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研究生: 陳厚裕
Hou-yu Chen
論文名稱: 無線數位電視加值服務關鍵成功因素
Critical Success Factors of Value-Added Services for Digital Terrestrial Television
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Wei-Ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 數位電視無線數位電視加值服務關鍵成功因素
外文關鍵詞: Digital Television, Digital Terrestrial Television, Value-Added Services, Critical Success Factor
相關次數: 點閱:303下載:2
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  • 國內五家無線電視台,成立各有先後順序,台視最早,成立於1962年,為台灣第一家無線電視台。隨著科技的進步,電視從開播時的黑白時期,隨後的彩色時期,於2004年7月開播無線數位電視,台灣的電視事業發展,進入新的里程碑,數位電視新時代。
    本研究作者在無線電視台工作多年,直接參與數位電視加值服務的規劃、建置與執行,經過長期觀察、參與媒體產業的發展,一直對於科技與政策影響市場與經營的變化保持著高度的關切,並參考相關文獻,整理提出價值(VALUE)架構,也就是V(Variety)、A(Alliance)、L(Little Gap)、U(Universal)、E(Excellence),亦即「多元化」、「聯盟化」、「縮小化」、「普及化」、「優質化」等五個構面,作為探討關鍵因素之取向,經由深度訪談現任職無線電視台高階經理人員對於價值架構的看法及建議,再經本研究整理、分析並歸納出未來無線電視台經營無線數位電視加值服務之關鍵因素,最後提出六點結論:


    There are five terrestrial television companies in Taiwan. The oldest one, Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd. (TTV) was established , in 1962, and served as a pioneer of Taiwan’s television industry. As broadcasting technologies improves, TTV and the other terrestrial channels broadcast black and white signals, then color footage, and then, from July 2004, digital terrestrial signals. , Taiwan’s television industry has stridden across a new phase since the launch of digital television. The turnover of the fifteen digital terrestrial channels for the past three years did not have any contribution to their mother companies except increase their costs. The hope that digital broadcasting would turn the terrestrial televisions away from the red vanished into air and operating digital broadcasting made it even more difficult to survive for these terrestrial TV stations. At the mean time, the government set a deadline of taking back all the analogue frequencies, which are regarded as rare resources, without considering the loss-making reality of the newly launched digital broadcasting with the fact that more and more players joined in the platform competition including telecommunication and IT industries. European experiences showed that value-added services is the best money-making tools for digital terrestrial broadcasting, which also marks the biggest difference between analogue and digital terrestrial channels in terms of profiting model.
    Digital terrestrial television have run for three years. That had not been contributed profit for terrestrial television companies till now. Not only becoming fifteen 「video players」,but also increasing business operating cost. Originally, Digitization would be expected to be a business operate turning point, but turn to operating hard just like adding frost to snow. On the government , on the basis of that bandwith is rare resource, always hint to retrieve the analog’s bandwith. Time going, science and technology that make progress. A lot of competition platform join to the market, both Communication and Computer in television domain, and win over audience’s vision. Furthermore, from European development experience had been viewed as The Value-Added Services taken by digital terrestrial television as the best efficient instrument, is the biggest difference with the traditional television. The research probe into the critical success factors of the Value-Added Services for digital terrestrial television, and look into the way how to turn the crisis value-creating vitality.
    The author has worked for terrestrial televisions for more than two decades. He took part in planning, establishing, and operation of the value-added services of digital terrestrial channels. He has immense interests in topics like how technologies and policies affect markets and its business models. Through persistent observation, participation, and in-depth interviews with top executives of Taiwan’s terrestrial TV stations, he advocates the VALUE framework for operating value-added services for digital broadcasting. VALUE refers to Variety, Alliance, Little Gap, Universal, and Excellence, which are the five pillars of a successful operation.
    He concludes:
    (1) Alliance: priority strategy of operating digital televisions
    (2) Integrating platform of technologies: digital television development strategy
    (3) Multi-channel synergy: digital TV marketing strategy
    (4) Multi-platform synergy: digital content planning strategy
    (5) Long-term systematic operating: digital TV promotion strategy
    (6) Elite personnel training: strategy for digital TV human resources improvement
    He believes these strategies will help the terrestrial stations with their revenues and will provide the audience with quality broadcast contents.

    Keywords: Digital Television, Digital Terrestrial Television, Value-Added Services, Critical Success Factor

    中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌  謝 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 1.1. 研究背景 - 1 - 1.2. 研究動機 - 6 - 1.3. 研究目的 - 10 - 1.4. 研究範圍 - 10 - 第二章 研究設計 - 13 - 2.1. 研究方法 - 13 - 2.1.1. 文獻分析法 - 14 - 2.1.2. 參與觀察法 - 15 - 2.1.3. 深度訪談法 - 16 - 2.2. 研究限制 - 23 - 第三章 無線數位電視產業之發展 - 24 - 3.1. 政府積極推動電視產業數位化 - 24 - 3.1.1. 數位台灣計畫 - 25 - 3.1.2. 數位無線電視發展條例 - 26 - 3.1.3. 數位內容 - 28 - 3.1.4. 國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC) - 30 - 3.2. 無線數位電視產業 - 32 - 3.2.1. 數位電視之定義 - 32 - 3.2.2. 無線數位電視現況 - 37 - 3.3. 加值服務 - 40 - 3.2.3. 增強式廣播服務(Enhanced Broadcast Service) - 43 - 3.2.4. 互動式廣播服務(Interactive Broadcast Service) - 47 - 第四章 關鍵成功因素剖析 - 50 - 4.1. 多元化(VARIETY) - 52 - 4.2. 聯盟化(ALLIANCE) - 55 - 4.3. 縮小化(LITTLE GAP) - 60 - 4.4. 普及化(UNIVERSAL) - 62 - 4.5. 優質化(EXCELLENCE) - 65 - 第五章 結論與未來研究方向 - 70 - 5.1. 結論 - 70 - 5.2. 未來研究方向 - 77 - 參考文獻 - 80 - 附  錄 - 85 - 附錄一「數位電視,就是要您好看」問卷(台灣數位電視協會) - 85 - 附錄二 深度訪談問卷(本研究整理) - 87 - 作者簡介 - 90 - 授權書 - 93 -

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