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研究生: 林伯翰
Bo-Han Lin
論文名稱: 小型電動車之車位偵測與自動停車控制
Parking Space Detection and Auto-Parking Control of a Small Electric Vehicle
指導教授: 黃緒哲
Shiuh-Jer Huang
口試委員: 陳亮光
Liang-kuang Chen
Bo-Chiian Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 環境偵測自動停車FPGA路徑規劃模糊滑動模式控制(FSMC)
外文關鍵詞: surroundings information, optimal path
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:5
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In this thesis, the embedded platform (FPGA) automatic parking control system is constructed by four Independent wheel-motor electric vehicle. It can be classified into three parts. The first part is to collect the surroundings information around the vehicle and measure the distance between the vehicle and object by using ultrasonic sensors. Next step, analyzes the size of parking space and relative distance by triangle geometry. The second part is planning the optimal path according to size and distance information. There are parallel parking (P.P.) and garage parking (G.P.) two kinds of path. The path of P.P. is designed by the combining function which combination of two arcs, and path of G.P. is planned by the quarter circle and straight line. It can be shortest and no collision by maximize process. The last part, Fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC) calculates steering angle position command in trace control and comply with steer by wire (SBW). The experiment of automatic parking mission uses electric vehicle which size is half of normal vehicle to verify. The tracking trajectory is regulated by used encoder of four wheels and SBW. The feedback control acts on relationship between estimates actual path by dynamic vehicle model and planning trajectory. It's used to build the strategy of intelligent automatic parking system.

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 偵測周圍環境 2 1.2.2 停車路徑設計與軌跡追蹤控制 2 1.3 研究動機 4 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 系統架構 6 2.1 車輛模型 6 2.1.1 低速轉向二自由度模型 7 2.2 硬體架構 9 2.2.1 車架結構 9 2.2.2 動力系統 10 2.2.3 轉向系統 13 2.3 超音波感測器 15 2.3.1 感測器規格 15 2.3.2 超音波測距原理 17 2.3.3 通訊模式 19 2.3.4 超音波角度解析 21 2.4 行車控制系統 23 2.4.1 控制器 24 2.4.2 回授感測器 25 2.5 線控轉向系統 26 第三章 系統控制分析 30 3.1 車輛動態模型分析 30 3.2 路邊停車軌跡規劃 33 3.3 倒車入庫軌跡規劃 38 第四章 控制理論 41 4.1 模糊滑動控制器(FSMC) 41 第五章 實驗結果與討論 46 5.1 自動停車控制器之實現 46 5.2 超音波偵測周圍環境之實驗結果 47 5.3 路邊停車之實驗結果 53 5.4 倒車入庫之實驗結果 66 第六章 結論與未來展望 71 6.1 結論 71 6.2 未來展望 71 參考文獻 72

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