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研究生: 吳明燦
Ming-Tzan Wu
論文名稱: 新型平板天線設計應用於 UMTS, Wi-Fi及WiMAX
Novel Planar Antenna Design for UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX Applications
指導教授: 黃進芳
Jhin-Fang Huang
Ron-Yi Liu
口試委員: 徐敬文
Ching-Wen Hsue
Gou-Long Chen
Sheng-Lyang Jang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 天線三頻天線WiMAXWLAN
外文關鍵詞: Antennas, triple-band antennas, WiMAX antennas, WiFi antennas, planar antennas, top loading, parasitical elements
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:0
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WiMAX的廣泛應用與不斷推出的終端產品吸引了大多數人的注意,並且在2008年Taipei Computex被選定為主要的展覽主題,發展的趨勢與應用的需求明顯地指出這是一個即將不斷地成長的市場,此乃為研究的初始動機。
論文的天線已經完成實作,並且在經過良好校正過的無反射實驗室當中量測,基本要素如天線的反射損失 Return Loss < -10dB 在所有工作頻帶都需符合。天線的電壓駐波比 VSWR < 2 的要求,在所有工作頻帶都需符合。並擁有全方向性的輻射場型的特性。

 1740 ~ 1785MHz (傳送頻帶) 以及 1805 ~ 1880MHz (接收頻帶)應用於DCS1800 頻段的產品.
 1850 ~ 1910MHz (傳送頻帶) 以及 1930 ~ 1990MHz (接收頻帶) 應用於 PCS 與 WCDMA 1900頻段的產品.
 1920 ~ 1980MHz (傳送頻帶) 以及 2110 ~ 2170MHz (接收頻帶) 應用於WCDMA 2100頻段的產品.
 2412 ~ 2484,5150 ~ 5350,以及5725 ~ 5825MHz應用於全世界 Wi-Fi頻段的產品。
 2500 ~ 2690, 3400 ~ 3690 以及 5250 ~ 5850MHz 應用於全世界 WiMAX頻段的產品。

The object of thesis is purposed to provide all completed processes on designing planar antennas applying to UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX frequency bands, theories of electromagnetism are demonstrated to estimate antenna size and performance in early stage. Procedures of implementing three types of actual antennas have been detailed illustrated in following chapters.
The motivation was come from that WiMAX was designated as one of topical subject on Computex 2008 in Taipei World Trade center, the tendency from coming topics and products obviously indicate this market is rapidly growing up and expanding; the research is intended to have a perspective investigation included UMTS, WiFi and WiMAX technology, and discuss topical requirements of Antenna.
All the measurements have been performed in well calibrated anechoic chamber, in the next chapter 5, the summarized results documented all the design process and demonstrated essential performance data on proposed antenna had met expected targets with following condition:
 Antennas’ Return loss < -10dB in required working frequency bands.
 Antennas’ VSWR < 2 in required working frequency bands.
 Antenna should have Omni-Directional radiation characteristics.
The proposed antenna had been made and checked it could meet following frequency bands.
 1740 ~ 1785 MHz (uplink) and 1805 ~ 1880 MHz (downlink) for DCS1800 applications.
 1850 ~ 1910MHz (uplink), 1930 ~ 1990MHz (downlink) for PCS and WCDMA 1900 applications.
 1920 ~ 1980MHz (uplink), 2110 ~ 2170MHz (downlink) for WCDMA 2100 applications.
 2412 ~ 2484, 5150 ~ 5350, and 5725 ~ 5825MHz for worldwide Wi-Fi applications.
 2500 ~ 2690, 3400 ~ 3690 and 5250 ~ 5850MHz for worldwide WiMAX applications.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS III TABLE of CONTENTS V LIST OF FIGURES IX LIST OF TABLES XIII CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Background 1 1.2 Overall Research Goal and Specific Objectives 2 1.3 Overview upon WiMAX Technology 3 1.3 .1 WiMAX has potential to impact all forms of telecommunication 4 1.3 .2 Features of Fixed WiMAX 4 1.3 .3 Features of Mobile WiMAX 5 1.3 .4 WiMAX converged voice and data easy as FM radio 5 1.4 Literature Survey 5 1.5 Proposed Method of the thesis 9 1.6 Expected Results of the thesis 9 1.7 Outline of the thesis 10 CHAPTER 2 Antenna Fundamental and Characteristics 13 2.1 Antenna bandwidth and polarization characteristic 13 2.2 Directivity and Gain 14 2.3 Radiation Pattern Definitions 20 CHAPTER 3 Antenna Types and Their Features 27 3.1 Theory of monopole antenna 27 3.2 Evolution of Monopole Antenna 29 3.3 Characteristics of feeding line 34 3.3 .1 Coaxial transmission line: 36 3.3 .2 Microstrip transmission line 37 3.3 .3 Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) 38 3.4 Image Theory 40 3.5 Ground Interference Effects 43 3.6 Inverted-L Antenna (ILA) 45 3.7 Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) 48 CHAPTER 4 Standard procedure for Implementation and Measurement on designing Antennas 51 4.1 Design Method and Realization 51 4.2 Measurement in Anechoic Chamber 53 4.2 .1 Anechoic Chamber 53 4.3 Created Antenna Model for three of frequency bands 56 4.3 .1 To turn dimensions of element A 56 4.3 .2 To turn dimensions of element B 57 4.3 .3 To turn dimensions of element C 59 4.3 .4 Return Loss result between Simulation and Measurement 60 4.3 .5 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 2.4GHz 61 4.3 .6 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 3.4GHz 63 4.3 .7 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 5.4GHz 65 4.3 .8 The photograph of type-1 antenna 66 4.3 .9 2D measured Radiation Patterns 67 4.4 Fine tuning Antenna as Type 2 70 4.4 .1 Features of Type-2 antenna 70 4.4 .2 Return Loss result between Simulation and Measurement 71 4.4 .3 The photograph of type 2 antenna 72 4.4 .4 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 2.4G.Hz 73 4.4 .5 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 3.4G.Hz 74 4.4 .6 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 5.4G.Hz 75 4.4 .7 2D measured Radiation Patterns 76 2D measured Radiation Pattern at XY Plane 76 2D measured Radiation Pattern at YZ Plane 77 2D measured Radiation Pattern at XZ Plane 78 CHAPTER 5 Simulation and Measurement for Proposed Antenna 79 5.1 Simulation results about tuning resonant elements 79 5.1 .1 To turn dimensions of element A 79 5.1 .2 To turn dimensions of element B 80 5.1 .3 To turn dimensions of element C 82 5.2 Measurement and Simulation results 85 5.2 .1 Return Loss results between Simulation and Measurement 85 5.2 .2 The photograph of proposed antenna 88 5.2 .3 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 2.4GHz 89 5.2 .4 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 3.4GHz 90 5.2 .5 Current Intensity and Distributed Density at 5.4GHz 91 5.2 .6 2D measured Radiation Patterns 92 2D measured Radiation Pattern at XZ Plane 92 2D measured Radiation Pattern at XZ Plane 94 2D measured Radiation Pattern at YZ Plane 95 5.3 Features of proposed antenna 96 5.4 Summary of comparison table 96 CHAPTER 6 Conclusion and Future Work 97 6.1 Conclusion 97 6.2 Future Work 98 Reference 99 Appendix 103 Paper

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