能與交貨能力(Capacity)之印證 48 4.3 採購作業與市場需求預測而補充材料(Consumption) 49 4.3.1 採購相關時點: 49 4.3.2 採購模式: 49 4.3.3 3C理論-隨市場變化補充材料(Consumption)之印證 51 第五章 結論與建議 53 參考文獻 55

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